Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 119 The secret of the crown! Dark Sonata!! You can't take this thing away!

Mo Lin pressed the struggling head of the old prince, sinking deeply into the group of powder, letting the powder envelop his head.

In addition to the mouth, there are also noses, clear eyes, and ears. But wherever there are gaps, the old prince is filled with white, non-thorny things!!

"This is the result you have spent so many years cultivating, so let you be the first to enjoy the effect of this result~~"

The old prince made a "woooo" sound, struggling violently there.


Under the palm of Mo Lin's hand, he couldn't make any waves.

Can only passively accept this-cut!!

Qiao Grama and the old queen were so frightened by the sight that they did not dare to breathe.

As time went by, the old prince's movements and struggles became smaller and smaller.

In the end, his arm gradually stopped struggling and fell weakly.

"Sure enough, the effect of the medicine is indeed very strong, very strong.

Mo Lin brought up the old prince and found that his wide-open eyes were bleeding outside.

The same goes for ears, nose and mouth.

"Seven orifices bleed, and can't you die?"

Mo Lin probed his snort and after confirming that he was indeed dead, he left him casually.

"It's cheaper for you.

Although this method of death was cruel enough, Mo Lin felt that it was not enough.


Lifting the fat officer who was still panting on the ground with his feet, the bones on his body cracked a lot again, Mo Lin brought Qiao Grama and the old queen in front of them.

"What do you want?!"

Bridgegrama's nerves tightened suddenly.

"Looking at you like this, you have already entered the queen's harem, and you are more familiar with the palace of Mosesiyah than with your own home."

"Don't you tell me, with your wit, you don't understand what happened here in the kingdom of Moses and what will happen next?"

Mo Lin patted the [Truth Words Patch] that was easily torn from his body just when he was kicking Fatty Fei.

"You should know that I have the ability to tell the truth. Are you going to say it passively after taking a meal, or do you want to be frank and lenient and cooperate honestly?"

"I choose to cooperate actively!!"

Qiao Grama replied quickly.

At the moment of life and death, he certainly knew what to do.

"very good!"

Mo Lin nodded, "You are also a person who knows current affairs.

After speaking, he "slapped" and pressed the [truth sticker] on his forehead.

Bridge Grammar who was still relieved: "???""

I'm obviously very cooperative, and don't you praise me for being knowledgeable about current affairs?


Mo Lin, who apologized, didn't have any sincerity:

"I just think it’s a little safer, and I also said that I don’t like trouble, it’s faster, and it’s good for both of us.,

"and "

He turned his head and looked at the old queen who was tightly guarding his chest by his side. To be precise, it was the crown in his chest and the old queen with a nervous look on her face.

"I heard what you said in the house just now."

"I am very interested in what you are about to talk about. What kind of thing is it that needs the life of the Nen to be effective?"

After Mo Lin finished speaking, Qiao Grama didn't do anything, but the queen screamed in shock:

"do not want!!

The voice is high-pitched, sharp and ear-piercing, it is simply unimaginable that such a harsh sound can be made by an old lady in her nineties!

"I will give you whatever you want, you can't take this thing, you can't take it!!"

She screamed again and again, her figure kept retreating back, and she quickly retreated to the wall.

After realizing that he had nowhere to go, seeing Mo Lin didn't pay much attention to him, just staring at her with calm eyes.

A woman's natural feeling in this aspect made her immediately understand:

The other party absolutely refuses to let her go, and this thing in her arms!!

After comprehending this, her horrified eyes immediately became extremely crazy and spiteful.

"You gangster, thief, scum, villain, pervert, shameless bastard

The old queen, who knew it was inevitable, opened her mouth and blew out a series of swear words.

"you shut up!!"

In the end, without waiting for Mo Lin to take action, Qiao Grama yelled instead, interrupting the old queen's speech and letting her go back abruptly.

"Your T-M's stinky sign, if it wasn't for your face that looked like my first love, and really beautiful, I would like to do things for you, a dead old lady who is more than ninety years old?!"

"What are you like, don't you have a little bit of it in your heart? Such a good sense of yourself?! You are nothing but the crown, stupid, brainless, and more than failing."

An impromptu freestyle came from Qiao Grama on the spot. The sound was loud and the rhythm caught ears. Mo Lin was a little surprised by his talent in this area.

