Since the effect of the card obtained this time was indeed very good, Liang En excitedly used [Rock Control (SR)] that night to practice on some palm-sized rocks that he had bought before.

As a result, he found that making stone sculptures with this skill was not an easy task. Compared with making a stone thorn or similar rough gadgets, making stone sculptures was more than one level more difficult.

This is especially true for some very delicate sculptures. It is not easy to think clearly in your mind what the final product of these stone sculptures will look like, especially the details.

Fortunately, Liang En obtained high-level sketching skills, so his three-dimensional thinking became much stronger, so after adjustments, he finally made two or three palm-sized stone figures.

However, during this attempt, he also realized that his level was limited to copying what he had seen, and he was simply unable to create art like an artist.

But then again, Liang En didn't plan to be a sculptor, so being able to do this as a hobby was quite satisfying.

Because it took a lot of time to try to use this skill, Liang En didn't go to bed until two in the morning that day. When he got up the next morning, he saw at a glance that the time had reached 9:30 in the morning.

"Can you sell me some of your wine?" When Liang En finished his meal and was about to walk out of the room for a few laps, Fan Meng, who had just returned from the gym after exercising, greeted Liang En and asked.

"These wines are all good wines, so whether it's you, Jeanne or Pierce, I will give each of them a box of 12 bottles. You don't need to spend money on this wine at all." Liang En said with a smile.

"After all, we encountered so many things this time when we came out, and we happened to find these good wines, so I think it is a very good idea for everyone to take some of them as a souvenir."

"Thank you for your generosity, brother, but I don't want these wines for myself, but I am going to buy fifty or sixty bottles for my father's hotel to put in the store as a store. So I will know how much it costs. How much do you have to pay?" Fan Meng said with a smile.

"You also know the situation in my store, so these wines must be paid for by the store, so you don't have to think too much when setting the price."

"Okay, let's go pick out the wine now." Liang En nodded after hearing what Fan Meng said, and then went with him to the truck in the parking lot to pick out the wine.

Because the two families have been cooperating for 20 years, Liang En also knows the character of Fan Meng's family, so he only gave a 50% discount on the price of the wine, but the 50 bottles of wine he found were all of the same type. The best preserved inside.

When Fan Meng paid for the wine and went out to mail it home, Liang En called and started contacting the buyers of the wine on hand. As a result, the first person he contacted, Pierce, said that the Emerald Thrift Store was not very popular. Suitable for accepting this batch of brandy.

“This type of aged wine is actually quite popular, but the problem is that we need a license to sell wine, and such a license is difficult to apply for and the cost is also high.”

After declining the brandy, Pierce explained why. Of all the countries in the world where alcoholic beverages can be sold legally, most of them require a license and the payment of corresponding taxes.

For Pierce, the Emerald Thrift Store sells all kinds of used items and antiques and won’t be expanding its business anytime soon. Therefore, it is naturally impossible to expand blindly for money.

As for obtaining a separate certificate for the sale of this batch of wine, it is naturally not worthwhile. The fee required for the certificate is enough to eat up a large part of the profit. If you add in the time consumed, it can be regarded as a loss that outweighs the gain.

After eliminating the first candidate, Liang En immediately called Carlos, the bar owner who spent money to buy the submachine gun and distiller that Liang En found last time.

Because he had left a personal phone number last time, the call was quickly connected. After greeting each other for a few words, Liang En bluntly told him that he had a batch of well-preserved brandy aged more than 60 years ago. .

"You said you have more than a thousand bottles of brandy from more than half a century ago in your hand." After introducing the situation, there was silence on the other side for several seconds, and then Carlos's urgent voice came from the microphone. "And are they all well-preserved?"

"Yes, these brandies were found in an abandoned underground wine cellar." Liang En smiled and said, "Although the wine cellar is not very formal, it can guarantee light protection and constant temperature and humidity, so the overall preservation condition is very good."

After speaking, Liang En immediately sent a dozen photos of the wines he had randomly selected. After seeing the condition of the wines, Carlos immediately expressed his desire to buy them and said he would come to Philadelphia in the afternoon.

Obviously, the place where Carlos was before was not close to Philadelphia, so he waited until around 5 p.m. before Carlos called to say that he had arrived in Philadelphia, and then came to the hotel to meet Liang En.

"You're so lucky." After checking the wine on the truck with two other subordinates who came from New York, Carlos's face broke into a smile. "This stuff looks like a pretty good shipment to me."

Under normal circumstances, even if the buyer really likes the goods in this kind of negotiation, he would not say so directly, but because of Liang En's increasing academic status this year, and the fact that Liang En left him with the goods when they last met, a feeling of. Carlos felt that it would be best for both parties to talk openly and honestly at this time.

"Although these wines are not as rare and expensive as those famous wines, it is not easy to obtain them. After all, more than half a century is enough to kill a lot of things." Carlos explained.

"To tell you the truth, for the bars I run, this kind of wine is the high-end wine that is sold in daily operations. As for the bottle that costs tens of thousands of dollars, most of the time it is just used to show off the taste of the bar. It’s just a decoration.”

"So what is the value of these wines?" Liang En asked after listening to Carlos's introduction. He had already learned a more accurate price range from Pierce before, and asking now was a test.

After all, he and Carlos had not had much contact before except for one transaction. The two parties were not very familiar with each other, so they naturally needed to maintain a certain degree of vigilance.

"The brands of your wines are all mid-range products from that year. However, after so many years, some wineries have disappeared from history, while others have become more popular -"

After hearing Liang En's question, Carlos thought for a while, then raised his head and said.

"So I really can't come up with an accurate valuation in the short term, but overall I can basically determine that the value of these wines is between 600,000 and 650,000 US dollars."

"The price is very reasonable." Liang En nodded. "So you can offer a specific value now, and as long as it's suitable, we'll make a deal."

"After all, my main purpose in coming to the United States this time is to find some valuable historical items, so I don't want to waste too much energy on things that are irrelevant to the main goal."

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