This ship originally had a helicopter hangar, but now the helicopter hangar did not contain the helicopter that Liang En had seen before in Canada. Instead, it was filled with various supplies.

The reason why there is no helicopter in the opponent's hangar is also very simple. On the one hand, it is because everyone has too many things to install this time and needs more space. On the other hand, the Sinai Peninsula is not very suitable for helicopters.

Let’s not talk about how unfriendly the local desert environment is to helicopter engines. As long as you consider that there are still many dangerous elements in the desert, you will know how many civilian helicopters can fly in the sky. It's dangerous.

Most of the items in the helicopter hangar were needed for this expedition, and Liang En quickly bypassed the various boxes containing various items and came to the back of the helicopter hangar, following the instructions before Scood. He moved a box away with his guidance, and then used the password to open a small secret room with a password door.

The secret room contained several wicker boxes made of wooden boards, and after opening one box, there were five brand-new akm rifles inside, which even smelled of gun oil.

This is the most important part of a batch of gifts prepared for those Copts, a total of 20 AKM rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition for each rifle.

According to Daniel's previous statement and the results of Mr. Earl's previous investigation, due to the unrest in the Sinai Peninsula, these Copts were allowed to form an organization similar to a vigilante group or a security force.

However, despite having legal permission, due to the religious beliefs of the Copts, it is difficult for the militia they established to find suitable weapons in Egypt.

So after a brief discussion between several people, Liang En and the others decided to purchase 20 rifles and corresponding bullets as gifts for each other as a meeting gift.

Except for firearms, of course. Liang En also prepared various daily necessities worth 10,000 pounds as gifts after asking Daniel.

The reason for this is that after Liang En said he would come over to carry out excavation work, these Copts spontaneously and voluntarily helped him collect various surrounding materials with characters and patterns while doing other things.

So Liang En felt that since the other party expressed such friendly words, he should also prepare some gifts for the other party. After asking Daniel, he decided to purchase supplies as gifts instead of giving cash directly.

Unlike the stormy Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea appears calm. So during these three days, everyone spent most of their time going to the deck to bask in the sun and enjoy the services on the ship.

Because everyone feels that everyone will be very busy in the next period of time, therefore, taking advantage of this last free time to take a good rest can also be said to be the experience accumulated by that group of professionals after many actions.

"To be honest, this feels much better than the last Atlantic adventure." Fan Meng said to Liang En while basking in the sun, "Especially for novices who are prone to seasickness, the sea conditions here are obviously more friendly to people. A lot."

"You're right." Hearing what Fan Meng said, Liang En immediately recalled the not-so-splendid boat trip last time.

Although the last time two people took a boat in Canada, they sailed offshore, but the rocking hull and the fishy smell in the fishing boat still left a bad impression.

The good thing is that after that time, Liang En obtained the [Sea Raider (R)] card, so that if he encounters similar problems in the future, he will not be in the same situation as last time.

However, this sailing trip is obviously not needed. At least the overall experience when traveling on a high-end cruise ship in the calm Mediterranean Sea is very good, and there is no need to use skills to fight the discomfort of riding a ship.

As everyone on the ship consciously relaxed, time passed quickly. Three days later, the ship successfully sailed into the Port of Elto and docked at the dock that had been reserved in advance.

El To is a small seaport city. The water area of ​​the port area is not large, but because it is on the coast of the Red Sea, it is not deserted overall.

When they boarded the gangplank ashore and used the ship's crane to transport the vehicles to the dock, local customs officers quickly came over to clear customs for them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang En entered the office of the Customs Commissioner under the leadership of Daniel, and then chatted with the Egyptian official who was obviously also a Copt.

Although the Copts are considered a minority in Egypt, out of pride in their origins and in order not to be assimilated by mainstream society, the Copts tenaciously maintain their traditions and have a special sense of unity.

Also because they always maintain a sense of crisis of genocide, the Copts work harder than most Egyptians to gain wealth and status. After all, this is the real foundation of modern society.

The hard work has paid off, and despite making up only 10% of Egypt's total population, Copts' education levels are higher than Egypt's overall average.

Many Copts have received higher education and have become professionals with high overall quality. Especially among doctors, lawyers and engineers, Copts account for a large proportion, far more than 10%.

For example, the richest man in Egypt is a Copt. Before World War II, 40% of the landowners were from Copts. Even the sixth United Nations Secretary-General Ghali was also a Copt.

In addition to the Copts who stayed in the country, those Copts who went overseas have also achieved their own achievements in various countries. For example, the overall income of Copts in the United States is even the highest among all ethnic groups in the United States.

But their life, which is more prosperous than others, often attracts dissatisfied eyes. For example, if any turmoil occurs, they can easily become the target of public venting.

Fortunately, in the decades after the end of World War II, the world has been much more stable than before, so these Copts have slowly found their own place in this country, such as becoming the heads of customs as they are now.

"-Yes, some adventurers have indeed come here recently." This customs official was a distant uncle of Daniel, so he quickly told Liang En some important information after Daniel's negotiation.

"It's just that most of them came here disguised as tourists, but I'm 100% sure that those guys who drove into the desert with a lot of luggage were definitely not normal travelers."

Compared with the past when only a few tourist spots were open, the current situation of full opening obviously gives those illegal explorers the opportunity to dig everywhere.

After all, under the previous state of martial law, anyone who strayed off the road or left a tourist location in the Sinai Peninsula could be arrested or even detained by the military.

What's even more dangerous is that a large number of landmines and unexploded bombs were left here because of the war. It was only recently that they were cleared with the help of the United Nations.

So when the overall situation in the Sinai Peninsula began to improve, those who were spying on the treasures buried in this land naturally smelled the smell of money and came here, even earlier than most regular archaeologists.

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