After Liang En obtained the original information and manuscripts of the Brothers Grimm, he decided to recreate the famous fairy tale collection in this world.

So he moved all the stories in his mind from his mind, uploaded them to the Internet with pictures he also searched from his memory, and then published those stories at a rate of one short story a day.

And now when he logged into his account to check, he was surprised to find that each of these fairy tales was read by more than 87,000 people on average.

The most exaggerated thing is that the number of viewers of the most famous fairy tales, The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats, has exceeded 200,000, which is a complete hit.

Although this kind of page views is still far behind some real Internet celebrities, considering that I am a pure person on the Internet, it is already amazing to be able to do this.

Most of the comments below are complimentary, but there are also some discordant noises. For example, some people have criticized these stories as being told from an ancient perspective and full of derogation of women.

However, most people think that these ZZZQ-speaking people came here to cause trouble, because Liang En pointed out at the beginning that all he did was continue the unfinished work of the Grimm Brothers.

For example, one of the comments clearly pointed out that Liang En is a historian, and the work he is doing now is only the restoration of ancient documents. Naturally, it is impossible to change the ideas inside.

In other words, it was the wrong thing for him to change the content at this time. As a historical scholar, what Liang En should do is to retell these things authentically.

Just like a book called "Hammer of Witches", it is all about how to identify and execute witches. There is no doubt that the content in it is all nonsense, but as a historian, you cannot be dissatisfied because of the nonsense in it. Make the correct translation.

Of course, at this time, some keen publishers naturally sent emails to Liang En, hoping to reach some kind of cooperation agreement with him on this "Grimm's Fairy Tales".

However, at this time, those who came to us hoping to cooperate were either some very small booksellers, or the prices they offered were very low. Therefore, for Liang En, who is not short of money now, he feels that it is better to wait and let the book continue to ferment on the Internet.

After finishing the remaining work from their previous expedition to Egypt, Liang En and the others quickly entered a pre-holiday state.

Although their family traditionally does not celebrate this holiday, considering that Ireland itself has a relatively strong religious atmosphere and everyone around is celebrating this holiday, Liang En and his family will also make some Christmas-related dishes during the holiday. related things.

For example, they will not go to church or prepare a Christmas tree, but they will decorate the outside of their house with lights and some decorations, and prepare a sumptuous dinner.

Of course, Joan of Arc's habits are completely different from theirs. For example, after she came here, she would go to the small church in the town to pray every day whenever she was free. Naturally, she would not miss the religious activities before Christmas.

So after dinner on Christmas Eve, Joan of Arc went to the church in the town to attend the Christmas Eve mass alone, and did not come back until the early morning.

"Sorry, I was a little too relaxed yesterday." It was already 8:30 in the morning when Jeanne got up the next morning, and when she finished cleaning up and walked into the restaurant, she found that Liang En had already cooked and was waiting for him.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. I just finished cooking." Liang En said with a gentle wave of his hand. "It's the holidays after all, so taking a break isn't such a bad thing."

"By the way, what do you think we can do during this Christmas vacation?" Liang En asked when the two of them had almost finished breakfast. "It's so boring just to stay home all day."

"Well - we can go ride horses at the equestrian club last time." Joan of Arc thought for a moment and said, "I remember the notice on the sign there last time specifically said that they don't have a holiday on Christmas."

"Besides, we can also drive around. I remember my aunt said at the dinner table last night that you seemed to go to England more, but not much to the rest of Ireland-"

"Dong dong dong -" Just when Joan of Arc and Liang En were thinking about where to go next, there was a knock on the door.

"Why is there someone coming to the door at this time?" Liang En thought as he got up to open the door, because under normal circumstances Christmas day is a time for relatives to reunite, and generally no one would visit other people's homes.

"Merry Christmas, Uncle Mike!" After recognizing the identity of the person at the door, Liang En immediately greeted him and then asked. "Excuse me, what's the matter?"

Uncle Mike is a farmer who lives in a village next door, but because it is only five or six kilometers away from Baojian Town, the people in the two places are relatively familiar.

For example, Uncle Mike's son and Liang En both went to primary school in Baojian Town, and he was only one year older than Liang En. At the same time, we often meet each other in the town, so we can be regarded as ordinary acquaintances.

"Merry Christmas, Lawrence." Uncle Mike smiled and said. "I heard that you are now a famous archaeologist. Is this true?"

"She should be considered a professional archaeologist." Liang En scratched his hair and said. "But being particularly famous is not that great - can I ask if I can help you?"

"I'm sorry to come to you at Christmas time." Uncle Mike showed an embarrassed expression, "But we have found some strange things now, so I hope you can help us take a look."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and pulled out a few photos in the album to show Liang En, and at the same time talked about what he discovered last night.

Because Christmas is a time for family reunions, Mike's family is no exception. When there are more young people and children in the family, it will naturally become more noisy.

For example, several of Uncle Mike's children who now live in the city ran to the fields to play when they came back, and while they were making a fuss, they accidentally discovered something strange in a corner of his farm.

"This should be a short spear belonging to the Vikings." Liang En said after looking at the rusty thing in the photo. As someone who has discovered a large number of ancient Viking ruins and obtained several cards in this area This thing is easy to identify.

In addition, there were several bones that were also severely corroded. After a simple judgment, Liang En determined that one of the three bones was half a human rib, while the other two were the bones of some large herbivore.

"This looks like an ancient Viking cemetery." Liang En said after looking at the bones and metal and thinking for a while, "So I personally suggest that you contact the archaeological department."

"Cemetery? It's really bad." Mike shook his head and said. Although Europeans do not have as serious taboos about graves as Chinese people do, it still makes people feel a little uncomfortable to bury strangers in their own land. .

So after listening to Liang En's suggestion, he decided to contact the museum, hoping that the other party could clean up the thing as soon as possible.

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