Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 272 Underground Treasure

"Everything is normal down there." Because the cave was not deep, Fan Meng quickly reached the bottom of the underground space and turned on his headlight to check and confirm the surrounding situation.

"There is a passage leading to another basement, but there seem to be some shelves on both sides of the passage, with some bottles and boxes on them."

"Bottles and boxes?" Liang En frowned after hearing what Fan Meng said, because this was completely different from what he had expected before, so he asked Joan of Arc to keep a lookout above, and then he climbed down along the rope. .

And when he climbed down about five meters along the rope and stepped on the ground, he found himself in an underground space of about 50 square meters.

Perhaps because no one had cleaned this place for a long time, the whole space was filled with empty dust. When Liang En fell, the dust flew up and gave off a golden light under the sunlight at the entrance.

After looking around, Liang En discovered that this place looked like an underground warehouse excavated by some private individuals, and his location was at one end of the warehouse passage.

This passage is about seven or eight meters long. One side of the passage where Liang En is now is a wall, and the other side is another entrance to this space.

The previous cover fell to the ground and turned into a pile of fragments. After a brief inspection, Liang En discovered that the cover was actually a camouflage trap made of cement pasted on the wooden board.

It's just that after a long time, the rainwater leaked from the cracks in the cement, causing the wooden board below to gradually rot into disarray, so it broke from it and fell to the ground during the airflow fluctuation caused by the previous blower.

There are three rows of shelves on both sides of the passage, and each shelf is full. Although the shelves and the things on them were covered with a thick layer of dust, it could be seen that the things on the shelves should be some boxes and glass bottles.

"It's actually brandy." After stepping forward to take down a bottle from the shelf and gently brushing off the dust, Liang En discovered that the gilt label on the bottle was written in French.

After briefly reading the label, Liang En discovered that it was a bottle of Calvados brandy produced in the Calvados province of Normandy, France in the 1950s.

Like the sparkling wine produced in Champagne, which is called Champagne, Calvados apple brandy is also a protected origin product and one of the three major brandies in France.

However, because this brandy is produced in the famous Normandy region, after experiencing the depression of World War I and World War II, it was hidden under the other two major brandies, Cognac and Armagnac, and its popularity has obviously dropped a lot.

But then again, although Calvados brandy is not very well-known, the price is not cheap. For example, the bottle of wine in Liang En's hand with the "Crude Cambremer" logo is at least Can be sold for 500 euros.

After taking some time to check, I found that this warehouse contained more than 1,100 bottles of brandy. Except for half of them being Calvados brandy, the rest were some cognac and armagnac.

According to the information found, these brandies are basically some mid-range brands in the 1950s, but the prices of these products are definitely not low today.

Thinking about it, when those smuggling groups chose the wine brands to be smuggled, they would definitely not choose high-end wine, because the purchase channels for high-end wine consumption places are relatively fixed, so they would not choose smuggled wine.

As for low-end wine, it can be produced locally, and consumers of this kind of wine only require that the wine tastes like wine. Therefore, even if the smuggled wine avoids expensive taxes and the transportation costs across the Atlantic, this wine cannot compete with those local blended wines.

Therefore, in this case, smugglers with normal minds will often choose this type of mid-range spirits that are easy to sell and cash out as the objects of smuggling.

"Is this the brandy we are looking for?" Fan Meng asked from the side as Liang En found bottles after bottles of wine. "To be honest, this kind of harvest is quite good. These brandies should be sold for 30,000 to 40,000 euros."

"Thirty thousand or forty thousand euros? No, it will be much higher than this." Liang En smiled and shook his head after basically checking the things in this room.

"These wines are very well preserved because they have been stored in this cellar for a long time, and the loss rate will not exceed 1%. Therefore, the entire room can be sold for about 500,000 to 600,000 euros. Even if you meet someone who really likes these The number of customers of Dongxi may increase to 700,000 euros.”

"More importantly, according to the information I found in that bar, the group of robbers who robbed the Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology were a group of bootleggers."

"So if the information is true, what we are looking for should be inside the door in front, right?" After hearing what Liang En said, Fan Meng pointed to the exit at the end of the passage and asked.

"Yes, that should be the case." Liang En nodded and calmed down, then he and Fan Meng walked through the exit and entered another underground building.

Different from the previous space that was obviously dug out by the bootleggers themselves, this room was four to five times the size of the previous room. It was also coated with cement and had some pipes and valves around it. It should be supporting facilities of the factory.

Considering the location and structure of this underground space, Liang En felt that this thing was probably a pool for softening boiler water.

After all, if local mineral-rich water is burned in a boiler, it will easily cause mineral deposits and lead to pipe blockage, so the boiler naturally needs an additional sedimentation tank to treat the water.

However, since the factory closed, this pool has never been filled with water, so it has become a secret storage place for items. For example, there are now dozens of wooden boxes of various sizes placed here.

"Open this first." After looking at these wooden boxes, Liang En immediately called Fan Meng to a box that was more than two meters long and wide and about 60cm high, and then used the tools in his hand to pry open the box. build.

As imagined before, a large amount of shavings were put into this box for buffering. When Liang En and Fan Meng gently cleaned away the shavings, a relief sculpture of more than 2m wide and 1m7 high emerged. Appeared in front of them.

The main part of this relief is a group of standing horses with various harnesses. On the left is an ancient warrior wearing armor standing in front of the horse's head, using his hand to remove the weapon from the horse's chest. The arrow is pulled out.

"It should be this - it should be this -" Liang En muttered excitedly, and then he and Fan Meng opened another wooden box with similar specifications to this box.

Sure enough, this box also contains a relief stone slab that is almost the same size as the other stone slab. However, this stone slab only has a relief sculpture of a horse with two hooves on the ground and its two hooves lifted up in a walking shape. However, there are also various horse equipment. complete.

"It seems that we have found our target this time." Liang En suppressed his excitement and muttered while rubbing his hands. "The missing items in the Huaxia Rotunda should be here."

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