Both lamps and furniture are valuable to Pierce, because these things can just replenish the warehouse of the Emerald Thrift Store, but everyone feels a little tricky about Liang En's warehouse.

After all, this anti-tank gun is a weapon that can be used at any time and has not been defunctionalized. Emerald Thrift Store has no business selling this stuff.

Not to mention that the cross-border transportation of this kind of things is incredibly difficult. In addition to a series of procedures, the freight and handling fees alone may add up to tens of thousands of dollars.

Therefore, for Liang En and others, it is best to quickly exchange this gun for cash, or something more convenient to take away.

"Do you know anyone in this field?" Pierce asked helplessly as he looked at Liang En. "You know weapons are not something our family is good at, so I don't know this kind of businessman here."

"So if I were to contact people, I would probably have to find a few middlemen to find a suitable buyer, but then the price might be half the maximum price."

"Let me think about it - it seems that I really know a more suitable buyer." After hearing what Pierce said, Liang En quickly fell into deep thought, and then he remembered the person he had met in Teton County, Wyoming. Group of people.

After helping Mr. Bruce find his ancestor's jewelry last time, he took those things directly to Wyoming to find Mr. Bruce, and then met a bunch of Mr. Bruce's rich friends.

One of the people I knew at the time opened a gun shop in Pennsylvania. Of course, the reason why this person opened a gun shop was not to make money from the gun shop. Instead, he obtained the status of a firearms dealer and owned some firearms that could not be owned by private individuals.

Due to the Matthew Effect, this gun store, which was originally for personal use but had strong capital, quickly became one of the famous local gun stores and made a lot of profits.

Because they left each other's phone numbers last time, Liang En quickly found the phone number of the construction company owner and informed him of the gun model he had found.

After seeing the pictures Liang En sent, the other party called as quickly as possible, saying that he would rush to the gun store as soon as possible to wait for them.

"Okay, everything is settled now." After hanging up the phone, Liang En and the others immediately loaded all the things into the car, started the car and drove towards Philadelphia, the economic center of Pennsylvania where the gun store is located.

Philadelphia is the fifth largest city in the United States and served as the capital of the United States during its first decade. The beginning of the American Revolutionary War and the drafting of the U.S. Constitution all started in Philadelphia.

This city was first settled by Swedes. The city was founded in 1682 by English sorority immigrants. The name "Philadelphia" is taken from the Greek, meaning "brotherly love". A city was established in 1701.

By the mid-18th century, it had developed into the largest city in the British American colonies, and became the focus of both sides in the American Revolutionary War.

The distance between Philadelphia and New York is about 160km, so Liang En and the others, who set off at 2:30 in the afternoon, arrived in this historic city in North America more than two hours after leaving New York.

This city is not large in area and is located at the confluence of the Delaware River and the Schuylkill River. After entering the city center, you can see many slightly old red brick buildings.

But then again, for this city with history, those buildings that look a bit declining and old can actually enhance the quality of the entire city and demonstrate the sense of history that cities across the entire North American continent lack most.

However, Liang En and the others were not here for tourism today, so the four people's vehicle quickly passed through Liberty Bell Square, then crossed a river to the west and arrived at the location of the 40th Street gun store.

Because the owner had been notified before, Liang En and the others quickly drove to the back of the gun store under the guidance of the salesperson, and then passed through an open door and entered the backyard.

"Welcome, my friend." Just when Liang En's car stopped, a chubby middle-aged man with a walrus beard walked out of the room and laughed boldly.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Liang. I can't wait to see the treasure you brought me this time. Bruce was right as he said before. You can always bring surprises to people."

"Actually, I was also surprised by this discovery, Mr. Carter." Liang En hugged Mr. Carter, and then said, "I can only say that I was really lucky this time."

As the two men walked around to the back of the truck while talking, Fan Meng and Pierce opened the door of the compartment, allowing the anti-tank gun fixed on the floor of the compartment to appear in front of them.

Seeing this anti-tank gun, Carter's eyes suddenly straightened. He stared at the anti-tank gun and his breathing became rapid.

"I think this thing should suit you very well." Liang En said at this time, "So I called you as soon as I found this gun."

"That's right, I really like this gun so much." Carter cursed as he stared at the anti-tank gun. "I've always wanted a guy with such energy, but unfortunately I haven't had any luck."

After taking out the accessories attached to the gun one by one, Carter seemed even more excited. After all, for firearms collection, whether the firearm is original and whether the various spare parts are complete greatly affects the value of the firearm.

"——The preservation of your gun is unbelievable." Carter looked at the gun and babbled. Based on their status and relationship, the various prices were basically on the table, so some of the words were naturally spoken now. It can be said.

"The entire gun actually retains most of the bluing, and the spare parts are all original except for a few. Even accessories such as spare barrels are complete. To be honest, this is already better than the one I saw last time in the museum. It’s better preserved—by the way, do you have any intention of selling this thing?”

"I sent you a text message before saying that I wanted to sell you this thing. After all, no matter how precious this gun is, no matter how valuable it is, it is not what I want, so I came to you."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just too excited, so I missed a little bit when I was reading." After listening to Liang En's words, Carter said as if he suddenly understood. "You know, it's hard to calm down when faced with something as good as this."

"Of course, of course I understand this feeling." Liang En nodded, "In addition to these things, I also have some other things related to the German army in World War II. Are you willing to take a look?"

"I wish I could." Carter nodded, and then checked the military uniforms, helmets and sabers.

"If all these issues are packaged and sold, how much are you willing to pay?" After watching Carter inspect these things, Liang En stepped forward and asked.

After all, he is here to sell these things today, so after looking at the goods, it is time to talk about the price.

"If you pack all these things, I can pay you $550,000." After thinking for a few seconds, Mr. Carter said. "Actually, if you sell them outside, these things can be sold for up to 300,000 yuan in total."

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