Regarding being invited to participate in such an event, Liang En and Fan Meng felt completely different from the two believers, because although they had lived abroad since childhood, they had always been influenced by Chinese culture.

Therefore, unlike those banana people, both Liang En and Fan Meng are closer to the Chinese people culturally, and this also includes their views on religion.

In their view, this religious ceremony of the North American aborigines is actually not much different from the Chinese behavior of worshiping their ancestors and praying to a big tree or boulder, so there is naturally no objection to it.

In fact, yesterday Mrs. Nell specifically asked Liang En if she would like to offer milk and flower sacrifices to their ancestors and totems during this ceremony, and Liang En agreed.

At least in his opinion, since this group of aborigines are willing to accept him and give him so many benefits, it is appropriate to offer a sacrifice to the guardian spirit of the other tribe as a courtesy and notify them.

This is just like if an ordinary Chinese person goes to another place, he chooses to go to the local City God Temple to offer a stick of incense to the City God and ask the City God to bless him.

When Liang En agreed to this process, he also discovered that Mrs. Nell's attitude towards him suddenly became much closer. Obviously this was related to the decision made by Liang En.

Because he wanted to offer a sacrifice, when he walked to the entrance of the valley, Liang En took a mineral water bottle-sized pot filled with milk and a bottle with a bouquet of flowers from a young man's hand. water.

Of course, such a small amount of things will not cause much trouble to Liang En, whose body has been repeatedly strengthened. On the contrary, it is much easier because the things he brought with him this time are much less than those in previous adventures.

As they gradually approached the cave, the sound of flutes and drums gradually came from the wind. Following the music and turning around a stone, they saw the place where today's ceremony was held.

The ceremony was held in the open space below the cave. However, unlike the simple open space in the past few days, there were some tables and chairs placed in the open space today. At the same time, a small wooden board was built directly below the cave next to the stone wall. table.

Judging from the totem poles erected on the platform, this platform should be the main place for ceremonies. There are currently several people busy placing some things on it.

More than half an hour later, the ceremony officially began. Several elders raised their pipes and started smoking. In the light smoke, Mrs. Nell and two or three other wizards were wearing full ceremonial uniforms and slapping their hands. With the tambourine in his hand, he danced an ancient sacrificial dance.

After dancing for a while, the four wizards took the paint from a stand and smeared it on their hands. Then they ran towards the four directions of the basin, east, west, north and south, and printed the paint on their hands on the stone wall. .

According to these indigenous people. Earth is the north and is blue; fire is the east and is red; wind is the south and is black; water is the west and is yellow.

Therefore, the color of the handprints of each of these wizards also followed this tradition, and they pressed four handprints according to the predetermined locations to form a cross shape.

Of course, this practice has nothing to do with Christianity, but mainly because this worship of the four directions gradually derived from the worship of the image of the word "ten" and the worship of the number "four".

As the ceremony progressed, the ceremony soon reached the last item, which was for each licensed person to offer sacrifices to the totems representing the guardian spirits, and then press their hands on the stone wall under the cave entrance and recite prayers.

As a recognized guest, Liang En held the ceremony in the middle. After placing the flowers under the totem pole and spreading the milk in the painted wooden kettle around the totem, Liang En He pressed his hands against the stone wall and started chanting.

Although the entire Native American tribes in North America now speak English, this kind of prayer still needs to be in the tribe's own language.

Fortunately, when praying, you only need to repeat the simple sentence "May the spirits of nature and the sacred otters protect the holy land and bring it back to life." Therefore, Liang En will not lose his temper after these two days of surprise training. .

Because this process took three minutes, when Liang En put his hands up, he subconsciously activated [Rock Control (SR)] and began to observe the situation inside the mountain.

"It seems that although this mountain looks very ordinary on the outside, the internal situation is quite complicated." Soon, Liang En discovered that the mountain was not a single piece as it looked on the outside, but was filled with many passages and spaces. .

This situation is expected. After all, this area and Yellowstone National Park are in the same volcanic and seismic zone, so it is not surprising that there are traces of volcanoes inside the mountain.

"Eh-" Just when Liang En was curiously looking at the ant nest-like structure inside the mountain, he suddenly discovered that there was a blockage nearly 20m deep under the pool in the cave at the limit of his detection range. trace.

This blockage mark is obviously caused by the movement of different plates within the mountain: a stone structure with an area of ​​​​five to six square meters and a thickness of half a meter slid along the sloping lower layer for a distance of less than 1m. The result was that the passage just below the center of the pool was blocked.

"If I open an eye on this rock -" Since the [Rock Control (SR)] skill has not yet been used, Liang En's hands immediately started to itch after seeing this.

Anyway, the situation in this place is already extremely bad. No matter how bad it is, it can't be much worse. Besides, if you tamper with the mountain yourself, even if you do something, others are unlikely to find out.

So after quickly replenishing all the legendary points, Liang En immediately spent 17 destiny points to deform the rock and nearby stones into a solid stone passage.

After doing all this, Liang En still closed his eyes and continued to look at the structure inside the mountain. But when the prayer was about to end, he did not hear the whistle that represented the end, but heard an exclamation.

"Water, water -" Liang En heard the most popular word shouted by those people, and when he opened his eyes, he was surprised to find water flowing out of the cave.

As the person closest to the cave, Liang En discovered that the water was not ordinary water. Although it was very turbid because it was mixed with mud, he could feel that the water had a temperature.

"It's actually a hot spring!" Liang En exclaimed in a low voice after wiping off the mud spots splashed on his body. This also explains why the poem says that the holy land heals the sick, and the area closest to the cave There aren't many trees in the place.

Because the temperature of hot springs and the minerals in them can indeed cure many diseases, but in turn these temperatures and minerals are not conducive to the growth of many plants, so the surroundings appear bare.

"This ancestor's manifestation is also a gift from the spirit of nature." Mrs. Nell stepped onto the stage and said loudly at this time. "I declare that this Mr. Liang is a person loved by our ancestors, so he will also be our honorary elder."

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