Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 258 Back to America

Regarding the excavation of the tomb of the female Viking warrior, Liang En felt that the most regretful thing was that he could not obtain any cards. After all, the things inside did not belong to him, and this discovery did not leave a trace in history like previous discoveries.

Therefore, according to the rules he had worked out before, it was very normal that he did not obtain any cards in this search. After all, according to the rules themselves, there was no guarantee that every treasure hunt would be able to obtain cards.

After finishing all these tasks, the Chinese New Year arrived. After attending the New Year group meeting held by the Chinese Embassy, ​​Liang En, Joan of Arc, Fan Meng and Pierce took a plane to the United States.

This trip to the United States was related to the information sold last time. Liang En felt that relying on his own ability, he should be able to catch clues that others had not noticed or could not use at all, and then find the missing cultural relics.

However, considering some future arrangements, Liang En did not intend to go to the United States to search for missing cultural relics, so after checking a series of information, he decided to come here under the pretext of participating in a warehouse auction.

Although the outside world often thinks that Liang En is a historical scholar, he is actually a treasure hunter, so participating in such auctions is also a very normal thing.

What makes Liang En feel lucky is that New York happens to be a popular season for warehouse auctions at this time, and as the largest port on the East Coast, there will be a large number of warehouses up for auction here.

Because their target this time was Pennsylvania, the excuse of going to New York to attend the auction was just the right thing to get him as close to the target as possible.

In fact, at first, Liang En only planned to bring Joan of Arc and Fan Meng with him, but when Pierce learned that they were going to participate in a warehouse auction in New York, he also decided to come with him to purchase goods for the store.

Considering that they really planned to participate in some warehouse auctions in order to cover the real operation, Liang En felt that Pierce would be able to handle some auction-related matters at this time.

For example, if something is really found at an auction, then if Pierce is here, he can smoothly clear out those things through his connections without selling the loot at a low price.

"There are still too few hotels that allow pets." After checking into a hotel in the suburbs of New York, Liang En muttered quietly while carrying a cage containing a raven.

Considering that there might be a large-scale search this time, he took his raven with him. Unfortunately, if he didn't consider a few top hotels, he would have to stay in some relatively remote hotels with them.

Fortunately, although this hotel is a bit far from the center of New York, the overall security around it is very good and the interior decoration is also good, so it is considered a good place.

"What should we do next?" Jeanne asked after seeing Liang En stuffing several shiny imitation jewelry bracelets she bought from France into each of the three cages he put aside.

"This is the information I got from Mr. Bruce about the local warehouse auctions in the last week. Let's see which one is better to choose tomorrow." Liang En said, taking out the tablet computer from the suitcase, and then called up Got a bunch of information.

"Can we go to all these places, for example, go to each of the three auctions the day after tomorrow?" Fan Meng said after looking at the timetable carefully.

"For example, some of these auctions start in the morning, some start in the afternoon, and some start at noon. I think the distance between these three points is very short, which is enough for us to have time to catch up with each auction."

"This is impossible." Liang En said with a smile. "You know, what we have to do at these auctions is not just to buy the things inside, but also to clean up the warehouse. It would be great to be able to complete one in one day."

In many Western countries, you need to pay extra for garbage disposal, especially for bulky garbage. Therefore, in order to save money, many people simply rent a warehouse for a short period of time to throw garbage there.

Therefore, in this type of warehouse auction, the probability of finding garbage is at least 90%, and there is only a small possibility of finding something valuable.

An important reason why warehouses hold such expired warehouse auctions is that they hope to find a group of people to help them clean up the garbage for free.

Therefore, according to the regulations, those who participate in the auction and buy the warehouse must clean the warehouse, otherwise they will be blacklisted and will be excluded from any warehouse auctions in the future.

Although Liang En and the others were participating in the warehouse auction this time just to cover up their real plan, as professionals, they obviously didn't want to leave a bad impression on others in this regard, so they naturally had to clean up the room.

In this way, it is already very good to complete the auction of one place in one day, so when faced with multiple options, it is natural to choose beforehand.

"It's best to eliminate this one in Queens first." On the map with the location of the giant warehouse auction, Liang En was the first to cross out this place.

"This warehouse is located in the area with the most chaotic security and the highest unemployment rate in Queens, so there is a high probability that the warehouse is filled with garbage or dirt. There is no need for us to cause trouble for ourselves."

"That's right, so the warehouse in Harlem can also be ruled out." Pierce nodded. "As we all know, Harlem is a diverse area, and the neighborhood where the warehouse is located is also chaotic."

"In other words, our only option next is this warehouse in Newark, southwest New York, right?" Fan Meng said after glancing at the map.

Newark is actually a city in New Jersey, but it is also part of Greater New York. It is only 14km away from Manhattan and is an important outer port of New York.

The port will naturally have a large number of warehouses for storing various items, and this auction is for a warehouse attached to the port, which is one of a series of warehouses built during World War II.

The reason why this large-scale auction will be held is because the port decided to demolish all the old warehouses located in the core area of ​​the port area to build new warehouses, so the warehouses need to be vacated in advance.

After determining the target, the three people drove the rented car to the warehouse early the next morning to check the value.

"The warehouse that existed from World War II to the present sounds quite old." Fan Meng said excitedly on the way, "Do you think there might be anything good in it?"

"It's unlikely, because this warehouse has been in use before, so the things inside have been circulating, and it may not be much different from the warehouse outside." Pierce said with experience.

"But because there is a big cleanup there this time, it would be too late to auction more than 60 warehouses one by one for two consecutive days, so the auction will be a secret bidding auction."

The hidden bid auctions of warehouse auctions are similar to the hidden bid auctions of other industries, that is, everyone will be given some double-jointed paper with a pre-printed seal as a voucher.

Then after everyone sees that the warehouse is willing to bid, they write their bids on the paper, divide the paper into two according to the pre-divided marks, and give one of the pieces to the auctioneer. The auctioneer will use a roller stamp to stamp the warehouse number.

After all the warehouses have been viewed that day, the auctioneer will sum up all the bids for each warehouse. Whoever bids the highest will get the warehouse.

"What if multiple people bid the same price?" After listening to Pierce's explanation, Joan suddenly asked like a curious baby.

"This happens rarely, so if it does happen, the auctioneer will call several bidders together to hold a small auction, and whoever bids the highest will give it to whom."

After arriving at the warehouse area, they learned from the notice posted on the warehouse wall that there were a total of 62 warehouses in the warehouse auction, and all of them would be auctioned in one day.

In addition, a $500 deposit is required to participate in the auction. This deposit will be refunded to everyone at the end of the auction regardless of whether they spent money to buy something, but if the bid is successful but no payment is made, the deposit will be confiscated by the organizer.

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