Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 117 Mo Lin enters the arena and cuts off my face and kills my parents! You are not the same

Upon seeing this, Qiao Grama's eyes flashed with regret.

The delicate face had a fatal attraction to him, but he was not interested in this completely old face.

As if to perceive the look of Qiao Grama's transformation and recovery, she was also dissatisfied with her current skin. The queen who was disturbed by good things also said with no expression:

"Come in."

The tone was rather cold, even mixed with a little impatience.


The old prince walked in with a respectful look, first saluted the old queen, and then exchanged etiquette with Qiao Grama.

Finally, I talked about the outside situation.

"Bandits with outsiders broke into the treasure house of our royal family?!"

Hearing this, the wrinkles on the queen's face could not help but deepen:

"There is nothing special in our royal family that makes other people so worried.

At this point, she suddenly woke up.

"The bandits are here for the crown!!"

The royal family of Moses, who can be called a treasure, is the only one that she wears.

"No, absolutely can't let this crown be snatched by them!!"

The old queen didn't appear on the surface, but inside her heart was the endless killing intent against the group of bandits with ulterior motives.

To cut my face is to kill my parents!!

This is an unshakable hatred!!

"Did you take them down?!"

The old queen's tone was murderous.

"not yet?"


The old queen suddenly raised her tone.

"What do you eat?!"

Her tone became colder and colder, and the cold light in her eyes surged, staring closely at her son.

"I have arranged for someone to deal with it, and I must end this riot soon.

"Better so~"

The old queen said coldly, "Otherwise, it will disturb the group of guests outside, but because my royal family is incompetent, you will lose the entire royal family's face!!"

"I know your mother."

The old prince's head dropped as he was taught, and he nodded again.

It's just that in the process of nodding, his eyes flickered slightly from an angle that no one could see.

"Perhaps, the staff is right. Although I am a prince, but in fact, the days when I am not much better than a pet dog should change."

His fist slowly clenched in the sleeve of his shirt.

"Since Mother is fine, the minister there will resign first."

The old prince gave a standard courtesy and planned to step back slowly.

And at this time~

Boom boom boom.

The door was knocked once again.

"Who is this again?!"

Being disturbed by noise one after another has made the old queen's patience almost exhausted.

However, no one outside the room answered her question.


The queen's eyebrows are firm, what is going on today, why is everyone touching her brows?


She was about to yell, but was stopped by Bridgegrama.

At this moment, he didn't have the same dog-licking appearance at all.

A trace of dignity flashed in the eyes of wisdom that became gentle and gentle again.

"It's not a good thing to come from outside!!'

His tone was quite jealous.

Although he looks like a pig brother in front of the queen, this does not mean that he is incompetent.

Being able to stay in the Ferry Hall of V5 for so many years, in terms of keen eyesight and observation of the environment, it is absolutely no problem.

"Are they the gangsters?!"

The queen was nervous immediately, no longer the prestige when she reprimanded the old prince just now.

She knew that no matter how much the old prince scolded, she would not do anything to her, but the gangsters outside went crazy and everything was unpredictable.

"Hurry up and call someone to stop the assassin outside!!"

The queen is also well aware of Bridgegrama's professional ability, and believes in his judgment.

When he hugged the crown in his arms tightly, he screamed in surprise.

"Don't shout~"

The door of the house opened gently, "Even if you break your throat, no one will come to rescue you. Well, this is a bit strange to say."

Mo Lin Shi Shiran walked in.

"Sure enough, those assassins and bandits!!"

The old prince came to the front of the old queen, stretched out his arms, and said awe-inspiringly:

"I won't let you touch one of my mother's hair!!"

What he said was very upright and upright, but if he didn't look at his slight turning, he seemed to be looking for a way out of eyeballs.

I knew that the thoughts in his heart were not like what he showed.

"Don't worry, I didn't have any interest in your old woman's mother."

"Although it is not very respectful, this is the fact.

Mo Lin shrugged in the face of the old queen that almost rose to the shape of pig liver.

"Strictly speaking, I actually came to you.

Instead, Mo Lin looked at the old prince with a full posture.

"Find me?!"

He was startled first, and then saw Mo Lin snatch someone in from outside the door.

