Starting in Hunter x Hunter as a Prop Master

Chapter 301 Chimera's arrangement!! In their room, there is still a sixth person!!

"Your human courage is really amazing."

The gatekeeper continued to say coldly, "Could it be that the alchemy plant that the man brought back makes you feel good about yourself and feel that you have the ability to set foot on this land again?!"

He snorted, "Unrealistic fantasy."

"we know."

The graceful and luxurious man still smiled and said, "But the dream is still necessary, what if it comes true?"


The gatekeeper chuckled, "Stupid."

"The stupid bird will fly first."

The graceful and luxurious man bowed to the gatekeeper, "Then can you please be accommodating?"

"If you want [Treasure], there is no problem, but if you want [Disaster], there is no problem at all."

"[Disaster] In our land, but a lot of them!!

"Hehehe, I didn't expect it to be [disaster]. I really don't know if I should praise them for their courage, or if they are too self-conscious!!"

"Do you want [disaster]? Just give it to you. I hope that next time, you still have life to continue to contact us."

"No, maybe after they get [Disaster], we can be liberated, and we won't have to find a guide for them anymore!"

"Hahahaha, that's right!!"

After listening to the words of the elegant man, the other gatekeepers also reacted.

Immediately, the pungent and mocking words "Three Five Seven" were thrown at the graceful man at will.

After all, it is not them who are pleading now.

"Have you really thought about it?

The gatekeeper indifferently continued to ask.


The graceful and luxurious man was indifferent to the harsh ridicule, and seemed to have not heard it.

"Well, since you have made a decision...

The gatekeeper of the docking said no more, "Then no matter what the final result is, you have to bear it yourself."

He has no idea to stop this request.

Even in his opinion, he was eager to make this happen.

Whether these humans are really out of the strong self-confidence to prepare, or the success of the man last time, the humans are fascinated by the huge benefits and give birth to arrogance.

Since he chose to ask him for 【disaster】, he naturally has no reason not to give it.

Anyway, this is not a [treasure], and it is of little value to their ethnic group.

On the other hand, [disaster], although they are not affected by disasters by virtue of their ethnic characteristics, they will also be disgusting.

Human beings are willing to ask for these hot potato, so just give it to them.

If they can successfully survive the [disaster], then they are considered capable, and they just sigh twice.

And if they can barely survive, then their world will be messed up and ruined.

So let alone if you want to set foot on this land again, it is still a question of whether you can recuperate and rebuild your home.

At that time, the things that humans want to set foot on the dark continent will be indefinitely, and they will also be able to enjoy long-term peace.

As for human beings being wiped out by the [disaster], even if the last piece of paradise is gone, Lake Mobius

That is simply awesome!!

For the goalkeeper, this is the best ending!!

In this way, they don't have to receive wave after wave of human beings to explore.

There is no need to fulfill the agreement signed between the ancestors and humans.

Well, if it wasn't for the agreement of the ancestors, they would not care about this group of humans, let alone find a guide for them.

This is of no benefit to them, and it can be said to be thankless.

It is precisely because of this that they are all bored with human beings, wishing them to disappear into this world.

When the humans are all dead, then they can be liberated.

The agreement signed by their ancestors with humans stipulated that they would not provide humans with any [hope], but they did not say anything about [disaster].

So providing [disaster] to humans is not a violation of the agreement?

"We are mentally prepared for this."

Seeing the gatekeeper let go, there was also a slight smile on the face of the graceful man.

The group of people behind him also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I suffered all the ridicule, but fortunately the goal was achieved.

"In that case,"

The gatekeeper at the docking asked: "I will ask the guide to send [Disaster] to your six continents later."

The guide can not only help the adventurous people to successfully go to the Dark Continent to set foot on that land, but also can reverse the Dark Continent's things back to the Six Continents.

"Please wait a minute!!"

Seeing that there was about to hang up and contact myself to give them a choice [Disaster], the graceful man hurriedly said:

"Regarding the choice of [disaster], we have already had certain ideas!!"

If the other party really chooses a [disaster] for them, if the rating is A+ or S, then the entire Six Continents are basically only a matter of time away from destruction.

He doesn't care about sinners who become human beings, he only cares about his own life and the power and interests in his hands.

Once the Six Continents are collapsed by the new "disaster", they will suffer the most from the high-ranking officials and real-power factions.

To destroy the Six Continents is to destroy their own interests!!

"The [disaster] we want is the Chimera ants on the dark continent!!"

The graceful and luxurious man hurriedly said the goal they had set here.

"Chimera Ant?!"

The gatekeeper gazed and thought, and the gatekeepers of the house outside were also there whispering.

