After confirming that what he found was indeed the legendary Sun Stone, Liang En immediately stopped his original search work and returned to the shore, and then showed his findings to the Canadian archaeological team.

The members of the archaeological team did not believe Liang En's statement at first, because the so-called sun stone was more of a legend, and no historian had ever produced any evidence to prove this before.

But when Liang En played on the computer the whole process that Fan Meng had just taken with the camera on his head, especially the unpacking process, and let them experience the function of this piece of calcite for themselves, the team members present immediately cheered.

For archaeologists, the discovery of anything of historical value is worth cheering, let alone the possibility of such a legendary thing becoming a reality.

But just when this group of archaeologists frantically contacted the Canadian National Archaeological Department, Liang En had already left here. After all, he had completed what he wanted to do, and naturally he would not be able to do the next work in the wasteland. Blended.

As for the following matters such as remuneration, Liang En doesn't have to worry, because the earl is responsible for those matters. According to the experience of previous cooperation, it is enough to wait for the earl to handle it according to the contract signed in advance.

On the seaplane leaving here, Liang En was finally able to take some free time to carefully count the cards he had found before.

The biggest gain this time is in terms of legendary power. Among the total eight cards, a total of four [Legendary Power (N)] cards that can increase the upper limit of legendary power were obtained, including Vinland Colony itself and Sunstone respectively. Two sheets.

And this once again verified one of the rules for obtaining the power of legend, that is, the number of points obtained is directly related to the mythology of the discovery location and the preciousness of the content found.

For example, the reason why you can get 4 points in one breath this time is also very simple, because both the Sun Stone and the Vinland Colony are part of the epic, and have been transferred from history to legend, and then from legend to myth.

It is a pity that because the Viking legend is relatively short in modern times, and because there are relatively few people who know the legend of Vinland in history, the upper limit of obtaining legendary power is limited.

To give the simplest example, if Liang En finds some items related to the Crusaders that are slightly later than this era, then the legendary power he will obtain is likely to be more than this.

Even so, the four [Legendary Power (N)] harvested this time also played an important role for Liang En.

Because this means that the upper limit of his legendary power has increased to eight points, and there are only two points left to solve the mystery of the ring now hanging around his neck.

And judging from the power obtained by consuming the upper limit of legendary power, this ring should be more powerful than ever, which is why the activation requirements are so high.

Full of hope for the future, Liang En began to check the remaining four cards, and found that three of the four cards were common items.

They are a [Detection (N)] from the Sunstone, a [Repair (R)] and a [Detection (N)] from the Vinland Colony.

Regarding the newly acquired [Repair (R)] cards, Liang En found that most of the contents were consistent with [Repair (N)], but there were huge differences in key points.

In addition to the premise that the overall volume of the items was damaged from no more than 30% to no more than 60%, it is also possible to actually create parts equivalent to no more than 30% of the original volume.

In other words, as long as sufficient raw materials are prepared, if the original item is not damaged by more than 30%, then the damaged item will become intact, instead of showing obvious signs of repair like previous repairs.

"This is really awesome!" After reading the description of the card, Liang En's eyes widened.

Because in many cases the integrity of cultural relics plays a decisive role in the value of the cultural relics. Even in many cases, the value of a complete cultural relic may be several times or even dozens of times that of a damaged cultural relic.

After calming down a little from the excitement of getting a super useful card, Liang En turned his attention to the last R card.

[Sea Raiders (R): Vikings, the most powerful plunderers thousands of years ago, often launched raids from coastlines or even rivers, and then plundered the target location.

This kind of robbery brought a huge psychological shadow to Europeans. Archeology in many areas even found that among their prayers was "Merciful Lord, please keep us away from the clutches of the Vikings." This type of content is prominent on the side. The horror of the Vikings.

Strengthening card (one-time use), effect 1: After using this card, the user will master the skills mastered by a powerful Viking raider back then, some of which are related to navigation, and the other part are related to combat. .

Effect 2: After using the card, the user can get a simple physical strengthening and gain the unique balance ability and body coordination of a Viking raider who wanders the sea all year round.

Note that this change in body coordination may cause the card user to be temporarily unable to maintain his balance, so for safety reasons it is best to use this card while lying on the bed. 】

"It seems that I am indeed related to the Vikings." After reading the content of the last card, Liang En complained subconsciously, because the card that strengthened the body before was also related to the Vikings.

But this can be considered a good thing. After all, both Viking explorers and Viking berserkers have their strong points, and mastering their power can also greatly improve themselves.

Of course, reinforcing on a plane is a bad idea. In particular, the loss of balance during the strengthening process is likely to cause the person to slip directly from the chair to the floor. It would be terrible if someone thinks it is a cerebral infarction.

So it wasn't until they checked into the hotel they had booked and entered their rooms to rest that Liang Encai simply washed up and then lay on the carpet and used cards to prepare for enhancements.

The reason why he did this was because after the last strengthening, Liang En found that both his bedding and clothes were soaked. It took him a long time to clean up, so this time he simply chose to lie on the ground to strengthen.

After making all preparations, Liang En closed his eyes and used the card [Sea Raider (R)].

But unexpectedly, when the card turned into a ball of silver light and entered the body to strengthen, Liang En could clearly feel that this strengthening was different from the previous one.

No pain, no hunger or thirst. To be precise, this strengthening process is not painful at all, but can make people feel unusually comfortable.

Liang En felt as if his body was soaked in a hot spring, and the surrounding water was still massaging his whole body. In this kind of enjoyment, time passed little by little.

Finally, he felt the real surroundings again. After realizing that the strengthening was over, the experienced Liang En immediately got up from the floor and rushed into the bathroom as quickly as possible.

Although he didn't sweat much this time, there was a layer of dust on his bare back just lying on the carpet, so in this case Liang En thought it would be more appropriate for him to take a shower first.

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