Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 271 Abnormal talent! Every fat man is a potential stock! Is there that kind of props that tr

"So you guys are here to eat and talk about things, right, drink milk tea to talk about things?!"

After listening to Kalluto's explanation, Mi Ji was also a little unconvinced:

"So the grandfather of this store came here a hundred years ago. This is really a century-old store?!"

"No wonder!!"

Mi Ji slapped both hands violently, "I said how the food in this restaurant tastes so good to my appetite, and the milk tea is so great!!

"Especially the milk tea made from the goat's milk of Sumulite goats. When you drink it in your mouth, the taste is absolutely breathtaking!!"

When Mi Ji thinks about it now, the saliva in his mouth is constantly secreted.

Kalluto: "Are these the main points I told you just now?!

He looked at his second brother very speechlessly.

Obviously, his second brother has a very good and clever head, and he can even be said to be the smartest person in the whole family.

Well, if you let Killua, Ilmi, Silva and Zeno do math and physics problems, try it out.

They may not only fail to do so, but they will also give you the full package of the last assassination.

But Mi Ji can do it.

From geography and astronomy, to physics and mathematics, and even network code programming, he is a top-notch.

It is even possible that the knowledge of the Moroccan Society contains various specialties such as biology and machinery.

After all, he was able to make so many inventions, and he was able to hack into the official website of the Hunter Association. He is definitely the first-class existence of the Zoldyck family in terms of talents and learning.

So, don't think he is a fat mansion, but people don't die.

Although Killua disrespected Mi Ji and called him a fat pig, it was only aimed at Mi Ji's size.

If something happened in the Zoldyck family, it would have to rely on Mi Ji.

When Killua was about to take Aluga away, there was also a group of people around Mi Ji, and he controlled the surveillance and computers.

And in the process of pursuing Qihao, he also accepted the commission of his eldest brother Yiermi, hacked into Zinian's glasses, and secretly provided information for Yiermi.

It can be said that if the entire Zoldyck family needs to do anything other than murder, the first thing that comes to mind is Moji.


It's such a smart and very reliable man, but sometimes his mind is a little off the line.

This is Zeno's evaluation of Mi Ji, and Kalluto also thinks it is very pertinent.

"If the second brother can lose weight, learn Nen like the eldest brother, and receive good training from the Zoldyck family, then maybe he will be a better killer than Dad.

"such a pity "

Kalluto, who knew Mi Ji's character well, couldn't help shook his head in his heart.

"Spittingly, I didn't expect Xiao Miji to be so insightful, so I chose this store."

Seeing that my younger generations have the same preferences as myself, they both like the kind of goat's milk, and Maha's eyes are drawn up.


Mi Ji hurriedly nodded and greeted him, not daring to neglect.

"Since you are full, you must have a general understanding of the food here."

"And this old man of mine just came here and hasn't been in for a long time. I don't know the changes inside."

"I wonder if Xiao Miji can you tell us about the dishes and refreshments here?"

Maha said with a smile.

"No problem, grandpa!!"

When it came to eating, Mi Ji immediately became energetic, and his waist straightened up immediately.

"Just leave it to me and wrap it on me!!"

He patted his chest vigorously.

The extremely confident light flashing in his eyes made Kalluto a little dazzling.

Kalluto: "Why are you so confident in this kind of thing?!!!"

With Kalluto not knowing what to say, and with Mahana smiling into a chrysanthemum, Mi Ji walked in again.

Then opened the door and made a standard welcome etiquette.

Kalluto: "You are really quite skilled in doing this!"

Why don't you see you being so serious and professional when you are working in the assassination?!

"It's also a talent.

Mo Lin looked at the diligence, and excitedly said to Maha which dish tasted great and which mouth-flavored milk tea was delicious.

Mi Ji, who was eloquently talking there, also found it quite interesting.

Mi Ji's ingenuity is absolutely the world's top, this does not need Mo Lin to give an example.

It's just that he obviously went wrong, or his character and lifestyle caused him to waste his talent.

Indulging in the second dimension, I can’t extricate myself, I love snacks, food, and when I don’t lack money, I feed myself like a ball.

But even so, Moji's current appearance is not bad.

The Zoldyck family is a standard beautiful man. Even if Mi Ji has the same fat face as a ball, he can still see his delicate features.

Every fat man is a potential stock.

This sentence is suitable for Mi Ji's body.

The rich and strong old thief specially painted Mi Ji's appearance, his appearance was similar to that of a soldier.

It even felt a little more feminine than the captain.

If Mi Ji can lose weight, then the Zoldyck family's face will take over.

The "three beauties" in Hunter's world may become "four beauties"~~~

Mo Lin appreciates Mi Ji more, and he still appreciates the uncut jade.

