"I remember that Aboriginal people like us should have federal subsidies and state subsidies. Can you think of a way from this direction?" Looking at everyone, you spent 100,000, and I spent 80,000 and scraped together more than 1.5 million US dollars. With an embarrassed look on his face, Liang En quietly asked Mrs. Nell next to her.

"Federal? State?" After hearing what Liang En said, Mrs. Nell showed a disdainful smile. "These guys are only active when it comes to collecting taxes, and getting them to pay for it is harder than putting a camel through the eye of a needle."

"What should we do?" As an honorary elder who will receive subsidies every month, Liang En feels that it would be better for him to make some contribution in this regard.

"This is what everyone is discussing. Some people think that if the money is not available, we can only do some infrastructure construction here temporarily, while others think that we can sell some properties to raise money." Mrs. Nell explained in a low voice.

"But according to my judgment, in the end everyone will still tend to sell some properties that are not within the territory. After all, for us, building this home is our most important thing."

Sure enough, just as Mrs. Nell had judged, everyone finally decided to sell several houses in San Francisco to raise money for this project.

"In recent years, the rents available in this Ma'anling community have become lower and lower. Because we don't have much funds for repairs, the rents of those old houses are also getting lower and lower-"

At this time, Mrs. Nell began to explain the general situation of this community to Liang En, but Liang En was attracted by the name San Francisco and Saddle Ridge.

San Francisco also has a name when translated into Chinese, that is San Francisco. It was first discovered by the Spanish in 1769 and joined the United States in 1848.

The reason why the Chinese name is called San Francisco is because the city developed rapidly during the gold rush in the mid-19th century. Overseas Chinese called it "Gold Mountain". Later, it was renamed "San Francisco" to distinguish it from Melbourne, Australia.

The reason why Liang En was so excited was because the two place names San Francisco and Saddle Ridge corresponded to a treasure in his mind.

"Madam, may I ask if Ma'anling was a residential area for gold miners in the past, and it got its name because of the special rocks around it." After checking on his mobile phone, Liang En immediately asked Mrs. Nell next to him. road.

"Yes, this was indeed a miner's residential area in the past, and there are many problems in the entire area. And this is why the properties in this area are not selling well. As for the surrounding terrain, I have never been there, so it is indeed not very good. clear."

"If that's the case, I think I can go over and look for anything valuable." Liang En said softly.

"You know I'm a treasure hunter myself, and there's probably something valuable hidden in a place like this where gold miners used to be."

Soon, at the suggestion of Mrs. Nell, Liang En and the others obtained permission to dig on the land. They now have a week to explore the various buildings on the land and the possible treasures underground.

Of course, according to traditional tribal rules, everything Liang En finds must be divided into half of the tribe, and this rule coincides with the local laws on buried objects.

"In fact, this law comes from a very simple principle. Since you are looking for items, hunting, or fishing on other people's land, then out of the principle of fairness, you should indeed share these finds with the owner of the land."

After taking a plane to San Francisco, Pierce discussed with Liang En on the way why these ancient aboriginal habits are so consistent with modern laws.

"You are right, and this also highlights the hypocrisy of the Americans. They always think that the indigenous people are barbaric, and they are the ones who bring civilization to the indigenous people, but in fact they are just plunderers." Liang Enyou Feeling inspired.

Soon, they arrived at their destination. As Mrs. Nell said, this land was filled with only some old-looking wooden houses and the streets were bumpy. It was indeed a declining community.

After standing on the street and looking into the distance, Liang En discovered a strange-shaped rock on a nearby hill. From a certain angle, it looked like a saddle. This was probably the reason why the place got its name.

"You are right, there may indeed be good things here." Fan Meng, who also saw the rubble, said, "Because generally people who hide things subconsciously choose things with obvious landmarks to avoid finding the place. Hidden items.”

Because it was working time, there was almost no one on the street, which made it easier for Liang En and the others to move around. Soon, four people each held a metal detector and started detecting the community.

In addition to exploring the public streets, Liang En and the others will also use the keys given by Mrs. Nell to enter the backyards of those rooms for detection.

For this kind of community, building a board house does not require digging very deep for the foundation, so the treasures buried by people from the past are likely to remain in the same place.

"Let's go take a look at the unoccupied houses first." Looking at the dozens of wooden houses with small yards, Liang En pointed to an empty yard and said.

"Let's each choose a courtyard to start, so that everyone can move faster." "This is the biggest gain we found this morning." After searching for more than two hours and waiting for everyone to finish the work, Pierce took out a silver coin and said. "But it's worth $30 at most."

In addition to this silver coin, they also found seven or eight copper coins, two bullets and five or six rusty ancient tools. The total value may be more than a hundred US dollars, which is not even enough for the air ticket this time.

Because the harvest was too little, especially because Liang En did not find the treasure that should probably be there, they continued digging in the afternoon. At this time, Liang En heard the metal detection again in an empty backyard. device response.

"Hey, what is this?" Digging downwards along the spot marked by the detector just now, Liang En quickly cleared away the layer of dead branches and leaves on the surface and dug down a layer of soil more than ten centimeters thick, and then exposed an artifact.

After simply cleaning up the surroundings with the small shovel on my hand. He soon discovered that it was a metal can buried in the ground, covered in rust.

"It looks like I've found it." After cleaning up the dirt around the jar, Liang En grabbed the top of the jar with his hands and tried to grab the thing out. Unexpectedly, he found that the weight on his hands was far greater than he imagined.

The jar even slipped from his hand when he grabbed it for the first time, so that he had to tighten his grip a second time to lift the jar out of the small pit.

"Everyone, come here quickly. I really found something valuable here." After pulling up the jar, Liang En immediately used the intercom to call over the other three people who were scattered elsewhere.

Because in his mind, these treasures should all be in this backyard, and if you find one, you can find the others, so now he needs reinforcements from others while ensuring safety.

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