Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 180 The cause of everything, the full picture of the event!

V5 is the primary goal!!!

The Kuluta people originally lived in seclusion in the deep mountain area of ​​Kuluta.

When they are emotional, their pupils will turn crimson.

Nowadays, they have suffered the catastrophe of genocide, and the entire ethnic group has suffered unimaginable persecution.

In the original version, during the Phantom Troupe attack, some of the tribe fled, and there was one survivor (maybe more than one).

After all, on the original version of Gunkanjima, there were also deaths in the Kuluta tribe.

But for the survivors who are still alive, Kurapika is definitely the only one.

Adding in the possibility that the body may not have been found, a total of 36 pairs of red eyes were left.

And this time the genocide was the most extreme. It can almost be said that no one can escape except Kurapika, who is outside.

After all, V5 is a huge machine that is launched more closely than the small team mode of Phantom Troupe.

Mo Lin compared his own knowledge of the Kuluta tribe, and he also came up with a more reliable, maybe very close to the actual conjecture:

"Is V5 because of the special physique of the Kuluta people?"

The red eyes are one of the peculiar physiques of the Kuluta people. And when they are emotional, their eyes change into a red like fire~

Correspondingly, there will be changes to the bodies of their holders.

Generally, the personality and mood of the holder will change drastically. Sudden mutations similar to nerves may occur. At the same time, physical strength and psychological endurance will be strengthened.

But this is not the point in Mo Lin's view, just to improve the physical fitness, it does not constitute a reason for V5 to start.

And the special physique of the red eyes in addition to changing the external qualities of these bodies~~~

But there is another important role:

In other words, if the holder of the red eye is a Nen, once the state of the red eye is turned on, the intensity and attributes of the thought will change!!

That's right, this is the most important and critical factor in Mo Lin's view!!

The physique of the Kuluta people is very peculiar. They have the "flaming red eyes", one of the seven most beauties in the world, and the red eyes not only bring them beauty, but also give them extra power.

Under normal conditions, it shows Nen from other departments.

And once they change into fiery red eyes, they will switch to traits or possibly other types.

Their special physique gave them two different types of Nen, which gave the Kuluta a second possibility.

Under normal circumstances, Kurapika is Manipulator, and Nen is [Contract Chain].

Once he turned into a state of fiery red eyes, Nen had one more [absolute time].

Moreover, in the battle with Uvogin, the state of the red eye is that these two kinds of Nen can be used at the same time.

Two types of Nen can be developed, and in battle, both types of Nen can be used without restriction...

It's just a BUG!!

But as long as you think of it, even Jin has that kind of perverted talent, then the Kuluta people have the possibility of two kinds of Nen, it is not so shocked.

It can be said that in the fantasy world of Six Continents, no one knows which race will possess peculiar abilities and special physique.

With a special physique like the Kuluta people, to be honest, Mo Lin is very excited by himself.

If he can have this opportunity himself, he also wants more abilities!!

So for V5, this kind of physique will naturally not let go!!

If there is one more Nen, then their power will explode geometrically.

Whether it is to enter the Dark Continent in the future, or to their rule and increase in strength on the Six Continents, it is absolutely profitable and harmless.

Therefore, it can be justified to send a viable force under his command to encircle the Luta people in the cave.

It's just a pity that the Kuluta people escaped the crisis of Phantom Troupe, but they couldn't escape the subsequent hunt from v5.

The Kuluta people lived in seclusion in this mountainous area a long time ago, no one knows.

Maybe one is to prevent others from attempting to make them red-eyed, and the other is to prevent my red-eyed physique from being able to have two kinds of Nen's secrets at the same time.

Because the Kuluta people know that once these news spread, they will never have a peaceful and harmonious day, there will be no peace!!

Now, the worries of the ancestors of the Kuluta tribe have become reality.

The name of the Kuluta tribe has completely become history.

Perhaps because of the red eyes, one of the seven beauty in the world, it may be left in the history books.

But later, I'm afraid it will be hard to escape the ending that fades away.

This time I shot V5, unlike the Phantom Troupe on the original version, it will definitely not let anyone leak the wind.

Even so, they will be on the safe side. When hunting the Kuluta tribe, they will deliberately pretend to be Phantom Troupe and act with this name and name.

In this way, even if the Kuluta tribe who had slipped through the net escaped, it would be trouble with Phantom Troupe.

The leader of their justice, V5, what's the matter?

"It seems that Phantom Troupe still let V5 not take it seriously, otherwise they would not directly assign the charges to Phantom Troupe~~/^~"

Mo Lin shook his head there and sighed, "Maybe, as Chrollo said, it's time to show his attitude to V5.