This may be that he has trained many apprentices and gradually has a habit of being a good teacher.

I feel a little itchy when I see talented people with different talents.

However, although Mi Ji has excellent talents, Mo Lin does not intend to train Mi Ji well.

First of all, whether it is Huashi Doulang or Luzlus, they are just in need of strength.

Wah Shih Doulang is eager to become the most powerful fighter in the world.

Luzlus is in the environment in which he lives and needs a certain amount of strength to protect himself.

Even though Luzlus was reluctant to accept Mo Lin's teachings at the beginning, it became "really fragrant" later~

But Mi Ji is different. He has never pursued or wanted to become stronger from the very beginning.

He has no desire in this area.

What Mi Ji wants is to eat, drink and surf the Internet, and spend a good and happy day with his precious little girls and sisters in his little room.

I occasionally engage in scientific research and make some inventions that I am interested in, and I have a very pleasant and happy little life.

Life seems simple, but for Mi Ji himself, it is very fulfilling and interesting.

He likes this kind of life, and is very resistant to training.

It is precisely because of this that he has such an undesirable size in the Zoldyck family, which is known as the world's number one killer family.

And at his age, even Nen has not been taught to develop it.

No, maybe he also got the qualification to be taught Nenka, but he was unwilling to learn.

This also caused him to be easily stabbed in the abdomen by Qi when he ran away from home in Killua a year ago.

And when Killua was influenced by the Il fans, when he returned home from the Hunter Association, he was hanged by Moji and severely beaten with a whip.

He tried to vent, but Killua evaluated the whipping intensity as "I'm falling asleep".

In particular, it can be seen that Mi Ji's strength is really not very good.

Maybe he was the weakest person on the Withered Slaughter except San Mao and the gatekeeper.

Even Canaria, the apprentice housekeeper, can beat him up~~~

But Mi Ji may not care too much about this.

He has never regarded strength as something he must master.

The firmness of his thoughts was so stupefied that even organizations like the Zoldyck family could not be shaken, and while being speechless to him, it allowed him to fend for himself to the point where he is today.

Mo Lin doesn't feel that he has any qualifications and powers to disturb his original life.

What's more, even the people in his own family haven't changed Mi Ji's mind. Mo Lin doesn't think he can play any role as an outsider.

Even if Ma Mi Ji's talent was wasted, it was also his willingness to waste.

Didn't Mi Ji know his talent? He definitely knew it.

But he just didn't want to train. When he found that scientific research could still kill people, he gave up training completely.

Anyway, it is possible to achieve the goal through weapon assassination to complete the commission, so why do you have to work so hard?

People who like to use their brains often don't like to move their legs.

This is not everyone, but it is also the majority.

Mo Lin's impression of Mi Ji is pretty good, and the main one is that Mi Ji beats the odds.

He wasn't venting his anger for himself, he was angry that Killua also stabbed his mother.

Mi Ji is very filial to the family, and also very interesting and playful, but it can be said to be cute.

Baishan's filial piety is the first, and from this we can see how his true character is.

This is the first time Mo Lin and Mo Ji have met. Mo Lin knows Mi Ji, but Mo Ji has never seen Mo Lin.

But since it was the grandfather who personally invited the guests to drink milk tea, Mi Ji certainly wouldn't neglect.

Immediately and politely greeted Mo Lin seated.

He specifically asked for a private room in the store, and also ordered the top sign of the store.

Of course, this meal must be his invitation.

There is absolutely no reason for my grandfather and the guests to entertain guests, and we still have to let their juniors perform.

As for Kalluto~

In Mi Ji's eyes, that was still a 0.8 child, and it would be pretty good to be able to bring it out.

After everyone was seated, the meals were greeted one by one.

When Mi Ji arranged everything, he leaned against Kalluto and gave the entire dining room to Maha and Mo Lin.

The two murmured quietly nearby.

One asked why the other party suddenly appeared in Youkexin City, and one was curious about who the guest was specially invited by the grandfather.

They were talking in whispers there, and Mo Lin and Maha let go and entered the formal meeting.

"Well, old man, if you have anything you want to talk to me, just ask, I will answer if I can answer.

Mo Lin took a sip of milk tea, and the unique milky sweetness bloomed on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, and Mo Lin couldn't help but sigh in admiration:

"It really tastes good!"

Maha accepted Hisoka's entrustment and came to have a good talk with him, so there must be an important thing.

Mo Lin first put aside the secrets of the Dark Continent that Maha knew outside of the six continents, and first asked him to find his own purpose.

"Actually, it is not too important."

Mahana's pleated face smiled: "I just heard that Mr. Mo Lin you have many props."

"I don't know if there are any props that can be traced back to the source?".

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