Looking at Tachibana and Goton Jakura, he couldn't help but frown. Is my Jakura's appearance so reliable? Am I really suitable for darkness?

Jakura glanced at the dark imitation ring in his hand. For some reason, Jakura felt that he was deeply hit.

At this time, Gogoto and Tachibana finally discovered Jakura.

Looking at Jiagu La, Yu Yan asked: "Who are you and what is this place?"

"Jagulasjagula, who are you,"

Listening to Jakura's words, Tachibana told Jakura about this mission, which immediately made Goyan on the side very dissatisfied.

"Tachibana, why do you tell him about us? This is our business and has nothing to do with him."

"Okay, the owner of this spaceship wants to see you, come with me,"

As he spoke, Jiagu La walked towards the main control room with Yuyan Heli,

Here, Lin Tian once again borrowed Lei's name, saying that he came from another universe and heard a cry for help from this universe, so he rushed over.

"I am Leonix from Earth in another universe. I have the ability to control monsters. I'm sorry for King Red's attack on you just now."

At this time, Jagula also heard what Lin Tian said and felt that he was hallucinating.

Just now, he had tricked himself into joining the darkness. At this moment, he started telling Kai that he was protecting the world and even apologized.

At this moment, Jia Gula was a little confused about what Lin Tian was going to do.

The top of the Destroyer, now looking at Kai so gently,

However, that terrifying darkness made Jia Gula know that Lin Tian was definitely not who he said he was. Protecting the world, haha, destroying the world was not enough.

At this moment, Jagula couldn't help but start to worry about Kai. "Poor baby,"

I don't know why, but at this time, Jagula was very happy.

(Thank you all Yanzu Pan An for your support, please give me flowers, please give me monthly votes and comments, please give me everything).

Chapter 28 Kai’s assist, Jagula’s “despair”, can’t escape (please subscribe,)

At the same time, Dyna, the cosmic villain, called Gauss through the voice call between Ultra Warriors.

"Can you hear me, can you hear me, Musashi?"

When he heard Asuka's voice call, Musashi didn't know if he had changed the answer. The last time he answered Asuka's voice call, it was almost gone.


Asuka: "I need your help,"

Hearing Asuka's words, Musashi couldn't help but change his expression. The last time Asuka asked for help, he failed miserably. If Justice hadn't arrived in time, he might have been doomed.

Hearing Asuka's request for help again this time, Musashi wondered if he should take Justice with him, just in case.

Musashi quickly said: "What happened?"

"Don't worry, it's not Kaz this time. There is a guy who is using monsters to disrupt the order of the universe. Please help me."

When Dana said it wasn't Kaz, Musashi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It would be fine if it wasn't Kaz.

He said to the flying bird: "Where do you want me to go?"

"Need to travel through time and space,"

Hearing Asuka say this, Musashi felt very familiar. When he met Kaz, Asuka probably said the same thing when he asked for help.

"That means going to another universe, right?"

Hearing Musashi's words, Asuka was confused. Are we talking about the same topic? "Why use such complicated words?"

Hearing Asuka's embarrassed tone, Musashi smiled and said, "I'll go right away. The destination is where you are,"

"Yeah, that helps a lot,"

Hearing Asuka say this, Musashi always had an ominous premonition for some reason. Just in case,

Musashi left a message to Justis, saying that he would accept the request of Dana, the cosmic delinquent, and go to another universe.

Then he looked at the monster behind him and said with a smile: "Since some people are using monsters to do evil, how can I do nothing?"

With that said, he transformed into Gauss, opened the space-time channel, and set off to the next place.

Lin Tian's side,

Kai couldn't help showing a happy expression when he looked at Jagula,

Then he told Jakula the task assigned to him by the Light of Uub, which was to find out about the servant of Baal.

Jakura can also help him. After hearing Kai's words, Jakura felt that his savior had come, and then he agreed with great difficulty.

However, Jakula was speechless looking at the innocent Kai, "I still want to do the mission. Damn, do you know where you are now? I'm still in the mood to do the mission.

Are you blind? You can't feel the terrifying guy in front of you,"

At this time, Lin Tian also glanced at Jia Gula thoughtfully, asking Jia Gula to say what he wanted to say to Kai without daring to say it.

At the same time, Lin Tian also knew that these two people were Yu Yan and Tachibana.

And it was because of Yu Yan's death that Jia Gula angrily cut off the Tree of Life.

Then Tachibana told Lin Tian what he had just told Jagula,

Moreover, Tachibana and Gogoto also found out through the conversation between Jakura and Kai that Kai was the giant just now.

At the same time, I also learned that Lin Tian could actually control monsters.

However, for Gogoto and Tachibana, what interests them most is the topic of Ultraman Orb, especially the fact that their Majesty the Queen can also become a giant.

According to what Gogoto and Tachibana said, Xi Ling set the destination of the disc spacecraft to where Gogoto and the others were going.

In the words of the Ultra Warriors, Jagula and Yu Yan have not yet established a bond.

"I didn't expect that there would be someone with the same ability to transform as Queen Amaterasu. It's really surprising!" Lin Tian looked at Yu Yan and said with some surprise,

Regarding his expression control, Lin Tian feels that his acting skills can reach full marks.

It would have been perfect if Kate hadn't rolled her eyes.

"Well, we call him the God of War. Only those who inherit the royal bloodline can become the God of War."

"But Her Majesty Queen Amaterasu has never transformed!"

