Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 170 Announcement of the list!! [Props Master] Mo Lin! The name spread out!! Why is that bast

"The purpose of the Zoldyck family is that as long as there is a commission for the assassination business, we will take it."

Zeno said lightly, "There are no orders that we don't accept."

"So even if it was commissioned to assassinate our family members, we still did not miss it."


He raised his head, looked at Mo Lin's eyes, and said calmly:

"That said, although we can accept all orders, but the premise is that you must be able to come up with remuneration that meets our entrustment."

"If you can't get it out, then everything is forgive."

"In addition~"

Zeno took a serious look at Mo Lin:

"Even if you really come up with a reward that meets our requirements, if someone orders you to assassinate you afterwards~"

"The price we give will be reduced to the lowest."

"Is that so?"

Mo Lin lightly forehead, "I understand."

He didn't have any questions, but Zeno asked a question that had been held in his heart for a long time.

"Why do you know about Aluga."

Zeno looked at Mo Lin quietly, and his gaze was very firm.

For their Zoldyck family, Aluga is a taboo topic that cannot be mentioned.

If one is not good, not just their Zoldyck family, maybe even the entire six continents will fall for it.

"Because Aluka comes from that place~"

Mo Lin leisurely gave Zeno an answer:

"You should know that any man who is unwilling to be lonely will have endless yearning for that place."

"Dark Continent?"

Zeno nodded clearly:

"So relying on your props to learn about some things related to the Dark Continent, it's really not difficult to think about it."

Mo Lin said a word, Zeno himself gave the answer.

At the same time, he also fell into some silence and memories.

His father is just such a person.

Obviously born in the suicide world, but in his bones there is a desire for adventure.

Even though Netero had placed a high-priced commission, if it wasn't for his father who wanted to go to that place himself, otherwise he would not follow the order.

Thinking of this, Zeno sighed slightly.

"If you need anything in the future, just send us a commission."

The doubts in his heart were resolved, and Zeno had no reason to stay.

After reading this last sentence, Zeno's toes were a little bit, and the whole person flew out immediately.

After a while, I saw a golden dragon circling in the sky.

"Need it?"

Mo Lin glanced in that direction and couldn't help but shook his head slowly:

"Probably not used.

The news of the establishment of the twelve earthly branches was personally issued by the Hunter Association and reported to V5 for archives.

A list of bright red seals was stamped on it, which was also posted and posted on the Internet for publicity to the world.

It can be said that all the processes are very formal, and people can't find any faults when they look at it.

As soon as this list came out, there was a slight disturbance in the Hunter Association.

The twelve Hunters who can be recognized by Netero and participate in the management of the Hunter Association basically represent the twelve most powerful people in Hunter.

Parisstone, who is about to become vice president, is okay.

Mija Aston, he is very upright and trustworthy in character.

Kang Jae, except for his hot temper, everything else is good.

Pjorn, well, very professional.

Potter White, there is no need to worry about this at all, it is completely fine.

Gai Lu, her poison seems to be quite powerful, so don't provoke it.

Sa Qiu? The popularity is good, Yinda? The feelings are a little more, but the strength is also one of the best in the association.

Wah Shih Doulang? The super newcomer who has just destroyed the [Kurd Bandit Group] recently?

Drink, he has made such an outstanding achievement at such a young age, the young man has a promising future, the mainstay of the future association!!

Crook? Singing and cultivating plants have a hand~~~

Chidor? Doctor? Can't afford to offend!

Golden Freecss, oh, gold??? Golden?!!

Numerous Hunters all the way from the beginning to the end of the list.

There are also related discussions and controversies about the selection of a certain person in the middle.

But on the whole, it is generally more recognized.

After all, these people selected by Netero, regardless of merit or strength, are obvious to all in the Hunter Association.

Only the last person on this list

Well, although Jin's achievements and strength are actually there, no one questioned it.

But Jin’s willful character led to his popularity in the Hunter Association

"Why would that bastard become the twelve earthly branches?!!"

"Did President Netero make a mistake?! How could he give such an important position to such an unreliable guy with peace of mind?!!

"Chek Hugh, I don't want to be under the leadership of this kind of guy!!"

"That's right! That's right! Drive that bastard Jin out of the twelve earthly branches!!"

"Knock out the twelve earthly branches!!!"

Gradually, this sentence formed a slogan within the Hunter Association.

It is also brewing that many people who watch the excitement or who are happy to see the misfortune join in and jointly oppose the fact that gold becomes the twelve earthly branch.

Well, the newcomer Wah Shih Doulang didn't make too many waves, but Jin-Freecss, a guy with outstanding achievements, was so unwelcome.

The formation of this trend even made Parisstone somewhat unexpected.

