Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 108 New Bows and Fake Antiques

The breeze blew gently, and the warm sunshine covered the earth. The grass on the ground also sprouted tender buds under the sunshine. Britain in February finally showed the spirit of spring.

It was now a week after Liang En returned to London from Cambridge. Taking advantage of the good weather, he took advantage of a war reenactment event and ran to a wilderness outside London with Fan Meng, and then began to test-fire the new bow and arrows he had just obtained. .

I saw that he was holding a brand new Turkish bow made of various new materials in his left hand, and then he raised the bow and slowly pulled the bow string with the thumb of his right hand wearing a plastic steel wrench.

As he moved, short arrows that were much shorter than normal arrows slipped from the horn groove on Liang En's left thumb, and then flew out suddenly when Liang En released the bowstring.

After flying in the air for a few seconds, the short arrow spanned a distance of more than 300 meters, and then plunged straight into the 3m diameter circle circled by a red ribbon over there.

"Nice job-"


After seeing the arrow hit, the audience beside Liang En applauded and cheered.

For modern people, there are so few people who can draw a 90-pound bow and hit a target 300 meters away, so that every time one appears, they will become the focus of everyone around them.

"A very good bow." After testing several types of arrows in succession, Liang En put down the bow and said to Uncle Maimaiti. When he complained about the lack of good bows at the archery hall, he really didn't think of this uncle. He is a famous bow and arrow craftsman in the circle.

Moreover, Liang En was also very lucky. At that time, Uncle Maimaiti happened to have a modern version of the Turkish bow that was almost completed, but the customer didn't want it anymore.

So it only took a week for Liang En to get this Turkish bow made of modern materials that fully met his needs after simple modifications.

He chose a Turkish bow because his skill is to shoot with a Turkish bow, so he naturally needs someone who can take advantage of it. As for the use of modern materials, this is to avoid the complicated maintenance of traditional bows and ensure that the bows can shoot in harsh environments.

"As long as you like this bow." Uncle Maimaiti nodded and said. "To be honest, I used to be a little prejudiced against East Asians, thinking that their physical fitness was not suitable for such large-pound bows and arrows. But now it seems that this is just my conjecture."

The reason why this bow was abandoned by the original orderer is also very simple. It was because the rich guy bought a large bow in a rush, but it took a while after he placed the order to realize that he had not available.

In this way, the bow naturally fell into Uncle Maimaiti's hands. Even if the other party paid half of the money as a deposit, he could not recover the loss.

That's why he went to the archery hall to relieve his inner depression through archery. Fortunately, Uncle Maimaiti met Liang En.

And after learning that Liang En needed a bow with a heavy weight, and going to the shop with him to round out a hundred-pound bow that he regarded as the treasure of the shop several times, he directly gave it to Liang En. A 40% off discount on high strength.

And during this period, Liang En and Uncle Maimaiti gradually became familiar with each other. And this time he told Liang En the news about the ancient war simulation.

So after a quick settlement with a tenant yesterday and renting out the property he received from the French as a reward at a price of 965 pounds a week, Liang En went straight here early this morning to pick up his new bow and arrow, and then tried it out on the spot. Came up.

"Maybe I am naturally strong, and I am more suitable for using bows and arrows." Liang En said with a smile, "I think no matter where you are, there are only a few archers who can normally use a 90-pound bow and arrow."

After all, he couldn't tell these people that he was a novice before. Even if he mastered this skill, he could only use a 26 or 28-pound bow. Let alone using a 90-pound bow like this, just looking at the label will make you get out of the way.

However, after being strengthened by the Viking card, Liang En, who had the physical strength of an ancient Viking warrior, was considered to have enough strength.

After realizing this, Liang En naturally would not waste his physical energy. Therefore, I chose a compound bow with a larger weight in order to fully utilize my advantages.

In addition to this bow, Liang En also bought a full 150 arrows with various functions from this uncle Maimaiti. After all, this kind of thing is much harder to replenish than bullets.

Considering that a lot of arrows are likely to be consumed during future field operations, Liang En feels that it is obviously better to prepare some items in advance.

After finishing the archery activity, Liang En went directly to the camp area near the clearing. Because this place is currently hosting ancient war reenactments, all service facilities are displayed in the style of ancient tents.

In this era, it is not easy to find a place where you can shoot with a bow and arrow from a distance. This is why Liang En participates in this kind of war reenactment.

In order to participate in this event, he even wore a set of Hanfu that he ordered from Huaxia on a whim when he was in high school, so that he could blend into the surrounding environment.

Of course, this kind of activity is relatively less professional among such activities and is more inclined to popularize this kind of publicity activities to the public, so there are also various costume rentals at the door for the convenience of participants.

And for Liang En, another advantage of participating in this event is that this kind of event is often accompanied by some small-scale antique fairs, giving him the opportunity to buy some interesting things for himself.

"Here, boss." Just when Liang En walked to the entrance of the antique market, he saw Fan Meng waving to him from a distance. The chainmail he rented at the entrance was shining in the sun.

"What did you find?" After passing through the crowd, Liang En asked Fan Meng curiously. Because Fan Meng was holding a small shining silver box in his hand, which he had obviously just gotten from the stall.

"I found an interesting jewelry box." Fan Meng said as he handed over the jewelry box in his hand. "This silver box seems to belong to the Freemasons."

"Let me take a look." Liang En took the box and saw that the Masonic symbol consisting of a right angle and a compass was engraved in the center of the lid, and around this symbol was the Latin word NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM.

This phrase means Order of the New Age, and if you have a one dollar bill, you'll find this line of text on the back of the bill, underneath the pyramid pattern.

In terms of U.S. dollars, this phrase refers to the new order established after the United States gained independence from Britain. But this same passage is also a standard expression of Freemasonry, a metaphor for the new world order that Freemasonry is trying to manipulate.

But apart from these mysterious and scary-looking symbols, the box is full of flaws. The simplest thing is the weight. Just by weighing it in his hands, Liang En confirmed that the material of this box was not silver at all, but copper-nickel alloy with a little lead.

"The lead content in this thing is not low. If you touch it too much, you won't grow taller." Liang En whispered to Fan Meng in Chinese, and then put the silver box back on the stall.

It was at this time that Liang Encai discovered that there were more than a dozen boxes of various sizes on the stall. Each box was similar in style and had Masonic patterns and mottos on it.

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