Applying for an excavation permit was much easier than Liang En imagined. After spending more than 800,000 euros, Liang En obtained the mining rights for more than 4,000 acres of land.

However, mining rights alone are obviously not enough, especially in the current situation, without land ownership, it is easy for various problems to arise.

Liang En maliciously speculated that the Guatemalan official was willing to sell the mining rights of minerals at such a cheap price to leave a hook until the final mining, and to use the inconsistent land ownership rights and mining rights to trick Liang En.

But after thinking about it later, Liang En felt that this possibility was not very high, because the local officials in charge of this aspect almost only focused on bribery, and did not seem to have many long-term plans.

The reason why the other party was willing to sell the mining rights at a low price was purely because Liang En entrusted these tasks to professionals, and those professionals obviously adopted some methods that were not necessarily legitimate.

However, it is also a fact that the other party does not pay much attention to that land. At least the Guatemalans have never mined that mountainous area.

So even if Liang En seriously submitted the survey report on those areas, all the other party did was sell the original license of more than 600,000 euros to 800,000 euros.

To be honest, the reason why Liang En was willing to submit a correct survey report was mainly because he was not an American after all, so it was better to do some things according to the rules to avoid taking advantage of small things and suffering big losses.

This is especially true when Liang En and the others have a strong enough background, because when using dirty tricks doesn't work, the opponent is likely to find a way to attack them from this angle.

Fortunately, after waiting here for about a week, other people came here and started to buy the land for those mines. Of course, with them came a group of professional explorers.

As the investigation work of these prospectors continued, mines were gradually unearthed. At the same time, everyone also figured out the size of the mine that Liang En and the others had discovered before.

Judging from the search results of the professional geological team members, the mine they found contained at least tens of thousands of tons of jadeite. The ancient Mayans' hundreds of years of excavation did not even remove 1/10 of the jadeite.

In addition, there is also a large amount of jade in the river that flows through the mining area. Due to the long-term impact of the water flow, some of them have been worn away by the friction between the water and the rocks in the river. It can be seen that the jade is texture.

Unlike Burmese jade, Guatemala jade is generally rougher and not as delicate as traditional Burmese jade. At the same time, the overall look is a bit gray and not as beautiful as Burmese jade.

But this does not mean that all Guatemalan jadeite is low-grade. Among the Guatemalan jadeite family, there are also high-quality varieties with a water level above ice type and a glistening and gummy appearance, which is no less good than Burmese jadeite.

But like Burmese jade, Guatemala jade is also rich in color, including green, purple, blue, black and multi-color series, and these geological team members have found corresponding samples from the river.

The most valuable among them is high-quality blue water jade, followed by green jade, but most of these jade contain omphacite, which makes the overall jade color darker.

Fortunately for Liang En and others, they mined this jade and did not intend to sell fake Burmese jade, so this situation is not very bad for him, and can even be used as a special selling point of this jade to show and Myanmar jade is different.

For example, Liang En is starting to draft now, planning to design a set of jade jewelry using Guatemalan jade as the main material, and then launch the jade brand at once.

In addition to large-scale exploration, everyone also began to sit down and allocate shares in these mines. Because Liang En himself was the convener of this gathering, he was the one doing the intermediate coordination work.

Fortunately, the minerals here are only gem mines and not important energy mines or metal mines. Therefore, although everyone has some arguments, the overall coordination process is relatively harmonious.

The result of the negotiation was that everyone set up a mining company in Guatemala to mine the minerals. Each party had a share in the company that was consistent with its contribution, and Liang En received a fixed 12.5% ​​stake.

You know, the land owned by Liang En and the others now has almost a monopoly on the jade mines in Guatemala. In this case, the 12.5% ​​stake is already a huge amount of income.

It was during this period that the mine started small-scale trial production. In more than a week, three tons of jadeite were mined from multiple exploration sites. Liang En's first batch of Guatemalan jadeite jewelry will use this jadeite. Batch jade as raw material.

According to Liang En’s plan, the theme of this batch of jewelry will be the ancient Central American Indian culture. He will design a set of jewelry by integrating those traditional Mayan carvings with modern ones.

Of course, in addition to investing in this ancient jade mine this time, Liang En also spent 1 million euros plus an annual 2.5% dividend from the jade mine from his own profits to turn the White Knight Security Company into his own industry. .

The reason why he bought this security company was because Liang En realized that he might go to some dangerous places in the future, so some private armed forces would be very important to him.

After all, sometimes he wants more than one or two enemies. When facing a group of enemies, it is obviously of great practical value to have some professional armed personnel as helpers.

What Liang En didn't expect was that the plan to acquire the security company went unexpectedly smoothly, because the retired major who ran the industry realized that he was better at the military than business management.

So he happily took a sum of money from Liang En and sold the security company, and then continued to work in the company as a military commander of the company.

The first task of this security company after its establishment was to train a security team for this jade ore producing area to undertake the safety assurance work for its future mining operations.

What's interesting is that the highest command of the security team that was finally trained was placed in Liang En's hands, because the personnel he called this time agreed that only by placing it with Liang En could the final fairness be guaranteed.

As a result, the villages and towns around the mine, such as the town where Liang En and the others went last time, quickly benefited. After all, security personnel still need a lot of local people.

And these natives living in the villages are obviously much more reliable than the guys with unclear backgrounds in the city, not to mention that for the White Knight Security Company, there are also insiders on their side who can judge who is more reliable.

"Thank you!" The former French Foreign Legion veteran codenamed Buck came to Liang En specifically to express his gratitude before he left. "You are different from those Americans. I believe you will bring lasting prosperity to our place. ——”

The reason why the other party thanked Liang En was simple. With the mining of mines, miners, security personnel and service personnel are naturally needed here. These personnel must be recruited from the local area first.

Considering the high fertility rate in Central America, one of the biggest local problems is that there is too much surplus labor, and new industries can absorb that labor and promote local development.

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