Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 278 News from Shizuku? The new number four? Phantom Troupe's assembly operation is over

"What's next?"

Chrollo slowly looked around and found that everyone's eyes were on him.

He couldn't help but chuckled, and slowly closed his eyes:

"As Shalnark said, our action goals this time have been completed, so, do we still have a reason to stay here?

In his mind, the pictures that happened on You Kexin's side flashed, and at the same time all his arrangements were entangled.

Killed all the Yin beasts, got all the auction items, saw through Hisoka and started a life-and-death battle, killed ten old men, and sent many gangs...

It seems that the collective activity this time is quite complete.


After confirming that he was correct, he slowly opened his eyes:

"This time the collective action is over here.

"Next, everyone can disband and free activities!!

Chrollo's voice was not loud, but it was so clear that it fell in everyone's ears.

"Is this over?"

Uvogin smashed his mouth, still seeming a little unsatisfied.

"It's really not very enjoyable." Phinks crossed his arms and agreed.

Well, he played Mahjong for almost two or three days.

Except for the last time the gangsters were siege and suppressed, the wave of existence was brushed away.

"Two or three days... it was about the same as the time we spent in the first assembly operation.

Nobunaga grabbed his beard, but he didn't feel much.

"It feels like nothing has been done, this assembly operation is over."

Kube communicated with Lev Lev.

Well, if it's the least existential, the two of them basically didn't leave the base.

By the way, it's the same with Pakunoda next to it.

The three of them barely left any traces in this collective activity.

"Then leader, what plans do you have next?"

Machi asked Chrollo, but her eyes were very secretive, and the police turned to Mo Lin next to Chrollo.

"I plan to return to Meteor Street after converting part of the auction items into money."

Chrollo smiled and said, "By the way, look for the members of the new number four.

The most common thing Phantom Troupe does is robbers, murders, and occasionally some charity activities.

At the same time, they are also the main funding providers of the military forces in Meteor Street, and their relationship with the Presbyterian Church is also good.

These activities also require money.

"Go find the new number four?"

Franklin thought for a while, and gave his own opinion euphemistically:

"The candidate found this time should be more compatible with us, right?"

Franklin swallowed the words "reliable" and "normal" back.

"It should be, no one can say about it."

Chrollo chuckled, "Of course, if you have any good candidates worth considering, you can recommend it to me. I will check it out."

"A good candidate?

Big brother Franklin's mind popped out:

"When I returned to Meteor Street before, there was a nice guy. She was a manipulator capable person, and Nen was also very good, and could play a big role in some aspects.

"As for the character...Although it's a bit strange, it's relatively, well, too indifferent, basically reaching the degree of indifference to everything." "

Franklin tried his best to describe the situation of the person he knew:

"Her appearance is very humble, polite, and she looks like an ordinary girl in the crowd.

"But one thing is that she is very forgetful and may have short-term memory loss. Sometimes she can't remember other people's names, and she quickly forgets what she has said."

"The appearance is cute, a bit natural and at the same time, the actual personality is unexpectedly calm and ruthless, and

When Franklin said this, the words paused: "The speech is also unexpectedly a little bit mean."

Looking at his somewhat hesitant expression, it is obvious that he has suffered a bit in this regard.

"Is that so?" Chrollo was actually a little interested. "That's a more interesting person."

When he said so, the others were okay.

But the other two people in the brigade gave different reactions:

"Girl?" There was a ripple in Machi's calm eyes.

"Cute appearance, but also a little natural?"

Pakunoda's expression gradually calmed down.

The two looked at Mo Lin beside Chrollo almost at the same time.

Mo Lin: ".."

What do you mean by looking at me like this?!

Mo Lin, who felt like he was lying with the gun inexplicably, looked inexplicable.

Co-authoring me in your heart, is this the image?

I am not everyone.

If Mo Lin guessed correctly, or said according to these descriptions of Franklin, it has basically been locked.

The person he is talking about is Shizuku.


Black hair and indigo blue eyes, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and casual clothes consisting of a pair of jeans, wearing black frame glasses~

Coupled with the soft kawaii unique voice, the pure and natural look, and the natural wild sexy.

The hillside that set off her front body was huge and upright.

A pair of school girls or just entering the workplace, the cute new secretary, the pure face and the hot body hidden under the clothes, the feeling of the combination of the two

Well, it’s not impossible to just meet and get to know each other.

Mo Lin said seriously in his heart.

"This guy is probably thinking about that again.

Machi and Pakunoda rolled their eyes at the same time, not feeling angry.

"The action is over, then we can move freely.

