Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 276 The battle is over! In that state, there is basically no possibility of surviving~

The battle between Hisoka and Chrollo has gradually become intense.

The communication between Mo Lin and Maha has also come to an end.

It has to be said that with an experienced senior like Maha as a guide, Mo Lin's vision and choice of forward direction are undoubtedly broadened a lot.

This information is really valuable, and you can't buy it outside.

"Thank you, old man, for your information, which has benefited me a lot.

Mo Lin picked up the tea cup, "I respect you for this cup of milk tea!"

The two drank milk tea.

Well, obviously I only drank milk tea, but I drank the spirit of dry wine.

This time at the dinner, Mo Lin and Maha can be said to have enjoyed the dinner.

Mo Lin got a lot of useful information from Maha, and Maha also got a good fate with Mo Lin.

Just a meal and the intelligence news of the last era can be exchanged for the favor of a world's top powerhouse. This transaction is indeed worthwhile.

"If you can, you can have a chat with the second child of our family. He is also very handy in invention, which belongs to his own experience and thinking."

Finally, Maha said slowly.

"Maybe it will bring some new inspiration to your props."

But Mo Ji, who once again immersed himself in the dry meal, was a meal and raised his head in confusion.

How come talking about "three, four, three," it has something to do with me?

"If I have the opportunity, I will discuss it with him."

Mo Lin glanced at Mi Ji and said with a smile.


At this moment, there was an earth-shattering explosion from a distant tall building.

"But it seems that it is not now.

Mo Lin put down his bowls and chopsticks and tea cups, "I'm sorry, I'm rude."

Saying hello, Mo Lin got up and left the seat.

Maha watched Mo Lin's back leave.

"How about Kalluto?"

He suddenly said, "Do you still want to join Phantom Troupe?'

"I don't think it's necessary."

Kalluto slowly shook his head, a complex expression flashed across his face:

"I originally thought that although Phantom Troupe is more difficult to deal with, but with my strength, I can also rank in the top."

"But now it seems that I really underestimated them, and even smaller the world."

He sighed slightly: "I still need more experience."

In the original version, Kalluto joined Phantom Troupe as a substitute for Hisoka in order to bring his brother Killua back, becoming the new No. 4.

He originally thought he was the second strength position of the brigade, but when he arrived at Meteor Street with other members and eliminated the chimeric ants, he realized that his strength was quite small in the organization.

But it is undeniable that his strength is very high among his peers.

Even now it is stronger than Killua.

"Then you think about other ways, how to bring little Killua home?"

Maha said with a smile.

Kalluto wants to join the brigade, relying on the power of the brigade to bring back Qi.

But now that I don’t have the intention to join the brigade, I have to find other ways.

"I plan to find my brother now.

Kalluto said, "I spoke to the Kurapika on the phone before, and my brother seems to be staying with the little devil with the hedgehog head."

"They seem to be pooling together money to buy something, and it just so happens that I still have a little deposit in my hand."

"See if you can borrow money to make Brother Killua owe favors and go home with me.

In order to take away the strangeness, it can be said that he also thought of all the methods used.

"Pick up money?"

Hearing this vocabulary, Mi Ji raised his head, "It just so happens that I also want to buy something at this auction, Kalluto, can you lend me a little too?"

"No borrowing, no money!!

Kalluto simply refused directly.

"Shout, it's really ruthless."

Moji's small eyes squinted at Kalluto, "You will get money if you lend to Killua, but you will have no money if you lend to me. You really will treat it differently.

In fact, he felt that his own money was enough to film the game, and when he asked Kalluto, he just said that casually.

Kalluto's refusal was expected by Moji, but it still made him a little unhappy.

"You also said that it was Brother Killua, do you think you can compare with Brother Killua?"

Kalluto gave a deep ridicule to Mi Ji's unconscious cognition.

"I'm older than him, more experienced than him, more brainy than him, and more knowledgeable than him!!"

Mi Ji also glared back unwillingly to show weakness, "I am not better than him in any way?!"

"Brother Killua is thinner than you~"

Kalluto snorted, and the skills of the poison tongue were played to the fullest: "Just this one is enough!"

Mi Ji: ""

This world has done too much damage to the fat man, and he is trembling and cold, can the fat man in this world stand up?!!

Mi Ji felt that if he talked to Kalluto again, he would be humiliating himself.

Simply, he turned his grief and indignation into strength and continued to immerse himself in his food.

I eat fragrant and full, and live a comfortable and worry-free life by myself!!!

The resentful Mi Ji and the slightly disgusted Kalluto, the two juniors of the Hakka family, fell in the eyes of Maha, still letting the corners of his mouth grin half of his face.

"Spit, your relationship is really good."

