Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 128 Raven and the Program

In the next few days, Liang En had to find a way to avoid Fan Meng raising these three ravens in his room, because after injecting the power of legend, these ravens grew very fast, making it feel like growing up every day. Same for a month.

In addition to growing rapidly, these ravens also eat a lot. On average, they eat what ordinary ravens eat in a month. After all, this is an energy conservation world, and if you want to grow up, you will definitely need a lot of food supplements.

Fortunately, even if this kind of animal eats with all its strength, it doesn't eat much overall, so Liang En can definitely bring back the raw meat without attracting Fan Meng's attention.

Just a week after bringing the ravens back, the three crows had grown as big as adult ravens leaving the nest. Sure enough, with the supplement of the legendary power, these crows are indeed growing a month a day.

Because under normal circumstances, it takes two to three weeks for ravens to hatch and nurse for a little more than a month, and then these ravens will stay with their parents for half a year.

Therefore, if these seven days now represent seven months, it almost covers the period from the birth of a raven to the time it leaves its parents.

After the last infusion of legendary power was completed, Liang En carefully looked at the three ravens standing in front of him. These ravens don't look much different from ordinary ravens, except that their eyes look much more flexible than those of their counterparts.

This feeling is not an illusion, because these specially bred ravens are much more intelligent than their peers, equivalent to teenage children.

For Liang En, a raven with this level of intelligence can play a big role.

For example, these ravens can become the best sentinels when exploring in the wild. When searching in urban areas, ravens can easily enter small areas that are inaccessible to humans for reconnaissance.

In addition to these, Liang En can also connect to the vision of these ravens by consuming legendary points. Each legendary point allows him to communicate with a raven for an hour.

This is equivalent to three more extremely flexible drones for Liang En, and unlike normal drones that make a buzzing sound, the Raven basically does not arouse anyone's suspicion.

"Ding dong, ding dong -" Just when Liang En was looking at these trained crows, the doorbell rang suddenly. "Okay, just stay on the cabinet."

Liang En knew that Old Mike had sent someone to pick him up at this time, so he gave orders to the three ravens on the table. At the command, the three ravens flapped their wings and flew up to the cabinet and hid.

After seeing them fly up to the cabinet and hide, Liang En went to the living room and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was a young man sent by the up owner Old Mike. He was a driver and was responsible for taking Liang En and the others to the competition location.

"Get ready, let's go." After pulling up the suitcase in the living room, Liang En and Fan Meng, who walked out with the luggage, left the room. Then get in the car and go straight to the meeting point in London.

After arriving at the meeting place, Liang Encai discovered that there were six groups participating in the treasure hunt, including his own group. But judging from the things they carry, most of them should not be professionals.

After a brief exchange, Liang En found that his previous guess was indeed correct. If his own group was included in the six groups, three of them were professionals, while the other three were not.

Among these non-professionals, one group is a singing group composed of three girls, one group is two famous YouTube crafts hosts, and the last group is a man and a woman who are two TV drama actors who are currently in love.

The meeting point is a square near the Tower of London, in a corner on the side of the square. Several people were holding various equipment to take pictures of a person surrounded in the middle.

As a famous uploader on YouTube, Old Mike’s face is actually not old, and he looks to be in his forties at most. It’s just that the Mediterranean hair style seriously lowered his appearance.

However, to become a famous up owner, Mike did not achieve this by relying on his appearance. At this time, he was standing on a stage facing the camera. Talk freely.

"Now it's time for our new show, and this time our treasure hunt theme is about finding the legendary Philosopher's Stone."

"Of course, we are neither Harry Potter nor Nicolas Flamel. So our goal this time is just to find something related to this legend."

"What is gratifying is that we have invited several celebrities to participate in our event this time. Among them are-" According to the procedure, Old Mike introduced the people participating in the event one by one to the audience in front of the camera.

Judging from the text floating on a tablet facing the table, those amateur treasure hunters should be very famous in their fields, because when they were introduced, the screen was full of barrage, but professionals like Liang En Not many people know about it.

After briefly introducing the people participating in the program, everyone got on a bus prepared by the program team as agreed in advance, and then drove to the north.

According to the arrangement, this car will go straight to Cambridge. In the car, everyone will look for the first clue, and those who find the clue or think they have found the clue can stop the car and get out of the car to continue with the next step.

"Okay, here's the most important clue." After getting in the car, Old Mike took out six wooden boxes from the suitcase above the seat and placed them on the seat in front of the cabin.

"These six boxes correspond to your six groups one by one." Old Mike said looking at the contestants sitting in their seats. "Next, each of your groups chooses one person to come and pick up a box."

"The box contains items I found before that are related to today's content and corresponding hints. What you have to do next is to find the corresponding existence based on the items in the box."

Because one is drawn at random from an identical box, there is no difference between drawing first and then drawing later. Therefore, everyone arranged the order of drawing boxes according to the order of ladies first and the first letter of the name.

"Look what is this?" After Liang En returned to his seat holding a box, Fan Meng was beside him urging him to open the box quickly and see what was inside.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Liang En sat down in his seat and fastened his seat belt before opening the wooden box. When the lid of the box was removed, a scroll appeared in front of Liang En and the others.

This is a parchment scroll. Although it looks antique, Liang En, as a professional, can tell at a glance that it is just a modern imitation.

"This thing creates a good atmosphere for people." Fan Meng said and untied the ribbon on the parchment scroll at Liang En's signal, "But what is written on it?"

After opening it and taking a look, Fan Meng frowned because although it looked similar to English, it was not in English.

"Let me see, this is Latin." After taking the document from Fan Meng, Liang En quickly figured out what this thing was. Then he turned over the box.

"What are you doing here rummaging through this box?" Fan Meng asked in confusion when he saw Liang En starting to rummage through the box.

"I guess these Latin people don't know many people here, and we are doing another program now." Liang En explained while rummaging through the wooden box inch by inch.

"So the other party must have put the corresponding translation in the wooden box. Otherwise, if other contestants are stuck in the first step, they will be useless."

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