Originally, he was thinking of doing some tricks on the position of Hua Shi Doulang's twelve earthly branches.

But now it seems~~~

Forget it, let this matter take its course.

Before he knew it, Jin became Hua Shi Dou Lang's shield.


"This group of bastards, I want them to learn how to respect respect!!"

Kim put on his sleeves and a red cross on his forehead, and went straight off the court.

Hua Shi Doulang stood by to help.

But when the incident escalated, he couldn't control it, so he could only slip away.

Mo Lin didn't care about Jin's business either, because after talking with Zeno, he got a new invitation.

The highest top floor of the Hunter Association.

In the president's office.

The clear spring rang, the bamboo tube filled with water and poured on the pond stones to make a crisp sound, and then continued to receive water, repeating the cycle.

The rooms are decorated in a quaint Japanese style, filled with some peaceful atmosphere of the mountains and forests.

Mo Lin sat at the tea table, savoring a cup of fragrant tea.

The scent of tea entangles the lips and tongue, leaving a mellow aftertaste.


Rao is that Mo Lin has eaten too many foods presented by [Gourmet Tablecloth], and the fragrance of this cup of tea also made him full of praise.

In the Hunter Association, there is a special category called Food Hunter.

Just on the six continents, there are too many fascinating unknown delicacies.

And in that dark continent, which is extremely rich in products and rich in resources, I don't know how there are species that can be cooked.

"How do you like it?"

Netero sitting in front of Mo Lin also smiled with a cup of tea.

"If you like it, then I still have some tea that I once treasured here, so I can give you a little bit."

"Since it's a treasure, then I won't be loved by others."

Mo Lin smiled and refused, "Besides, I can only drink a scent. I can't taste the wonderful taste of too much tea."

"It would be a waste of such good tea for someone like me to drink it.


Nilot put down the tea cup and said with a smile:

"Although you are a member of Phantom Troupe, to be honest, you don't give me too much the unscrupulous feeling of being from Meteor Street.,

"It seems that there is some arrogance of lawlessness and no taboo, but it is not serious to that degree."

"Simply put, it means to be rational. I mean the kind that can communicate.

Netero stroked his beard with one hand, showing a rather interested smile:

"I'm going to invite you to have tea this time, mainly because I want to learn about your props."

"Know my props?"

Mo Lin smiled, "It seems that you, President Netero, also understand my ability."

"Ah, after all, your performance in that Hunter test was really impressive."

Netero nodded.

"But the ability to know is to know, but I have seen very little of your props.

Having said this, his face showed the kind of old naughty smile:

"I heard that the props in your hand have many wonderful effects.

"If you don't mind, would it be convenient for me to open my eyes?"

"My props?"

Mo Lin asked Netero a question:

"Mr. President, you don't even know the function of my props, just give me the title of [the world's top five Nen]?"

In the outside world, in addition to the list of the [Twelve Earthly Branches] which is publicized, the title of [The World's Top Five Nen Persons] 963 was also spread by the Twelve Earthly Branches.

Although there is no official official document, this statement has spread rapidly within the Hunter Association.

After all, these are the five strongest players in the world recognized by the President of Netero himself.

Many people who are keen on martial arts and improve their own strength also have great attention in this regard.

When they learned the specific content of the list.

Netero, Porter White, well, this one is beyond doubt.

Although Zoldyck? is a killer, but it also makes people undeniable that its strength, is also fully qualified to play this position.

[Props Master] Mo Lin? Who is this? I have never heard of it~~~

A group of people inquired about each other and found that many people didn't recognize the name.

Can't help but feel curious.

They didn't doubt that Mo Lin was an unknown person, or that the list was unfair.

This is the world's top five recognized by Netero himself, and it is also spread by the twelve earthly branches.

Even if Netero, who is also ranked among them, has no opinion, it can better explain the gold content of this list.

For a while, all Hunters were feeling:

This [Prop Master] named Mo Lin may be someone who is a hidden practitioner of Nen, a martial artist who is really not keen on fame and fortune, does not walk in the world, and is dedicated to martial arts.

This makes many people once again believe that there are so many hermits in this world, and they must not despise anyone anymore.

At the same time, many people admire Mo Lin, who won the title of the world's top five without saying a word.

He is considered to be a true martial artist with firm will and not to be disturbed by foreign objects.

Some people are curious about Mo Lin, or some people want to meet Mo Lin. Some people even want to ask Mo Lin for advice and try their skills and so on.

All kinds of performances vary.

It can be said that Mo Lin's name was first circulated in the Hunter Association, and it caused quite extensive discussion.

But in any case, many Hunters also deeply remember the name Mo Lin in their hearts.

And when they continued to look down, they saw the very familiar name again

The air of a group of people suddenly became silent.


"Why is that bastard again?!!".

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