Under the effect of [True Words Stickers], anything that comes to mind will be spoken out.

It seems that Qiao Grama also accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction with the old queen, and all vented it at this moment.

"you you "

The old queen was completely dumbfounded by Qiao Grama's messy spray.

She was "you you you" for a long time, but she couldn't say a complete sentence, she could only let the tears roll in her eyes.

"The royal family of Mosesbia tried to use unique products to invade other countries. I do know that people who come here often, but I didn't care about it."

[Truth Words Sticker] The effect was activated, and Qiao Grama said all the previous thoughts in his heart one by one:

"Anyway, this has nothing to do with me, and V5 is also happy to see the more turmoil in the Aizhen continent, so that it will not threaten their dominance."

"Furthermore, during the war, when the arms business was extremely prosperous, there was an arms company under my own name, and it had already signed a cooperation order with the Kingdom of Moses."

Qiao Grama said that he was not only a high-ranking official in the V5 Ferry Terminal, but also an arms dealer who made a fortune in the war.

"Not only the Kingdom of Moses, but also the seven countries that are going to attack together, I have already contacted, and I originally planned to sign a cooperation order with them after this dinner."

He said all this truthfully.

Obviously already knows the plan of the kingdom of Mosesbia, and clearly knows that there will be a country and its people who will suffer the great suffering and crisis that will follow.

But he was still indifferent, and instead regarded it as an opportunity to make money, selling his arms there.

…0 Seeking flowers-

Mo Lin continued to listen to his narration blankly, and didn't do much.

"The crown worn by Queen Mosesbia can restore the beauty of a young man, and it can be refined to become a peerless appearance, and the effect of making people the most beautiful person."

"This crown has almost this effect, there are two possibilities.

One may be due to the fact that certain queens who have been particularly demanding for their faces in the past have too deep obsessions, and after death they turn into mental power to wrap around the crown. "

Mind power is the power to use qi.

Qi, which represents a person's spirit, is the energy of life.

In this world, if someone has worked hard to do everything they can, they have what they want to do, or they have put in a lot of hard work to accomplish certain things.

These will unknowingly entangle the qi leaking from the Aura Nodes to form thoughts.

After people die, they will have certain grievances and obsessions.

If it's a normal obsession, it's okay, and it doesn't have any aggressiveness.

Such thoughts mostly appear in the artworks produced by some artists.

This is why Gon and Killua can pick up so many leaks in the flea market through observation.

But if it is something that is too deformed, it is easy to have some problems.

They are not like the thoughts that are normally entangled on objects, which bring neither harm nor certain effects.

On the contrary, these more peculiar thoughts often have some peculiar effects, but similarly, they may also have some dangerous back-phagocytic side effects.

This is probably the case with the crown on the head of the old queen.

Mo Lin also looked around, this crown is indeed very beautiful.

He also admitted that it was the most beautiful thing he had seen in his life.

After all, it is a forged product made up of several of the seven beautiful colors.

But for something with this kind of appearance, Mo Lin cares more about its effect than its beauty.

"With the deceased princesses of past dynasties lamenting their aging face, more and more obsessions left behind after death, will such an effect be formed?"

Mo Lin thought so, but soon felt something was wrong.

"If it is Nen's thoughts after death, it is not surprising to achieve this effect, but if it is just ordinary people's past dynasties, the intensity of the remaining thoughts is simply impossible to reach this level?!"

"If the princesses in the past really had Nen, they would either have developed the ability to maintain their graceful appearance, or they would have developed other abilities and didn't mind their appearance."

"All in all, it's possible that this crown may be entangled with thought power, but the intensity of the thought is too high to produce peculiar effects, which is a bit exaggerated, especially the limitation of ability, and the life of the Nen person."

"Or, is this the effect of the seven beautiful colors? Kurapika and the Kuhu Luta tribe are able to develop two different types of Nen because of their peculiar bloodline with red eyes."

Mo Lin guessed like this, and he heard Joegram slowly talking about the second possibility:

"The second possibility of creating the role of this crown, according to our guess..."

He gave an answer that made Mo Lin both surprised and reasonable:

"Maybe from the Dark Sonata.

"Dark Sonata?

Hearing this term, Mo Lin's heart moved. door,

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