"Liang En, I smell bear skin and mink fur in here." But when Liang En and the others walked to the side to wait for the quotation, Joan suddenly pulled Liang En's sleeve and whispered.

"Are you wearing that cross today?" Liang En originally wanted to say that he could smell something after being at the door for less than a minute, but suddenly he saw the silver chain around Joan of Arc's neck, and then he suddenly reacted.

Although Joan of Arc is a historical follower, Liang En has not discovered that she has any supernatural powers until now. The only difference from ordinary people is that she can use Liang En's supernatural items that only he can use.

For example, after the cross that belonged to the leader of the Knights Templar was obtained last time, it was given to Joan of Arc by Liang En due to restrictions on its use.

With Joan of Arc's piety, this cross will naturally be most effective in his hands, and now it seems that this so-called enhancement even includes people's sense of smell.

"You mean there might be leather in this?" After Liang En told Pierce, Pierce immediately touched his chin and started thinking.

He didn't think anything was wrong with what Liang En said about the smell of leather inside Joan of Arc. After all, all kinds of smells inside this sealed warehouse would come out as soon as it was opened. Some people can smell it but others can't. The taste is normal.

Judging from other things in the warehouse, this place should store things from a tailor shop. There are sewing machines and various fabrics, so it is normal to have leather as a material for clothes.

"There may be leather, but it may also be scraps of leather, but it's worth betting." After thinking for a few seconds, Pierce made a decision. "So we raised the base price to $500, and we gave up if it was higher than that."

Soon, the time for checking the warehouse was over, and then it was time for the auction. After everyone gathered together, Liang En discovered that there were more than twenty people participating in the auction, but most of them were amateurs at first glance.

After all, this is different from the previous auction at the port. This is a no-threshold auction, so there will naturally be more people participating in the auction.

For the same reason, people like Liang En who arrive in the middle of the auction will also be welcomed by the auction. After all, for the auctioneer, the more people participate in the auction, the more money it makes.

"Okay, I think everyone has finished reading, let's get started now." After everyone had finished reading, the auctioneer pulled down the rolling shutter door of the warehouse, then raised his hands to everyone.

"This is the second warehouse today. I think you have seen the general situation inside, so we started the auction at $150. Now it is $150. Is anyone willing to pay a higher price?"

"200!" Pierce directly added $50.

"Okay, someone has already made a bid." The auctioneer pointed at Pierce and said, "Okay, our new friend has now offered $150. Is anyone willing to pay a higher price?"

The other auctioneers showed hesitant expressions at this time. After all, the most valuable things in the warehouse now were the two sewing machines. However, the fact that the cover where the motor was originally placed was opened was a huge loss.

Although some treasure hunters think they can bet whether the two electric motors are also in the room, they also know that when trying their luck, most people lose more than they win.

What's more important is that the warehouse auction circle itself is not big. So today, all the professional warehouse treasure diggers with some capital went to the port, where Liang En and the others just came over, to participate in the auction, but those who stayed here didn't have much money.

So to these people, Liang En and his group of purely new-looking young people who don't look very poor at the same time give people the impression that they are the kind of guys who think this matter is more fun, so they come to get involved. .

For this group of professional warehouse treasure diggers, apart from the real big guys, the most fearful people they encounter at auctions are these guys who know nothing but are indeed rich.

Even compared to the big guys, this kind of wealthy enthusiasts are more troublesome. Because this kind of person chooses to buy objects with a certain degree of randomness, and they have no regard for the actual value of the items in the warehouse when bidding.

But the big head is big, and the things inside still attract a lot of people. So after Pierce quoted someone, someone followed suit and quoted: "250 yuan!"

"350!" Pierce, who could probably guess what the people here were thinking, immediately increased the price by 100. This price already exceeded the estimate of most normal treasure diggers.

"Alas -" A sigh came from the people who picked up treasures, because Pierce's style is completely in line with the gameplay of those enthusiasts who have money and leisure, and just want to have fun, regardless of whether they make money or lose money.

But for these professional treasure hunters, they participate in warehouse auctions to make money, so they must be careful with their budgets, so it is naturally impossible to compete with this group of wealthy enthusiasts.

As for the common thing in novels that you robbed my warehouse and I deliberately raised the price, this kind of thing is rare in reality. After all, the reason for doing this is to seek wealth rather than anger. Under normal circumstances, as long as it is not too ordinary No one has that leisure time.

In the next warehouse was a pile of motorcycle accessories. Neither Pierce nor Liang En were familiar with this item, so they did not bid in the subsequent auction. In the end, a middle-aged man with a cool hairstyle paid $650 for it. Got off this warehouse.

"This person must have been riding motorcycles himself, or he knows someone from the car dealer." Pierce said to Liang En when Fan Meng ran to pay. “Otherwise, most people wouldn’t pay such a high price for such a very professional thing.”

It is not false to say that one has specialization in the art industry. For example, for Liang En, even if he could use the card to check, he probably would not be able to figure out the value of these motorcycles, because even if he knew what these spare parts were, he would not know the value of these motorcycles. How much something is worth.

After paying the money, Fan Meng brought back a key, and then several people opened the rolling shutter door of the warehouse and started searching. After all, the auction here was just a pre-dinner dessert that Liang En and the others were looking for, so they needed to make a quick decision.

"I guess these rags can only be thrown into the recycling bin." After lifting the canvas covering the pile of things on the ground, Liang En shook his head in disappointment. It was obvious that those who placed these things had no choice but to throw them away. This place is being used as a garbage dump.

"These models are of good quality. They should be able to sell for 15 dollars each." Pierce carefully inspected the wooden models and said.

"Look what I found." Just as Liang En and Pierce were checking the things near the door, Fan Meng suddenly walked out from behind, holding a gray motor in one hand.

"Where did you find this thing?" Liang En asked curiously, looking at the two motors that obviously belonged to the electric sewing machine.

"It's right behind these things." Fan Meng pointed at a pile of rags and said. "These two items were packed in a box filled with waste paper. It seems that they were placed here intentionally."

"Found it, I smelled it right." Joan of Arc's voice came from the side, and when Liang En and the three of them walked around a pile of rags, they saw that there were enough old age piles piled under the opened oilcloth. A dozen thick furs on a man's waist.

"It seems we made money." After looking at the motor and the leather next to him, Liang En had a smile on his face.

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