The violent explosion sound attracted the attention of almost everyone in the neighborhood.

Mo Lin doesn't need to search with props to know that this is definitely the movement caused by the battle between Hisoka and Chrollo.

And judging by the sound and power of the explosion, it was probably the final blow to tell the winner.

As for which side is the winner~~~

If Hisoka did not carry a nuclear weapon similar to that of the Poor Rose like President Netero, then the explosion that caused this kind of momentum was probably Nen stolen by Chrollo.

And let Chrollo use this kind of ability, it basically can be regarded as having locked the victory.

Such an explosion can be more powerful than the explosion caused by the duel of the two in the sky arena in the original version.

At that time, Hisoka had been blown up all over his body, with severed hands and feet, and almost no place was intact.

Moreover, he himself died due to the dense fog produced by the explosion.

Let's look at it now~~~

I don't know if Xisu was bombed to the point of no bones.


In a few ups and downs, Mo Lin quickly came to the scene through the ability to move instantaneously.

However, the black gunpowder in the field was filled with smoke, and no one could get in at all.

In response to this situation, a strange fan appeared in Mo Lin's hand.

If it is someone who lived on Blue Star in Mo Lin's previous life, he can call out the name of this fan directly in one mouthful:

Banana fan!!

It's just that there is a machine-shaped dial at the handle of this fan.

Props: [Plantain Fan].

Effect: As long as you use this plantain fan, you can fan out any kind of wind. You can set the continuous wind time through the dial, and you can also specify the forest and other scents through the microphone. The wind direction and the magnitude of the wind force are controlled by the strength of shaking the banana fan.

This fan and the magic fan in "The Story of Saiyu" have the same effect.

Both can fan strong winds and blow out fires and dense smoke.

Mo Lin is just a light fan, and a strong wind is set off on the flat ground 0.

After two blows, the strong wind formed a whirlpool, engulfing the dense smoke of gunpowder in the field, blowing and falling towards the distance.

At the same time, the situation in the field also fell into Mo Lin's eyes.

"Ahem, it seems a bit too much."

A scorched floor shuddered twice, and then came out from below a figure with a dark body coughing constantly.

This is not the pitch black after scorching, but


Mo Lin looked at that layer of ectoplasm, which should be made of flowing shadows, and put on his body as a defensive coat.

And the effect seems to be good. In this explosion, Chrollo did not suffer any serious injuries.

From his coughing sound, you can probably hear his state.

"It's really a loss this time."

The shadow suit on Chrollo fell off and turned into a normal shadow on the ground.

It revealed his embarrassed, dusty but uninjured body inside.

"In order to deal with Hisoka, five or six abilities were wasted in a row, which is really not worth it."

After seeing Mo Lin present, Chrollo no longer had any vigilance, and lay directly on the ground in a big letter.

"It seems that I still overestimate Hisoka. I didn't use so much. Maybe only three or four abilities can solve him."

After this battle, he also accumulated a lot of fatigue, and his mind was tight all the time.

Now it is rare to relax a little.

"How is Hisoka?"

Mo Lin just glanced at Chrollo, then looked around.

The outcome of this battle was exactly as he expected.

But he didn't see Hisoka's figure.

"It should have escaped, right?"

Chrollo said casually, "At the last moment I detonated, he jumped directly out of the floor."

"However, the shock waves produced by the explosion are enough to shatter his internal organs."

"And when he jumped out of the top floor, he was already severely injured, his legs and hands had been torn by me, and I was hit by a knife on his body.

"In that state, after the shock wave of the explosion, there is also such a high floor here, plus his own serious injury, basically there is no possibility of surviving.

0.8 Chrollo talked about the battle just now and Hisoka's own injuries.

Well, if it is a normal person, no, even the well-known Hunter, or even a member of the Zoldyck family and Phantom Troupe~

It is very unlikely that he will survive the attacks that Chrollo said.

But for the villain who can be said to be the most favorite of the rich old thief, Hisoka is ~~~

You know, in the original version, after he was suffocated by Chrollo and died, he relied on his thoughts after death to force CPR and then resurrected.

It happened to him, everything is possible.

Even Mo Lin felt that even if he really killed Hisoka.

The grievances and obsessions that remain after his death will also attach to other people and regenerate with the help of other people's bodies and other forms.

Now, Hisoka just escaped under Chrollo's attack, and there is no one to see alive or a corpse. To be honest, the possibility of death is really small.


"What if Hisoka is still alive?"

Mo Lin didn't care about it. "When facing Chrollo, he had already failed once, and after the battle, he had no reason to entangle Chrollo and Phantom Troupe anymore."

"If you come to find it again"

A gleam of cold light flashed in Mo Lin's eyes, "Then I don't mind really putting on him a bit of frustration!!!".

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