"It seems that you have been quite busy recently." Liang En said after hugging Pierce after entering the door, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

Although the two of them don't meet as often as before because they each have their own affairs, they still maintain contact and friendship, so Liang En is happy with the current situation of his friend.

"Thanks to you." Pierce said with a smile at this time. "If you hadn't bought shares at that time, those people wouldn't have believed in us, and our business wouldn't have been so good - by the way, are you here to get your things?"

"Yes, I really trouble you this time, because it is difficult for others to collect all these things." Liang En said with a smile. "I really didn't expect you to be able to complete the collection work in such a short time."

"It's actually not as complicated as you think." Pierce shook his head and said. "Although the list you made is particularly complicated, the items in it are actually not very valuable. It's just that the types are too diverse and it's troublesome to collect them."

"But you also know that our family has connections all over the Mediterranean world, so I just need to email them and wait for them to mail it."

"But thank you anyway." Liang En said with a smile. "If you hadn't asked me to collect these things myself, it might have taken me a whole month or even a whole year to do this."

Soon, Charles asked the clerk to move those things to Liang En and the others. These things had obviously been sorted in advance, and there were a total of seven large suitcases in total.

After all these things were put on the pickup truck that Liang En and the others were driving, Liang En said goodbye to Pierce and drove directly to the north.

Because he needed to test the reason for his extraordinary strength next, Liang En felt that it would be more appropriate to stay in a more remote place as much as possible.

After all, no one knows what the consequences of the newly acquired extraordinary power will be if it is used. If there is a lot of movement, it would not be appropriate to place it in a crowded place.

So after thinking about it, he suddenly found that his residential location next to the town of Foss was the most suitable place for the current experiment, so he decided to go there to conduct the experiment.

"I think what we are doing now is like the legendary wizard, hiding in the forest and planning some things that are not suitable for public disclosure." As she drove to the north, Joan joked with a smile.

From this, it can be seen that Joan of Arc has recovered very well after arriving in modern society. Otherwise, she would not have joked about the word wizard. At least this word was definitely taboo for her before, which is of course a good thing.

Soon the two people drove to the small town of Forks. Everything in the town looked almost the same as the last time they came here, and no important changes had occurred.

But this can be regarded as a characteristic of this small town. At least in the West, small towns that have not changed for hundreds of years are a common existence, and there is nothing surprising about it.

After passing through the town, the vehicle quickly drove to the edge of the house in the forest, and then two people entered the house. The house was the same as when they left, except that some of the facilities inside were covered by a layer. It's not that thick of dust.

After summoning Tombak and starting to clean up, Liang En and Jeanne moved the previous boxes out of the car one by one, and then walked towards the transformed studio in the center of the room.

This is the only change Liang En and his family made after taking over this property: they built a small room of 10 square meters in the center of the first floor, surrounded by more than half a meter of reinforced concrete and several layers of steel plates.

This was actually the room Liang En prepared for his extraordinary experiments. They originally planned to build an underground laboratory, but gave up after discovering that the groundwater level here was very high.

"Are you planning to make a charging stone for this thing?" Jeanne asked curiously as Liang En took out one thing after another from the box. "Yes." Liang En nodded.

At the same time, he opened a box and placed the pile of test tubes containing gold, silver and gemstone powder on the test tube rack in front of him one by one, and then removed the stopper on it.

"I thought it might take me a long time to complete this work, but because of the new strength I gained, the time was much shorter than previously planned."

The acquisition of new extraordinary powers will greatly promote Liang En's plan. After all, he could only use alchemy to convert a little bit, but now he can convert items and refine them directly.

Although the final result of the two is the same, it can be said that they are arriving at the same destination, but in fact there is a huge difference in efficiency. At least using alchemy alone will be much less efficient than the existing solution.

This is why Liang En came to conduct experiments now, because he saw the dawn of being able to figure out the information recorded on the cryptographic disk in a short time.

After everything was prepared, Liang En picked up the equipment in the laboratory and started working on it, but he soon frowned because the next work was much more than he had imagined.

The reason why he thinks so is because he is now involved in the more complicated aspects of extraordinary power, so there is a certain difference between just being able to do it in his mind and being able to actually operate it.

But what Liang En didn't know was that even in worlds with truly extraordinary powers, alchemists were a rare profession, and the reason was precisely because of the complex operation of extraordinary powers.

However, Liang En was well prepared for this matter before. For example, he collected many materials and prepared several copies, some of which were cheap just for practicing.

"Okay, let's start practicing now." After going through the entire process in his mind, Liang En sighed softly, and then used his extraordinary power to change the small piece of opal in his hand.

The only good thing is that most of the extraordinary power output in alchemy does not require a large amount, it just requires delicate operation, so Liang En can test it many times a day.

But even so, Liang En's proficiency level is very slow. This is mainly because there is a certain difference between knowing how to do it in the mind and how to do it in practice.

In particular, the record only records a recipe table without too many operational details, so there are still many places that need to be explored.

In particular, the differences in many places were extremely subtle and required many tests to determine. So when Liang En felt that he was finally on track and ready to eat, he realized that it was already dark outside the window.

It was already evening when Liang En walked out of the room. When he came to the restaurant, he saw Joan of Arc sitting at the dining table reading a book, with some semi-finished food beside her that had obviously been taken out for a long time.

"Ah, you finally came out. I'm going to start cooking now." After hearing the footsteps, Jeanne put down the book in her hand and looked at Liang En and said. "I have curry rice tonight. I have everything ready. All I need to do is cook it and it will be ready in no time."

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