"Chimera ant? It is indeed a species from that land, and it seems to have a height similar to that of a human being."

"They are insatiable in character and have the ability to feed and mate: the queen ant of the Chimera ant can display the characteristics of the creature in the next generation by eating other creatures.

"Yes, I have also heard that because of the need to ingest a stronger biological genetic factor, the queen ant will often eat the favorite species until it becomes extinct in order to preserve the species."

"It is said that 1 to 5 eggs are produced every time they eat, but the next generation of soldier ants is not reproductive."

"This group of guys have a super strong appetite, and they can consume food several times their own weight in a day. They are also called gourmet ants because they have different tastes for food.

"All in all, it's a very annoying group of ants."

"Although they live on that land, aren't they in a lower level of life?"

"Humans actually hit their targets on them, which really surprised me and made me feel reasonable, ha ha."

"Indeed, the only thing that humans seem to be able to deal with is this rubbish."

At the end of the discourse discussion, a new wave of ridicule of mankind began.

It seems that no matter what the topic is, "human incompetence" can be involved in the end.

Moreover, mocking and humiliating human beings seem to have become a fashion in this ethnic group.

"Do you want those guys?"

Although the attitude of the gatekeeper was a little better, his frowning brows, casual words and the slight disdain flashing in his eyes could also be seen.

It also looks down upon this choice of mankind.

After all, Chimera ants in the Dark Continent, to put it bluntly, are equivalent to the lowest level creatures.

Well, in fact, in the Six Continents, the overall danger level of Chimera Ants is no more than B.

It is much worse than the other five disasters from the Dark Continent, and it is also classified as a designated species for the first-level isolation by V5.

Looking at it this way, it is indeed very hip, and if you want Chimera ants as humans to practice hands, it will be even more hip.

If humans really want to use this creature to practice their hands as a preparatory work~~~

It's better to roll as far as possible to play as early as possible.

The gatekeeper of the docking didn't even care about this group of humans.

But when I think of the words I refuse, maybe this group of humans will think of other methods and make it agree.

The mankind's stalking skills are really not weak.

In order to prevent myself from being harassed by them in the future, a lot of trouble was brought out.

It might as well agree to their request.

Besides, even though Chimera ants can't be seen in their eyes, they are not really good things by themselves.

But for humans, it may be a very troublesome creature.

Moreover, the ability of Chimera ants to swallow food and transform into genes of their offspring is also quite powerful.

Humans will definitely suffer a lot in this regard!!

With this thought in mind, the gatekeeper was silent for a moment before he nodded slightly.

"no problem."

Anyway, Chimera ants are nothing to them, and they are not very threatening. You can catch a few at hand.

"I will ask the guide to grab one and deliver it to you. Do you want a soldier ant or a queen?"

"Queen Ant!"

The graceful and luxurious man said firmly.


The gatekeeper nodded.

Only after the delivery queen can the damage be maximized, it is just what he wants.

"Then this matter is settled.

The gatekeeper said indifferently, "If you can't resist the Chimera ants, don't bother us again."


His voice was cold, obviously suggesting some bad results.

"We save it.

The graceful and luxurious man also took over immediately.

Now that the goal has been achieved, it doesn't matter what the other party says.

In this way, both sides have negotiated the results, and this call should end here.



At this moment, behind the gatekeeper who met, a dark figure suddenly appeared out of thin air.


The gatekeeper who noticed the movement turned his head, and couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the sudden companion.

"What's the crow?"

He asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

"They violated their agreement with us."


The jet-black figure gatekeeper named Crow that emerged, looked at the crystal blue ball, and his eyes did not hide his murderous intent.

"Breached the agreement with us?"

The gatekeeper who was docking was startled again, and then he looked at the crystal ball abruptly.

Then he fixed his eyes on the screen, looking up and down.

"No "

But no matter how it looked, it didn't find any abnormalities.

It didn't notice anything wrong, and could not help but looked at the crow with some doubts.

"In their room, there is still a sixth person!!"

The crow bit to death, his eyes were extremely firm.

"My perception will never go wrong!!"

"They broke the promise they made with us, let outsiders observe us, record us, and leak our news to outsiders!!"

"It doesn't matter if they did it deliberately, or they didn't realize that they were lurking in."

The crow said coldly, "We should stop our cooperation with them."

"The former is deliberately concealing evil intentions and conspiracy, the latter is out-and-out rubbish, I don't even know that my secret location has been invaded!!"

"No matter which kind, in short, human beings are all waste and rubbish, there is no good thing!!"


Suddenly, a strange sound rang from the crystal ball. .

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