Feitan put his hands in his pockets, "I plan to stay here temporarily to participate in the so-called dreamy Nanpis auction.

"There is a game in it, which is quite interesting to me.

"If that's the case, I'll stay here too.

Phinks also sat back on the ground again, "I have nothing to do anyway."


Uvogin was not interested in this, he turned his head and looked at Mo Lin:

"Mo Lin, what are you going to do?"

"Me? I plan to stay here for a while and relax here."

Mo Lin smiled and said, "The main reason is that I have also made an appointment with other people, and I also want to participate in this auction together."

The person he said about the appointment was Biscuit. He had promised Biscuit before to help her auction her favorite items.

"You all stay here."

Uvogin scratched his head, then shrugged:

"It's up to you, I'm tired of playing here, and plan to go to other places to see."

"Head, if there is a gathering event next time, you must tell me in advance, hahahaha!!!"

Uvogin, who was extremely satisfied with his actions this time, left here with a big laugh.

"This guy really can't stand him.

Nobunaga spoke so disparagingly, but after saying hello to Mo Lin, Chrollo and Machi, he shook his head and followed Uvogin's back.

Drink, X friends walk together for life, these days forever.

"Okay, I happen to have an appointment with other people, so I'm leaving first, everyone!"

Shalnark took his cell phone and waved his hand to other people, and went to make her own girl.

"Everyone, come back again!"

Then, Chrollo chuckled lightly, and the three of Franklin, Lev Lev, and Kubei quickly left here surrounded by them.

They are going to Yi Zhao Meteor Street to find the guy who can be a member of their companions.

"Let's go too Pike~"

Machi raised his fingertips [Forced ATM], "It just so happens that I recently got a good item, which is very convenient for shopping.

Having said that, she did not forget to glance at Mo Lin, there was a little inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"Okay, it's been a long time since I went shopping.

Pakunoda didn't even look at Mo Lin, and walked out the door with Machi.

In the building, only Feitan and Phinks are left, staring at them with Mo Lin.

"Forget it, I won't stay here anymore.

Staying here with the two elders, Mo Lin can't sit still.

.Here does not keep the master, there is a place to keep the master.


Mo Lin also disappeared from the sight of Feitan and Phinks.

Since Machi and Pakunoda are both unwilling to pay attention to themselves, then they should go to other people.

It's not that nobody wants it~~~

Just in this Youkexin City, there are other women waiting to miss themselves.

"Mo Lin is gone too."

Phinks looked at Mo Lin's leaving figure and opened his mouth, discouraged:

"I wanted to discuss some mahjong skills with him, but he went so fast.

Phinks sighed, then looked to the side and sat there, reading the book seriously, Feitan, who looked like a quiet and beautiful man, sighed even more:

"so boring!"

Everyone is gone, even mahjong is gone!!

Phantom Troupe's collective action here is a complete end.

Outside, Kurapika also came to the designated place at the agreed time and met with Ilmi.

That is where Kurapika and Hisoka agreed to meet together.

"This is the house address and house key of the shadow's residence, and neither Hisoka nor I know what's in it."

Irfan handed the things into Kurapika's hands:

"Hope to find what you are looking for."

"Thank you."

Kurapika expressed his gratitude to Ilmi for his blessings.

"No thanks for being so early, I still want to ask about Killua."

Il Fan has said so much, and this has entered the main topic:

"Is he okay? Is there regular maintenance of his nails (okay, okay)? Will my palms hurt when I flex my upper limbs?"

"Is he still eating chocolate jelly beans? If he eats more sweets, he will get fat easily. If he becomes like Mi Ji, I will never allow this to happen!!!"

As soon as Killua is involved, Il fans become nagging and become a bitter mother-in-law image.

Kurapika: ""

Sure enough, people from the enemy Hakka family are not very normal.

The performance of Ilmi is completely different from the style and posture he appeared in the final round of the Hunter test.

The cold, ruthless, machine-like, unsentimental assassin's image completely collapsed.

"Or the people of the Zoldyck family are normal. When it comes to Killua, does the style change?"

Kurapika's eyes twitched.

After Yi Erfan finished speaking a lot of words, he had the opportunity to intervene:

"The specific situation, I have already told the person called Kalluto, who should be your brother."

"You can just ask him."

"Is that so? I know."

Il Fan quickly returned to normal in the next second.

The speed of changing the face back and forth between these two appearances really opened up Kurapika's eyes.

After bringing the things and knowing how to get Killua's information from Kurapika, Ilmi planned to leave and went directly to Kalluto.


"May I ask, how is Hisoka's situation now?"

Kurapika suddenly asked such a sentence. .

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