"The stone tablet must have recorded a lot of important things, otherwise it wouldn't have been deliberately opened like this." Fan Meng immediately understood what Liang En meant by what he just said. "But this ruins is so big, where are we going to find the stone tablet?"

It just depends on luck. Liang En said with a sigh, placing both hands on the base of the stone tablet, and then used a [Detection (R)] card.

Soon, the effect of the card showed the location of the treasure. Unexpectedly, the location of the treasure was not far away. After comparing it with the previous drone reconnaissance, it was soon discovered that it seemed to be the ruins of a building.

"We can start searching from these rooms first." Liang En said, pointing to the ruins of those buildings. "Especially those houses that were not burned but collapsed."

"I guess that although these potentially taboo words have to be destroyed and thrown away, most people probably won't waste time and effort dragging those heavy things to long distances."

"So the most likely thing is to find a room or something like a well, throw the fragments of the stele in, and then destroy the room or fill up the well."

"Your analysis makes sense." Fan Meng and Joan of Arc nodded after listening to Liang En's analysis. Then they dispersed and began to investigate the surroundings, centered on the stele pavilions.

"There is something here!" Just over half an hour later, Joan of Arc found something in the ruins in front of her. Although she did not know Chinese characters, she at least knew what the stone tablet with Chinese characters should look like. What does it look like.

"Yes, you found the right one." Liang En said excitedly after reading the words on these gravel pieces, because this is where he used the card logo, and more importantly, those things can clearly be seen as stone tablets. part.

When it got dark, Fan Meng and Joan of Arc quickly set up a camp with the help of the wreckage and began to heat the field food packages.

Liang En used the light of a strong flashlight to clean the soil on the stone tablets, and then used the light to read the words recorded on the stone tablets one by one.

"Dinner is ready, Liang En——" Just as he was concentrating on checking the words on the stone tablet, Joan came over with the hot broth and biscuits and placed them beside him, and then said.

"This kind of research work often takes a long time to complete, so you should eat first. There is still time to do research after eating. There is no need to rush for time now."

"Thank you, but you're wrong about the second point. This kind of research really has to be done in a hurry." Liang En said after taking the food from Jeanne's hand.

"After all, we didn't get any permission for our excavation here, so at most we have to report this ruins to the local cultural relics management agency by tomorrow morning, so the only time we can study it is tonight."

So after eating, Liang En once again devoted himself to research. The good luck favored him, so at about 11 o'clock in the evening, he successfully found the crucial key from a stone tablet. information.

"Encourage pure light, powerful wisdom. Supreme truth, Mani Light Buddha." These few lines of words on the remaining stele made Liang En immediately understand what was going on here and what happened in the war that year. thing.

Obviously, it can be inferred from these lines that this place is not a Buddhist temple as Liang En thought before, but a temple belonging to Manichaeism. The previous relief is also the image of Mani.

Manichaeism is a religion that has disappeared in modern times. Its founder, Mani, was born on April 14, 216 AD, in southern Babylon, a territory of the Persian Empire at that time.

According to legend, before he was born, an angel appeared in his mother's dream, saying that he would have a lofty mission. When he was 12 years old, the angel helped him break away from the Christian heresy Gnosticism he originally believed in. At the age of 24, the angel gave instructions again. , requiring him to publicly come forward to found a religion.

From then on, he regarded himself as the incarnation of the Holy Spirit and all knowledge, a messenger of light sent by the gods to the world, and began to preach to the people around him.

At first only his father and a few other believers were willing to believe in him, so he began to travel far away, arriving as early as Ctesiphon, the capital of the Sasanian Persian Empire, and then to India and Central Asia.

In India, he successfully converted King Duran to Manichaeism, and then won the friendship of the brother of Shahpur, King of the Sasanian Dynasty of Persia, and Belus, the governor of Khorasan in the empire, and was then introduced to the king.

From the book "Shabulgan" presented to the king, we can clearly see the founding of Manichaeism, which absorbed the teachings of Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Buddhism.

And Mani was determined to create a universal religion that encompassed the essence of all existing religions and was not subject to national and ethnic boundaries.

Obviously, this religious teaching was in line with the needs of the new Sasanian Dynasty to strengthen centralization and external expansion, so Mani became an important minister of King Shapur.

With the support of the Persian Empire at that time, Mani sent his disciples to preach in Egypt, Mesopotamia and even Central Asia, and this religion began to spread to various places.

From the documents handed down today, we can see that the dualism of good and evil within Manichaeism, the eschatology of the creation of humans by gods, and the theory of salvation basically came from several major religions that existed at that time.

But the biggest difference from other religions is that Manichaeism believes that the future of the world is also pessimistic, and the best outcome is just to return the world to its original state.

This kind of absolute pessimism naturally goes against the demands of secular rulers and mainstream religions, and will naturally not be welcomed by mainstream society.

Therefore, after the death of Shabul and his eldest son Hormizd, Behlan I immediately opposed the policies of his father and brother after he succeeded to the throne, and with the support of the Zoroastrian monk group, he persecuted Manichaeism.

Mani himself was imprisoned and tortured, and was killed in prison on February 27, when he was 61 years old. Legend has it that he was skinned to death and then hung with straw on the city gate.

After his death, believers were persecuted and massacred on a large scale. Mani's successor, King Sissi of France at the time, was also tortured and executed. Afterwards, many believers fled abroad and established religious churches in North Africa, West Asia, Europe and Central Asia. group.

Manichaeism has a huge sect organization, which is usually divided into five levels. The first level is 12 light messengers, the second level is 72 protectors, and the third level is 360 elders. The fourth level is an ordinary monk, and the fifth level is an ordinary believer.

From this setting, it can be seen that the 12 light messengers should be imitating the 12 apostles of Christianity, and the division of believers into clergy and ordinary ordinary line drawings may be influenced by Buddhism.

The spread of this religion around the world has aroused serious uneasiness and vigilance among the rulers and mainstream religions of various countries, and they have launched persecution actions in their respective countries.

Although this religion spread westward to Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Asia Minor, Greece, Italy and France, and eastward to the Amu Darya River Basin in Central Asia, it was eventually suppressed.

Around 1000 AD, Manichaeism was almost completely wiped out in the world, and only China had followers and religious organizations of this religion.

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