Starting Mangekyo, Leaving Konoha With Master Madara

Chapter 37 Psychic Beasts Use Time To Hate Less

The old man was wearing a raincoat, a bamboo hat on his head, and a tight winter coat inside. Only then did Shenyu realize that the temperature in the air was extremely low, and just breathing out brought up a large amount of white mist.

"Um...young man, why are you wearing so little in such a cold weather?" The old man spoke first, staring at Shen Yu's bare upper body, and was stunned.

It stands to reason that such a thin body would have been bruised and bruised by the cold, but this young man's skin is still white and rosy, and even a faint heat is emanating from it.

"Um... I accidentally ruined my clothes when I went fishing in the sea." Shen Yu scratched his head and came to the old man, "Old man, do you have any extra clothes over there? Let me wear them." ?”

His clothes had long been torn to pieces by the forced water arrows, and they were crushed into the deep sea along with his ninja bag, money bag, supply bag, and dry food.

His physique is as strong as that of a "Poseidon", allowing him to withstand severe cold and heat. However, the Kingdom of Iron is located in severe cold, and it is really not good for ordinary people to see him naked in the cold weather. He does not like to be treated as an alien.

The old man hesitated for a moment, "There are no extra clothes. There is indeed a raincoat in the cabin, but..."

Shen Yu saw the old man's embarrassment and immediately smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't take your clothes for free. Let's do this. I'll give you something in exchange!"

"This..." The old man raised his hand and was thinking of how to politely refuse, but he didn't expect that the young man in front of him had turned around, jumped into the sea in front of him.


The waves rolled, raising white foam and covering all traces.

"This..." The old man was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground. He had never seen such a person in his entire life.

Not to mention your young age, you can jump tens of meters high from the ground... The tide is about to recede, how dare he go into the sea at this time!

It didn't shock him for too long, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, Shen Yu jumped out of the sea, landed in the air in the same posture, and stood in front of the old man.


The strong wind roared and water splashed everywhere. The old man quickly stepped back and closed his eyes tightly, and even his bamboo hat was blown away.

"I'll trade this fish with you." Shen Yu smiled and threw a big, round fish next to the old man.

"This is......"

The faint fishy smell of the sea hit his nostrils, and the old man approached suspiciously. Suddenly, his cloudy eyes gleamed!

“Bluefin Tuna!”

"Baby...where did you catch this..."

"Didn't you see it just now?" Shen Yu didn't look back and pointed at the sea behind him.

"I have only seen this fish once. It was brought back by my son back then. It is said that it lives thousands of meters below the sea surface. Only the ninjas of the Kingdom of Water have the ability to catch it..."

Shen Yu crossed his hands and raised his chin, "Do you like it? Change your raincoat."

"Oh, this is too expensive..."

"Should I change it?"


Shen Yu took the coir raincoat with a smile, and as a token of his gratitude, the old man also gave him a bamboo hat.

Shen Yu turned around and left, using the cover of the jungle to form a seal with his hands.


The white smoke dissipated, and a slender tabby cat appeared in front of him.

"Hiss, it's so cold, meow." The ninja cat shook the snowflakes off his body and bared his teeth.

"Zezuke, go back and tell Pochi and ask him to channel me back to the cat house."

"It can't be done, Meow, Pochi isn't here."

"What?" Shen Yu was surprised: "Where else can it go if it's not in the cat house?"

"I don't know~" Zesuke shook his head.

"Where's Tachibanaru?"

"Tachibanaru was just called away by Uchiha Hikaru yesterday, and is now in the cooling down period, nya."

"Okay..." Shenyu said casually: "Then you go back and channel me back to the cat house."

"Stupid Shenyu, have you forgotten that the channeling time is fixed?"

Zesuke jumped to the tree trunk and licked the snowflakes on the flesh pad, "You summon me once, and the next summons will be three days later. During this period, we cannot communicate with each other."

"Ah..." Shen Yu covered his face, feeling helpless, "That means I can only walk back by myself."

"Seung Hui~" Ninja Zesuke raised a paw.

"No, buddy." Shen Yu's eyes widened, "What do you want in return for not doing anything?"

"I'll help you keep the secret, so that other ninja cats don't know about it, nya." Zesuke showed his humane cunning, "Or is it that Shen Yu doesn't care about his own information anymore...?"

Shen Yu's face darkened, and he twitched the corners of his mouth in depression, then threw him a fish.

"As you can see, I'm very poor now, so I'll use this to pay off my debt first." Shenyu circled in front of it and showed off his coir raincoat.

With a "pop" sound, Zesuke threw the fish away angrily, "That's it again!"

A few minutes later, the old man who was pouring salt at the beach turned around and saw that the young man had left and returned.

"Old man, let me ask you something again. Do you know how to get to the Land of Fire? Just tell me a general direction."


The climate of the Iron Country is cold and covered with heavy snow all day long. The further west you go, the lower the temperature becomes.

Fortunately, Shen Yu was wearing a raincoat, so even if his chest was bare underneath, no one could see it under the cover of heavy snow.

According to the old man, the place where he landed happened to be the easternmost coast of the Kingdom of Iron. If he wanted to return to the Kingdom of Fire, he would have to go all the way west, pass through the capital, and cross the entire country.

The journey to the capital city is a long way, and there are countless mountains that cross the road. The mountains are stacked, and there are deep forests. Coupled with the cold climate, the road conditions are really worrying for ordinary people.

Even the fastest horse will have to run for days and nights to reach its destination.

But for Shenyu, this is not a problem, he only needs a direction.

The ninja's way of traveling is simple and crude. With only one pair of legs, it doesn't matter whether it is climbing over mountains or crossing seas and rivers.

To ordinary people, ninjas are superpowers. Their speed can easily surpass any beast. When moving forward at full speed, they are like human-shaped high-speed trains, and they are not afraid of any terrain restrictions. In addition, they consume little physical energy and can only take one soldier ration pill. , can support them to run for three days and three nights!

So, Shen Yu concentrated on following the direction pointed by the old man and ran for a whole day without saying a word.

But as far as the eye can see, it is still covered with white snow, which shows that he has not escaped from the Iron Country at all.

You must know that before he became the "Poseidon Body" again, his speed under normal conditions had already reached Mach 12, and now it has increased to the terrifying Mach 30. This has exceeded himself when he originally opened the "Second Gate of Healing". Although it is faster than It's not as fast as in water, but it's enough to keep most ninjas out of reach.

It stands to reason that it won’t take long to cross the Iron Kingdom...

He sensed something was wrong and looked for a nearby village. After asking around, he found out that he was actually still wandering east of the Kingdom of Iron!

"It's impossible. Is that old man lying to me? Or is he giving me the wrong direction?"

He asked more than a dozen people for directions. After seeing that the locals pointed out the same direction, he finally smiled with relief.

After one night.

"What! Where do you think this is?"

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