"Constantinople, we're finally here." Three days later. Liang En and the three of them appeared under the city wall of Constantinople, and then looked at the majestic city wall that was scarred but still stood there.

"This is the Saint Romanus Gate. Legend has it that Constantine XI, the last Roman emperor, died nearby. However, people did not find his body, only a pair of boots." Liang En introduced in a low voice. road.

After they arrived here on the private plane of the Scood family, they drove a little detour to the city gate and prepared to visit the city's famous city wall.

This section of the city wall looks dilapidated, with a large number of cave-ins and large holes. The reason for this is that the terrain where the entire wall is located drops sharply toward the valley, so the wall is lower than the opposite slope, making it the most vulnerable part of Theodosius' wall.

For this reason, in 1453, Maimet II ordered his artillery force, including the Urban heavy artillery, to concentrate fire on this section of the city wall, which resulted in the current mess.

After a brief visit and taking photos at the desolate city gate, Liang En and the others returned to the off-road vehicle they had driven from. Then head straight to the city center.

"There are three banks we can probably go to now, HSBC, Citigroup and Turkish Bank. Which one is better for us to go to first?" As Fan Meng drove east along the road to the city center, Pierce asked Liang En.

"What do you think?" Liang En asked, looking at the three circles on the map that represented the locations of the three banks. "Where do you think Mr. Conrad most likely put the thing?"

"I think it's HSBC," Pierce said, pointing to the map. "Because Conrad was most likely out for more than three hours at a time, HSBC, which is the furthest away, would be appropriate in terms of distance."

"What you said makes sense, but the problem is that at that time, the Golden Society was still a subordinate organization of the English Freemasonry. In this case, would Conrad really put the money in a British bank?" Liang En Raised his own questions. "

——What you said makes sense. Which bank do you think this gentleman will put his things in? "Hearing what Liang En said, Pierce nodded and asked.

"Considering the Masonic factors, there is a high probability that the other party will put their belongings in a Turkish bank." Liang En said, pointing to a circle on the map.

"Because this bank is the national bank of Turkey, its credibility is absolutely guaranteed. At the same time, unlike Citigroup and HSBC, this bank's background is destined to be much less likely to be influenced by Freemasonry."

So after experiencing a series of traffic jams, it took them 40 minutes to arrive at the entrance of a Turkish bank not far from Hagia Sophia.

After the service staff at the door asked them what their purpose was, they called another waiter and took the three of them into a small room that was obviously provided for VIP customers. Then a slightly bald staff member left. Come in.

"Please fill in your safe deposit box number and sign." After a simple greeting, the staff member quickly took out a piece of paper from the folder and handed it over.

Liang En knew before that the bank's safe deposit box passwords in that era were all three digits. So I wrote the number 697 corresponding to the word you, and then stamped it with the seal under the cross.

"Please bring someone to enter the vault with us." Just a few minutes after the staff member went out, a bank manager walked in and said, so Liang En stood up and went to the underground vault with the bank manager.

"The things you want to withdraw now were deposited in the bank in 1953, so we are going to the oldest vaults of the bank." The manager in front explained all the way and led Liang En out of the elevator door, and then Followed the corridor and came to a room.

"Mr. Liang, I'll wait for you outside." The manager said to Liang En when he took him to the safe No. 697, then walked to the door and looked at Liang En's back.

Looking at the password disk with four digits on it, Liang En immediately entered the password, which was the number 9943 represented by the word love.

When the last number 3 was turned into place, he pressed the handle of the safe hard and opened the door of the safe. Then he took out an old suitcase and returned with the bank manager. on the ground.

"What is in this?" After the three people returned to the car in the parking lot, Fan Meng and Pierce immediately gathered around and stared at the suitcase curiously.

"I guess it might be documents or something, because this box is very light to carry." Liang En opened the lock on the box as he spoke, and then opened the lid.

"My guess is indeed correct." Liang En took out the items from the box one by one and said. Just as he had guessed before, there was a lot of documents placed in the box.

In addition to three kraft paper document bags, Liang En and the others also took out a small box decorated with red velvet from the box. Inside the box was a sterling silver cross with a crucifix and two horizontal bars. .

"Please give these things to my family, and they will pay you handsomely - Conrad Scord." After carefully inspecting the box, Liang En used tweezers to pinch the gap in the lid of the box. A note came out.

On the back of the note was written an address near Stockholm, Sweden. Liang En knew that this was the address of the Skold Manor they had gone to before.

Obviously, the current situation is as Liang En and the others had guessed before. Mr. Conrad did leave something to his relatives, something that can help trace his traces.

"Pierce, please contact our employer first to tell us what we have discovered, and take a photo of these things and send them to them." After briefly checking the things taken out of the bank, Liang En ordered his companions .

"Fan Meng, drive to the hotel now. I think we need some time to sort out this information. I have a hunch that through this information we should be able to find Mr. Conrad."

Half an hour later, Liang En and the others sat down together around a table in the hotel room. What was spread out on the table were all the information contained in the parchments that had been discovered before.

These materials include notes, maps, and of course some photos. Through these documents, they quickly figured out the planned itinerary of Mr. Conrad's expedition.

The adventure began when several members of the then-English Freemasons found some parchments in the British Empire Museum, and those parchments recorded the secrets of the last treasures of the Roman Empire.

"Before the fall of Constantinople, Constantine XI sent his most loyal subordinates to leave the nearly destroyed city with the last treasures of the empire, and took these treasures to Trabizon, hoping to Leave behind the seeds for the rebirth of the empire.”

Pierce gradually translated the Latin words on the parchment photos with text in one of the albums, and then told Liang En and Fan Meng.

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