Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 163 Garbage and Clues

After confirming that the ruins of the village were safe, the three people immediately started searching the village with metal detectors. Unfortunately, they found nothing except a pile of garbage.

"I think the last treasure of the Byzantine Empire should not be hidden in this place." After throwing aside the deflated iron kettle he had just dug out from the ruins, Fan Meng said to Liang En with a depressed look.

"This village was built next to a river. I think this kind of place is not suitable for storing various treasures. Otherwise, the humidity in your place will destroy most of the treasures."

"What you said makes sense." Liang En said while exploring the ruins with a metal detector. "But the previous map was too general, so according to tradition, we can only prioritize human settlements."

"More importantly, this village is the only settlement and water replenishment point within dozens of kilometers. If Conrad's expedition team really came here, there is a high probability that they would settle in this village and stay there. Leave traces.”

"You're right, I found something interesting here." Pierce, who was searching in the next room, suddenly shouted at this time, and then walked over holding a rusty empty can.

"A can of Spam luncheon meat?" Liang En took one look at the broken can and immediately recognized what it was, because SPAM was written in capital letters on the front of the box.

This luncheon meat was the most famous, and arguably the most infamous, ration for the U.S. Army throughout World War II. The U.S. Army even made up many jokes about this luncheon meat.

But apart from Americans, most of the world is grateful for this processed meat. This is true whether it is the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union or the many countries affected in the Pacific battlefield.

For example, McDonald's restaurants on several Pacific islands even sell burgers made from canned Spam luncheon meat. Another example is that the Koreans are proud of their military pot, which is indispensable for expired or near-expired food thrown out from US military bases. Lunchmeat.

But it was a bit strange to find a can of luncheon meat in this place. Although luncheon meat had spread all over the world with the end of World War II, the village had been abandoned for more than 20 years at that time. It was obviously not normal for a can to appear inexplicably.

"Maybe this is what was left by the expedition team that Conrad was a part of." Looking at the production date of 1952 on the can, Liang En had an idea and suddenly thought of a possibility.

So in the following time, the three people gathered together and dug desperately in the ruins of the room where the empty cans were found. Soon, one piece of garbage from the 1950s was dug out one after another.

"I can confirm that there is a high probability that this should be something left by Conrad's expedition team." Looking at the pile of garbage in front of him, Liang En explained to his two companions with certainty.

Because the production dates of these things are basically concentrated in the 1940s and 1950s, and they are mainly food packaging suitable for outdoor adventures, obviously left by outdoor explorers.

Among this small pile of garbage, the most eye-catching thing is a folding knife with a handle inlaid with pearls. However, the connection between the blade and the blade has been damaged, and the blade is missing.

Liang En found this knife from a dusty corner of the room. Judging from the current condition of the knife, it was very likely that the user accidentally broke the knife and then threw it away in anger.

Although the knife looked inconspicuous at all, it was very important to Liang En, especially when they spent two days searching the entire small village but still had no clue.

"We have searched the village, but we have found nothing except some rubbish that may have been left by Conrad's archaeological team, and the rubbish is obviously not convincing enough."

Pierce said over lunch after the search. "Obviously, we wouldn't be able to convince our employer to pay for us if we just went back with these things, but now there are no clues for us to continue looking for."

After saying that, Pierce and Fan Meng looked at Liang En at the same time. Because Liang En is now leading this small adventure team, what to do next depends entirely on his decision.

"Let me think about it." After realizing that it was time to make a decision, Liang En showed a thoughtful look on his face. Obviously, the decisions made now will determine where everyone goes next.

After realizing this, Liang En combined the four [Detection (N)] he now owned into one [Detection (R)], and then used it on the destroyed folding knife handle he found earlier.

The moment the card was used, a map immediately appeared in Liang En's mind, and a point on the map was lit up by milky white light at the same time.

After realizing that the straight-line distance between that point and himself was no more than 5km, Liang En pretended to be thinking about the problem while commanding the three ravens that were scurrying in the surrounding woods to immediately take off, and then scouted towards that point. .

Because I already know something through the cards. So the three ravens commanded by Liang En quickly discovered a mountain trail with artificial traces in the surrounding mountains, and that point was near the road.

It has to be said that time can change the appearance of too many things. Those artificial traces are now almost all hidden under vegetation or soil.

If we didn't know it in advance and search the surrounding area carefully, aerial reconnaissance would not be able to see the traces left by humans.

After making this discovery, Liang En suddenly became more confident. He stood up from the campfire and said to his two companions.

"I think we can search the surrounding area, especially the surrounding areas where there have been traces of human activities. I suspect there may be some other ruins around this village."

"Of course, we can't keep searching in this place. So we have three days to search almost everything around this valley. If there is no one, we will withdraw."

So after finishing lunch, the three people immediately searched around the village with the village as the center. However, contrary to Liang En's previous prediction, they found another exit of the valley in just one afternoon.

It is not surprising that this situation occurs. After all, the area of ​​​​the valley is not large, and the three people present have received training in search, plus Liang En can also cheat. So it was normal to find the trail so quickly.

"These trees seem to have been planted here on purpose." Fan Meng was the first to discover the entrance to the valley path hidden by bushes.

He had previously discovered a cobblestone path in the village that extended out of the village. Although this path was artificially destroyed shortly after leaving the village, Fan Meng still found this place based on the direction in which the path extended, and then discovered that it was Hidden valley entrance.

"Let's go up and have a look." After opening a road in the bushes with the machetes they carried, the three men, fully armed, walked into the valley.

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