"Of course, all of the above are my own personal guesses. What is the real situation, I still have to let the experts come and see."

The expert he was referring to is naturally the best in the online world, and there is almost no serious Internet addiction game teenager, Yixu Kube, who does not know the news and inside stories.

After setting up Fei Jie, Mo Lin entered the online world directly.

"Look for intelligence and news about the recent developments of V5?"

After thinking about the graffiti face of Yixiu Kubei, he took out the card stock:

"That group of guys are very tricky. There are also Nen who specialize in protecting the Internet. If they get information from them, some

"This thing is done, I will give you ideas for three new games.

Mo Lin directly offered a price that was difficult for Yixiu Kube to refuse to give up.

Anyway, there are not too many games like Mo Lin's previous life:

Shooting CS, strategic red alert, role-playing Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed, Grand Theft Auto, etc., can't be counted!!


Sure enough, hearing Mo Lin's bargaining chip, Yixiu Kubei's entire graffiti face directly glowed with a little brilliance.

"I will handle it!!"

He proceeded with this errand very decisively.

Then I saw that the entire virtual cyberspace also brightened up.

Strips of colorful information, like cables, shuttle quickly through the space.

These lights are bright and dark, constantly flashing through the space.

Time just passed by little by little.

Even Yixu Kube, the uncrowned king of virtual networks, is still a little struggling in the face of a network constructed by a behemoth like v5.


Although the uncrowned king does not have a crown, he is also called a king anyway.

Mo Lin saw the movement of the shuttle lines around, and gradually calmed down.

"All right!"

Yixu Kube wiped the sweat off his graffiti face, and he was about to finish his painting.

A small USB flashed in front of him out of thin air.

"There will be what you want in it."


After Mo Lin got the USB flash drive, his figure disappeared instantly.

"I will send you the game later.


After returning to his room, Mo Lin plugged the USB flash drive into the computer and carefully checked the information about V5 this time.

Yixu Kube had already taken a great risk before he got this information.

So even if this information is available, there are still many incomplete places.

But it is enough for Mo Lin to almost understand the whole process of the matter.

When the last picture on the computer screen disappeared~


Mo Lin took a breath, then leaned back on the chair.

"々, I know why even people like Netero who easily intervene in V5 things come back and choose to close their ears."

It was V5 who did the big case of the Luta clan in Xiaku!!

This is certain.

And their purpose is indeed to obtain the second Nen of the fiery eye physique, to improve their strength and right to speak, and to prepare for the future entry into the Dark Continent.

Therefore, they can be said to have sent quite a good elite, as Mo Lin thought~

Disguised as a member of the Phantom Troupe, they slaughtered the Kuluta tribe.

There is no missing fish in the middle.


Some of them were left behind by V5.

Those who survived include adult men, women, teenagers, old people, etc., with characters of all ages.

And the largest number is to count the children.

The people of V5 knocked out all the Kuluta people in this part and took them back.

Even part of the corpses underground, they brought some back in batches.

And the rest, all have their eyes gouged out!!

When he saw this, Mo Lin's eyes were slightly solemn.

He almost guessed why V5 ​​had to save some of the lives of people (Nuo Zhao's) and take away some of the corpses.


If you want to study the secrets of the physique of the Kuluta people's fiery red eyes, and get the method of constructing the second Nen, then you must start from the physique of the Kuluta people.

In other words.

V5 needs some samples for their research.

If it is for research, although the dead are okay, but where the performance and reaction of the living are the most true

After the people in V5 transported the group of Luta people from the cave, they disappeared and lost their lungs.

The situation in the V5 base camp, especially the situation of the Kuluta tribe, will definitely be more guarded.

At the level of Yixu Kube, this step is already very good.

At least Mo Lin is also fully aware of V5's approach and purpose.

"Presumably Netero almost vaguely guessed the truth of the matter and the specimen experiment, so I didn't plan to participate in it?"

"But this matter involves the Phantom Troupe, so there is no such thing as the past~~~"

Mo Lin had no idea about the tragic experience of the Kuluta tribe. This was not caused by Mo Lin. On the contrary, it prevented them from being hunted by Phantom Troupe and lived for a few more years.

In this way, Mo Lin can be regarded as their little benefactor.

What will be the consequences of the Kuluta people? Mo Lin, who has done his best, does not intend to take care of it, and does not want to take care of it.

Now V5 is him, the primary goal of their Phantom Troupe. .

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