"——Using a raven is actually very convenient." After obtaining permission from the museum, Liang En explained to the camera while directing the raven to fly to the roof.

"You know, these animals are naturally interested in shiny baubles, so they help collect anything small and shiny on the roof."

"And I think the things placed by our up master should be very conspicuous and very small in size and weight, so I think if I send out these animal friends of mine, I should be able to find the target quickly."

After saying these words to the camera, Liang En sat on the edge of the flower bed and seemed to be concentrating with his eyes closed, but in fact, he used a little legendary power to communicate spiritually with one of the ravens.

Under the sunlight, Liang En quickly searched for many traces of light on the roof through the raven's eyes. Apart from excluding part of the structure of the building itself, he discovered several strange things.

But what's a little strange is that those things are not above the throne room, but on the roof of a room that is obviously a private space of the royal family, such as the Queen's Palace or the Hot Spring.

"This may be because the main palace buildings are too important, so they can't be put up." Liang En thought, and at the same time directed three ravens to help him take down those shiny gadgets.

As the raven kept returning and dropping things from its paws, Liang En also discovered that most of these things were not what he wanted.

For example, most of the pile of things brought down by the raven were just shiny pieces of plastic that looked like the remnants of some packaging bags that had been carried by the wind to the roof.

Fortunately, after flying around several palaces for a few times, the ravens discovered some nests of the same kind in some hidden corners of the buildings, and there were some truly valuable things in the nests.

Taking advantage of the absence of the owners of those nests, Liang En asked his ravens to take down the ravens' collections one by one, and then brought them to the edge of the flower bed where he was now.

Looking at the dozen or so things in front of him, Liang En felt that the organizers of this competition might have ignored the ravens living in the local area, so the things he had prepared before should have been accidentally taken away by these little guys.

Because in addition to a dozen coins that looked either clean or full of rust, there was also a metal cylinder that looked very delicate.

The cylinder is more than two centimeters in diameter and more than fifteen centimeters in length. Although the top looked dusty when I found it, the golden color underneath was revealed after just a simple wipe.

"This is a very old cigar tube. It can hold one cigar." Liang En said after looking at the metal cylinder carefully. "Silver and gold-plated material, it looks like the style of the 17th or 18th century."

"In other words, the secret we are looking for is inside this cigar tube?" Fan Meng asked looking at the cigar tube in Liang En's hand.

"That should be it." Liang En nodded, "Look, this container is from the 17th to 18th centuries. And the dog-eared book on the book we just found is the Stuart dynasty. And during this period It happened to be during the reign of the Stuart dynasty.”

After gently scraping off the wax on the seal of the cigar tube with a knife, Liang En used a pair of tweezers to take out a piece of folded paper covered with wax from the cigar tube. Due to time, this paper has been It turned an ugly brown color.

"This is just an activity, it can't be like this!" Liang En complained after seeing the appearance of the paper clearly, because unlike metal cultural relics, this kind of organic cultural relics can easily cause problems or even be damaged during repeated use.

Therefore, Liang En simply couldn't understand why such fragile cultural relics would appear during the event. After all, professionals like him knew how to deal with them, but other amateurs participating in the event would probably damage them.

But anyway, now that this thing has been discovered, it is obviously more important to process it further and see what is written on the paper.

So, Liang En, surrounded by Hampton Palace staff, went to the cultural relics maintenance department attached to the palace, and then used the tools there to clean up the paper.

Soon, the paper was cleaned up, and then Liang En was asked to read the content on it: cut off all ties with W.C, and let Iron Hook take those things away from the location I am telling you and destroy them.

Judging from the notes and content, this was a leader-level figure giving an order to transfer supplies to his subordinates, and it was probably not a legal matter.

"Now tell me your location, where do you think this place is?" After seeing the content on this note clearly, Fan Meng raised his head and asked Liang En.

"Not sure." Liang En turned the note over and found that the back of the note was empty, with no words at all. "I guess the other party may have adopted some kind of secret writing method."

"After all, the message transmitted through this method is likely to be because the middleman is unreliable, so the container needs to be sealed. In this case, it is naturally impossible to find an intermediary to carry the message."

"So the other party probably sent the message that needed to be sent, but at that time it was likely that only the sender and the recipient knew where the key information was hidden."

Fortunately this place is Hampton Court Palace. So after a brief exchange with the staff, they quickly obtained permission to use the instruments at Hampton Court Palace.

According to Liang En's guess, the thing was either hidden on this note or hidden in this cigar tube. And no matter where it is hidden in these two places, he will need some professional tools to see it.

But just when photographer Hans was about to enter the laboratory to follow the shooting, a phone call forced him to stay outside the door.

"Anyway, this part isn't important. It doesn't matter if you don't take pictures." Seeing that Hans didn't come in, Liang En shrugged, and then used the tools on the test bench to start checking what he had just found.

The first thing he checked was the paper, but after repeated inspections, he had to admit that there was nothing on the back of the paper as it seemed at first glance.

And when he used an optical fiber to check the inside of the cigar tube, he found that there were dozens of strange symbols densely carved inside the cigar tube.

These symbols include numbers, English letters, and patterns like the Chinese character tic-tac-toe. Without comparison, Liang En felt that he couldn't guess what these symbols were at all.

Fortunately, Liang En still had a way to protect himself, so after copying out all the symbols, Liang En used [Cryptotext Cracking (R)] on the note in front of him.

The extraordinary power was indeed effective, but because Liang En had no understanding of the cipher text in front of him, he spent two destiny points to translate this short sentence.

"So that's it!" After reading the translated content, Liang En happily made a fist and waved it in front of his chest. Because the sentence translated now is a place.

"What did you find?" Seeing Liang En looking at the piece of paper for a while, he suddenly became excited. Fan Meng, who was standing next to him, was startled at first, and then asked.

"Let's go back to London next." Liang En picked up the note he had just translated and said, "I know the location of the next place."

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