The moment he saw that man, the old prince's complexion changed drastically.

Because it was not someone else who was caught by Mo Lin, it was the fat officer who had just spoken and ordered to go down the mission.

At this moment, when he was caught by Mo Lin, his situation seemed rather miserable.

Both hands and feet were irregularly twisted, and even the fat mouth was full of blood stains.

If you look closely, you will find that inside the swollen mouth, there is already a piece of Guangxiuxiu.

There were no teeth at all.

"When I interrupted his hands and feet, I thought he made a pig-killing noise too noisy. In order to prevent him from crying out in pain, I broke his teeth.,

Mo Lin said flatly, "But I only remembered later that the source of the sound is the vocal cords, throat and tongue. The teeth do not seem to be included.

"When I was about to cut off his tongue, I found that even if I broke all the teeth, he endured the pain and stopped uttering a word.

"This actually achieved my goal."

Having said this, the fat officer who was beaten up with blood on his face raised his head slightly, and showed an ugly smile with difficulty.

"I have to say that guys who know the current affairs will always make people more comfortable to get along with~"

"It's easier to leave a life."

The old prince was already full of iron, and his subordinates were treated like this, and he was beaten in the face.


Only two words squeezed out between his teeth.

But he did not act rashly.

The other party can touch here quietly, and it's so easy to subdue his subordinates.

The old prince still knew the abilities of this fat officer.

The ability and ability may not be much, but the ability to steer the rudder and save life is ranked top in the country.

Even so, he still fell into the opponent's hands, and his appearance was still so miserable.

This is a gangster who acted unscrupulously, and the old prince would not provoke the other party and throw his life away for the sake of his momentary spirit.

Just as he was gritting his teeth secretly~

"So that's it, is it the Nen?"

I saw Qiao Grama suddenly curled up Erlang's legs with ease, "No wonder I can break in here, but I have some skill."

"But if you have only one person, you are destined to be unable to escape from here."

It just so happens that the life of the Nen required for the crown is not there?

And it was delivered by myself!!

After speaking, he clapped his hands confidently.


There were crisp applause, but nothing happened.

"々, eh??"

His face gradually became uncontrollable.

"Are you calling those two twin brothers who are clearly black and white, but look exactly the same?"

Mo Lin said calmly, "If it's those two people, I would advise you to be wasting your efforts."

"You will go down to accompany them sooner or later.

The two bodyguards at the door were taken the first time Mo Lin arrived.

"! !! "

Hearing Mo Lin's words, Qiao Grama can't understand the meaning anymore, then he is a fool!

His original smile on the winning ticket gradually disappeared, but what he got was a gloomy face.

"You are not the same as the gangsters I have seen."

He frowned and tried to achieve a certain effect from speaking skills:

"How can you return? You can make a price. If you can, I can satisfy you.

Qiao Grama sat down in a leisurely manner, and put up a posture and a stand there again:

"A person like you should be very clear about what they want, and what they should do and what they should not do."

"In front of you, are the queen and direct prince of the royal family of Moses, as well as important officials of V5.

"If it's not good for us, live, you're absolutely (promise) to the whole world!"

"You should know how many guest nobles in the hall outside, they are all here for this celebration.

"Like them, we are all figures belonging to the upper class. Once we are disadvantaged, those who come to the conference will definitely not sit idly by."

"Which is more serious, I think you should be able to see it clearly.

If it is an ordinary gangster, there is nothing to say at all. Trying to save one's life is the first choice.

But if it is an upper-class gangster like Mo Lin who looks very calm and has a clear consideration of his goals and behavior, Qiao Grama would be willing to talk to him.

However, in the eyes of Qiao Grama, gangsters and nobles are divided into good and bad and upper and lower.

He would be happy to encounter such a clear-headed upper-class gangster, at least contact with such a person, and after some persuasion, he can easily save his life.

Of course, the premise is that the direct target of the other party is not directed at oneself.

Otherwise, in any case, the result will be cold.

However, the other party had already said that it was to trouble the old prince, and that Bridge Gramma could negotiate terms without worrying about it.

He believes that with his own power and position in the world, even gangsters will be afraid to buy things.

There is no bandit who dares to touch V5's spearhead.


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