When Dr. John led the staff to start the search, Liang En also planned to search together, but he was stopped by Mike as soon as he took a few steps.

"This friend of yours seems to be calling you. There may be something wrong." Dr. John said at this time, "I guess this may be related to our current excavation. You'd better explain it to him."

For Dr. John, who has been working in this field for most of his life, he naturally knows that the attitude of the landowner when excavating on such an owned boundary will obviously affect the subsequent archaeological work.

Judging from the situation just now, Liang En is obviously familiar with the owner of this land and can gain his trust. So when the other party greeted him, Dr. John immediately asked Liang En to appease Mike, the owner of the land.

"Lawrence, do you think there will be valuable cultural relics in the tombs here?" When Liang En walked to Mike, Mike glanced at the group of museum staff busy in the snow and asked in a low voice.

He was so nervous because the treasure laws in Ireland are very similar to those in Scotland, that is, after the treasures are dug out, they will be handed over to the National Museum for an independent appraisal committee to evaluate the treasures.

If the museum wants to collect these treasures, the museum needs to pay the discoverer and land owner according to the market price. If it does not want to collect the treasure, the treasure will belong to the discoverer and land owner.

So as the discoverer of these treasures and the owner of this land, Mike is naturally very concerned about this matter, because it is related to his income.

"Let's put it this way, there is basically a Viking cemetery in your place, but it's hard to say the level of the cemetery now." Liang En explained seriously after thinking for a while.

"However, if it is really a high-level warrior cemetery, the probability of it being valuable is not very high, because the most valuable burial objects of ancient Viking warriors are various weapons, but after a long time, they will all become scrap metal. "

"So that's it." After hearing Liang En's explanation, Mike frowned at first, but soon relaxed.

"Anyway, this is just an unexpected discovery in the ground. I can't plant in the winter, so there won't be much loss. I just want to remove those human remains from my land."

Mike quickly figured out the pros and cons here. Anyway, we can't grow potatoes in winter now, so digging here won't have any impact. The most important thing is to take this opportunity to remove the human remains.

"The detector here is responding." Just as Mike finished his words, a young man suddenly raised his hand and signaled to Dr. John, and then dug out an arrowhead from the ground.

"Yes, this is an armor-piercing arrowhead used by the Vikings." When Liang En and Mike walked over, they saw Dr. John holding a rusty iron rod that was about as long as the index finger and had a cone shape.

"This kind of arrow is heavier than ordinary arrows, and it is tapered rather than flaky, so it can easily break through the chain mail that was popular at the time. However, the cost of such an arrow is also much higher than that of ordinary arrows, so only Only professional warriors will have it.”

In many movies, the Vikings' long-range weapon seems to be a palm-sized throwing ax, but in fact, considering the cost issue, that small ax is just a backup weapon for the Vikings.

For the ancient Vikings, throwing out even a small ax as a consumable was an unbearable burden, so their common long-range weapons were bows and arrows popular in Europe.

But even so, the bows and arrows used by everyone are different. Take arrows as an example. Many ordinary people’s arrows are made of bone, stone arrows or roasted wood arrows. Even if there are metal arrows, they are all the same. Light and small hunting arrowhead.

Then again, in the era of Viking pirate activities, the armor coverage rate of the entire Western European army was not high, so there was no big problem in fighting with such arrows.

For these reasons, only professional warriors among the Vikings were equipped with complex and expensive armor-piercing arrows, which were used to hunt high-value targets such as knights or commanders on the battlefield.

And now the discovery of this arrow between the ruts shows one thing, that is, the direction they were looking for before was correct. There is indeed a high-level Viking warrior cemetery in this place.

After coming to this conclusion, everyone's morale suddenly became high.

To be honest, even if Dr. John was skeptical about finding anything valuable in this place before he came here, it was only because of Liang En's previous records that he decided to take two people to take a look in person.

But judging from the things found on this land now, Liang En has indeed maintained his keen sense of smell and luck when facing various ruins.

"I think we found it." After continuing to follow the previous rut ​​and searching for more than ten meters, everyone discovered a large amount of metal reaction under a piece of land.

Considering the things they found before, this piece of metal reaction is most likely the target they are looking for.

So everyone immediately divided into two groups, one group cleared the land, and the other group searched around with this piece of land as the center. To confirm whether this is a single tomb or an entire group of ancient ruins.

More than an hour later, Liang En and several other young people returned to the determined location with metal detectors. They had just searched the entire field, but found nothing except some parts of agricultural machinery.

Obviously, there should be only one ruins in this area, and cleaning it is naturally much simpler than cleaning up a group of ruins. When Liang En and the others returned to the metal-dense area they had discovered before, Professor John, who had stayed at the same place before, had already started digging with another group of people.

The reason for the direct excavation is that judging from the remains just now, this place has been disturbed, so cleanup work needs to be carried out as soon as possible in order to protect those remains.

"We dig down in 10cm layers," Professor John said. "Whenever we dig something, we stop and clean it up."

"Understood-" everyone present replied, and then started digging.

Maybe it was because the burial place was relatively shallow, or maybe it was because of soil erosion in the area over the years, so after only digging 10cm, they saw a little bit of white stuff emerging from the soil.

"This thing should be a human molar." After carefully picking up the thing from the ground and examining it carefully with a magnifying glass, Dr. John quickly read some important information from it.

"The owner of this tooth looks like he is 40 to 50 years old, and his status is not too low." Dr. John showed the tooth to Liang En and said at the same time.

"You can see that the wear on this tooth is not very serious, which means that the owner of the tooth must have eaten relatively refined food during his lifetime. On the other hand, the cavities on the tooth indicate that the owner was able to obtain a large amount of sugar."

Unlike modern people who eat a delicate diet that is high in oil and sugar and are considered junk food, this type of diet more than a thousand years ago would have been considered a status symbol, and this also proves that the person buried here is not an ordinary person. .

After the tooth was discovered, everyone's excavation work suddenly became much more detailed to avoid missing something important. As a result, the efficiency of excavation will naturally be greatly reduced.

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