The two women revealed all the details of their country with every word they said to each other.

Lin Tian was speechless after hearing what Goyan and Tachibana said.

But he had to answer the question: "That person named Cai Qi, he is the one who is eyeing your Majesty the Queen. Then why don't we just go to him directly?" Lin Tian looked at Yu Yan and said,

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Jia Gula also nodded,

Jakura is not interested in the topic of becoming a giant. After all, he is not a giant now. If he was, he would be interested.

On the contrary, what Gogoto and Tachibana said before about the threat to their country was more helpful to Kai in completing his mission.

The task assigned to Kai by the Warrior Summit is to find out the mastermind behind the control of the cosmic demon Baalsibul. After listening to the two women's stories, Jagula identified the target person, and it was Cai Qi!

As for whether he made a mistake in judgment, wrongfully accused a good person, and ultimately led to the failure of Kai's trial mission..., it's nothing, it's not his mission anyway,

But the most dangerous thing right now is getting rid of this scary guy.

Lin Tian didn't know what Jiagu La was thinking, but he felt that the talented doctor Yu Yan mentioned should be very interesting.

When I watched the original game, I only focused on watching Ultraman fight monsters, and I only had a rough idea of ​​the plot.

But it doesn’t matter. If you have strength, is the plot important?

At this time, Yu Yan said: "I said I didn't launch an attack because I had other plans."

"This is what the captain said," Tachibana said while looking at several people.

"It's the former captain"

The cold Yu Yan corrected him seriously: "He is no longer the captain, don't forget,"

"It's a secret plan, then let's go find out the plan." Keira said, pulling at Jakura next to him.

Hearing Kai's words, Jagula couldn't help but feel happy, and thought in his heart: "I didn't expect that this guy Kai is still smart, so hurry up and leave."

"So, you are willing to help us,"

"Since that guy is the demon who controls the universe, then where he is is also our destination. As the saying goes, when you go out, you rely on friends.

By the way, Lin Tian, ​​come too, let us solve this matter together,"

Jagula, who was still praising Kai in his heart, now wanted to kill Kai.

Brother, you are an Ultra Warrior, can't you even see the darkness?

At this moment, Jakula deeply doubted why Orb's Light would choose this guy.

Orb's Light: I want to know this too. Run away, brother.

But Kai didn't hear Jagula's voice, but looked at Lin Tian eagerly. After all, the Red King summoned by Lin Tian was so powerful.

At this time, Jagula said: "Hey, Kai, didn't you say this is your mission? This will only hinder us from completing the mission."

Hearing Jia Gula's words, Lin Tian smiled slightly. At this time, Lin Tian also saw that Jia Gula wanted to run.

"Did you run away? As long as the Dark Imitation Ring is in your hand, I don't know where you will go," Lin Tian couldn't help but think while looking at Jia Gula.

After hearing Kai's words, Yuyan and Tachibana couldn't help showing excitement on their faces, and then looked at Lin Tian eagerly,

The two of them had also seen the battle between King Red and Bemonstein just now. Even the giants were no match for King Red. How powerful they were.

With this person's protection, I'm really safe now.

"But they are going to a place where space demons are everywhere. How pitiful and dangerous,"

Jakura looked at Kai and retorted: "Then you should tell them not to approach the planet because of the reason, and we are not going for a picnic,"

At the same time, Jagula kept saying in his heart: "Brother, hurry up and leave, don't worry about so much,"

(Please give me flowers, monthly votes, and evaluation votes. Thank you Yanzu Pan An for your support. The author is very grateful).

Chapter 29: What do you think about Lin Tian having power? (Please subscribe for more updates)

Hearing Jia Gula's words, Lin Tianyi said solemnly: "Okay, I will accompany you to the planet Zaiyin. The guy who threatens the universe will never be let go."

"Apart from me," Lin Tian couldn't help but think,

At this moment, Lin Tian instantly grew taller in the eyes of Yu Yan and Tachibana.

"Thank you Lin Tian,"

At the same time, Yu Yan looked at Jia Gula and retorted: "We also have a mission,"

Tachibana took Yuyan's words and continued to say: "The person who escaped is our captain. I, our mission is to catch the captain back,"

"In that case, let's complete the mission together and send you back to your planet when the time comes.

And I can return to the earth where I am. "

Lin Tian looked at Yu Yan, and Tachibana and Kai spoke sincerely, especially when they mentioned the word "Earth", they paused slightly.

But Kate on the side heard Lin Tian's words and turned around and left. I don't know if she couldn't help it anymore.

At this time, Kai heard what the two said and said to Gagula: "I want to ask their queen how to face the fate of turning into a giant,"

Then, without looking at Gagula's desperate eyes, he looked at Yu Yan and said: "Let me ask you, Her Majesty the Queen has royal blood, right? She is born with the ability to turn into a giant. She is my predecessor,

So I asked her how she faced this power,"

"Queen Amaterasu is different from you,"

"She is the opposite of you,"

"Queen Amaterasu doesn't want that kind of power, but you are completely different. You are eager to gain power and want to use this power to fight,"

"There must be sacrifices in battle, but Her Majesty the Queen will never allow this to happen,"

Yu Yan and Tachibana answered Kai one after another,

"Then Her Majesty the Queen and I are quite similar,

Lin Tian, ​​you have such power, can you tell me what you think," Kai looked at Lin Tian and asked, although he knew that Lin Tian could not become huge,

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