Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 207 Emergency Support

Daniel's letter was a huge help to Liang En, but Pierce's phone call the next day was not. The next morning, just after breakfast, Liang En received a call from Pierce.

"Why are you calling me so early? Did something happen?" Liang En said lazily after looking at the phone number on his phone.

"I remember that you seemed to have recently hired a group of people to go to Poland to dig for modern treasures. Did you dig up the German gold train from World War II?"

Just when Liang En went to the Philippines before, Pierce also led a team to Poland to find some good things. Because Liang En had injected capital into his store before, he finally had the liquidity to take the initiative this time.

The reason why Poland was chosen is that although this country requires the handover of 90% of the buried objects found, it also allows the discoverer to take away some items with low historical value, instead of being forced to exchange them for money.

"I also want to find the Golden Train. Unfortunately, the places where the Golden Train is said to be located are now strictly controlled by the Poles. It is impossible for foreigners like us to get close to them."

Pierce's helpless voice came from the phone. Listening to this voice, Liang En could picture the depressed expression on his face while holding up the phone.

"We originally planned to search for relics related to World War II near Krakow this time, but what we unearthed now is completely different from what we imagined."

"Then what did you ask me to do?" Liang En asked with some confusion. "You and I both studied archeology. I think you should be able to handle it if you encounter something troublesome."

"Theoretically, this is true, but the things dug up now are really too strange." Pierce also knew that it was a bit embarrassing to say this at this time, but he really had no other choice.

"After all, you have a part in this business, so if you can spare the time now, you'd better come over and help, otherwise our store's first proactive exploration may end in a complete loss of money."

"Okay, I'll try my best to come over." Liang En said after thinking for a while. He found that the work he was doing seemed to be able to be done anywhere, so he just happened to be able to take time to go for a trip.

Because Pierce had brought everything with him, Liang En and Fan Meng took a plane to Warsaw with simple luggage that afternoon, and then transferred to Krakow.

But what Liang En didn't notice was that just as he was setting off from Baojian Town with a small suitcase, there was a bus going in the opposite direction to the one he was riding on. There was a person on the bus who was holding a cell phone and looking around awkwardly. figure.

If Liang En is on another bus at this time and sits next to this figure, he will find that the figure's mobile phone displays an electronic map, and the destination is Liang En's ranch.

Because it was already very late when the plane landed, Liang En and the others did not go to the excavation site in the suburbs. Instead, they chose to stay in the city for one night. After breakfast the next morning, they took the bus to Pierce House. Said village.

Then, the two of them used hiking poles and walked along the road in the village to a place not far from the outside of the village, where two tents were clearly set up.

"Good morning, Pierce." After hugging and greeting Pierce from the tent, Liang En quickly turned the topic to the excavation site.

"The main reason for this excavation is that I previously bought a map of the Soviet Union from World War II, and it was specifically marked that a small-scale firefight broke out in this place——"

While taking Liang En to the excavation site, Pierce explained to him about the situation he encountered during the excavation from the very beginning.

According to him, he decided to use this place as the target of excavation after judging that this place was once a war zone, but not a war zone where there had been fierce fighting.

"You know, the Soviets advanced very quickly in the latter stages of World War II, so they often had no time to clean the battlefield carefully. As a result, a lot of valuable things would be left on the battlefield." Pierce spread his hands and explained.

"But because the place we chose is not a particularly fierce fighting area, the number of diggers digging here will obviously not be too many, and at the same time, there will not be too many dangerous explosives-"

"But now it seems that you have found the wrong place." Just as everyone was talking, they came to a trench, and at this time Liang En could see at a glance that something was wrong with the current situation.

Because there is a row of wood inside the trench that is obviously used to fix the trench, but for those professionals, just by looking at it, they can tell that it is not a product of World War II.

In addition, the width, depth and cross-section of the entire trench are not like modern military trenches at all. At least in Liang En's view, they look a bit like the trenches or moats of ancient castles.

"You are indeed looking in the wrong place. At least the history of those pieces of wood should be more than 300 years old." Pierce nodded and said. “This feels like a settlement from the 16th and 17th centuries.”

"And the reason why I called you here is because I hope you can help find out what this place is? If it is the ruins of an ordinary village. I think we can inform the Poles directly."

You know, according to Polish law, a bounty for discovering a village and a bounty for discovering something else are two different things. If this place was a monastery and was reported as a village, their gains this time would definitely not be much, and they might not even be able to recover the cost.

"Didn't you go explore for a while?" Liang En looked at the wasteland in front of him and said, "I see that with the manpower and equipment you have here, there is no need to wait for me to come over."

"Please, starting work costs money." Pierce shrugged and said, "And you have a sixth sense, so you should be able to complete this search in the most cost-effective way."

"Okay, let me try." Liang En sighed and nodded. Obviously, some of his previous actions had taken deep root in Pierce's mind, and even at this time, he was dismissed from the job. England called over.

Fortunately, Liang En didn't have to start over. At least Pierce had already excavated and sampled the entire wasteland, so he only needed to conduct a simple analysis of the samples.

Of course, it is not a simple matter to use a microscope to conduct detailed analysis of hundreds of samples one by one. Under normal circumstances, it may take two or three days to get everything done, so Liang En decided to take a chance approach.

After making the decision, he took the backpack containing these sample jars to a wasteland that seemed to have nothing to do with the ruins. Then, while pretending to shake the bottles to check the conditions inside, he used a [Detection (N)] 】.

Just as he had guessed, a ray of light emitted from one of the more than a hundred bottles in front of him. After pouring the contents of the bottle onto the test paper, he quickly discovered what it was.

What emits light is a piece of metal that is only the size of a coin. It looks like it is made of copper, but it should be plated with gold, so it looks shiny after the dirt is wiped off.

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