That afternoon, Liang En came to a bar in downtown Toronto, and under the guidance of the bartender, he went to a corner on the second floor of the bar. "Good evening! Mr. Scord."

Looking at Scott sitting at the round table, Liang En said hello first, and then sat on the chair opposite his table.

At the same time, on the top of the building where no one can see. Three ravens with metal blades hanging on their claws descended from the sky, then entered the bar along the gap that humans could not cross, and then jumped around to inspect the entire bar where no one could see it.

The reason why he was so nervous was because the invitation given to him by this rich man today was obviously not normal, so he was naturally prepared to be on guard.

However, after visiting the scene, he realized that he was obviously nervous, because there was only one person sitting there on the second floor of the bar.

After the three ravens scouted around, they confirmed that the rich man had indeed come alone as he said, without any entourage.

"Excuse me, why did you come to see me today?" After sitting down, looking at the old man across the table, Liang En asked directly.

After all, Mr. Scord is a billionaire no matter what. How to inexplicably book a seat in a bar and then come and talk to someone alone makes people full of suspicion.

"Yes, I do have something to do with you." Scott smiled, then took out a photo and placed it in front of Liang En. "I want to ask if you have seen anything in these photos before."

"Let me take a look -" Liang En took the photo and looked at it carefully. Although he seemed calm and calm on the surface, in fact, his heart was in turmoil when he saw him for the first time.

Because the photo showed a Masonic badge, and what made him feel even more chilled was that it was a badge with a black enamel base and a gold ruler pattern on it.

This badge looked very familiar to him, because someone had placed such a badge in the sun hole where the mural had been stripped off before he found it as if it were a demonstration.

"The one in this photo should be the Masonic badge." After looking at the photos, Liang Enyun pushed the photo over calmly, and then asked, "Is there anything wrong with this badge?"

"I heard that you found a solar cave in the UK before, but only one solar cave was full, and the other solar cave had been looted before, right?" Skold suddenly asked at this time.

"Yes." Liang En nodded in recognition. After all, this matter is not a secret. A rich man like Scord can find out about it without spending much effort.

"If I guessed correctly, you should have found a badge that looks very similar to a Masonic badge at the scene." After seeing Liang En's admission, Scood said calmly.

"And if there are no accidents, the badge you found at that time should look like the badge in the photo I showed you."

"Who are you, or to be more precise, what is your other identity besides being a rich man?" Liang En immediately became vigilant after hearing what Scott said.

Because the badge on this photo is slightly different from the badge he found in the sun cave before, and the photo looks to be at least five years old.

In other words, the badge in the photo is not the one Liang En found before. Scood obviously got some information related to Freemasonry from other channels, and then he didn't know how to find Liang En.

However, at this time, Liang En sat in his seat very calmly and did not panic, because the ravens distributed in the room did not notice any outsiders entering the room.

And with his current physical fitness and the distance between the two people, even if Scood had a gun and started to attack, he would be dead. What's more, the other party didn't seem to want to take action when they chose this place to negotiate.

"I'm just an adventurer, and of course, I'm also a Freemason. So the reason why I'm looking for you this time is just to help me find my uncle -" Skold said, taking out a photo.

In the photo, a middle-aged man and a young child stood in front of the Parthenon in Athens, with bright smiles on their faces.

"The middle-aged man in the photo is my uncle. He was a famous Swedish adventurer at the time. He once discovered many relics from the ancient Roman era in the Middle East." Speaking of this, Scudder revealed a smile. A nostalgic expression.

"Actually, my current hobby of adventure was cultivated by my uncle. Whenever he came back from an adventure when I was a child, he would tell me stories about those adventures——"

"Sorry, people always like to reminisce about the past when they get older." After telling stories about his childhood and his uncle for a few minutes, Scudder shook his head and brought the topic back on track.

"This photo was taken by my uncle with me before an adventure. At that time, he said that he had found an important secret of ancient Rome. If published, it would definitely shock the entire archaeological world."

"But it turned out that my uncle just disappeared like this. My father spent a lot of time and energy looking for my uncle, but in the end he found nothing."

"And then I started a journey to find my uncle. Unfortunately, after so many years, the only thing I knew was that my uncle's disappearance was related to the British Masonic headquarters represented behind this badge."

"If this is the case, I really don't dare to accept your commission." Liang En said with a serious face, "I am just a scholar and adventurer, so I never expect to obtain anything beyond this self-definition category. thing."

"So I can only refuse a commission like this that has anything to do with British Freemasonry. Although I personally sympathize with your uncle's situation, but--anyway, I'm very sorry."

"Sit down, sit down, and it's not too late to listen to what I have to say before making a decision." Scott lowered his hands and made a calming gesture.

He also realized that what he just said could easily lead to ambiguity, so in the next half hour, he gave Liang En a general introduction to some internal information about Freemasonry.

Contrary to Liang En's imagination, although Freemasonry is actually well-organized, this refers to its various branches, and as for the whole, it is a very loose organization.

It can even be said that many Freemasons do not have a penny connection with each other. Just adopted the same name.

The Freemasonry that left this emblem did indeed belong to a branch under the British Masonic Headquarters at first. However, with the disintegration of the British Empire in the 1960s, this branch also broke away after a small-scale and high-intensity conflict with the headquarters. Headquarters.

"What I can confirm is that this branch has been collecting various things related to myths and legends. As a result, it also offended the British Masonic Headquarters because of this collecting hobby."

At this point, Scood stared into Liang En's eyes, and then said it very seriously in a positive tone.

"So the other side will get absolutely no help from other branches of Freemasonry."

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