Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 447 Trying to Change

The most important role of Brown Castle before the 19th century was as a highway toll station. Because the castle was located on a traffic artery, the most important thing the castle owner did for 300 years was to facilitate entry and exit of Transylvania. Goods shipped to Asia are subject to an additional 3% tariff.

This is a substantial amount of income. Brown Castle gradually lost its importance until the borders between Transylvania and Wallachia were redrawn in 1836.

In addition to the vampire legend of the castle, it is also closely related to the history of this ancient castle as a tax collection station for a long time.

In those days, pedestrians carrying goods could only take the main road under the castle and be stopped to pay taxes. Once those who evaded taxes were caught by soldiers, they would be severely punished. This plot turned into a story of vampires capturing people and entering the castle to suck their blood.

Because these patrols often go out at night to catch those trying to evade taxes, they are further legendary among the people as vampires who act at night.

Because the entire castle was built over hundreds of years and was built on top of the mountain rock, it has an asymmetrical and irregular appearance.

The tapered round tower of the gunpowder magazine in the southwest corner is the earliest tower built. Of course, it was not a gunpowder magazine when it was built, but a common tower in the Middle Ages; such a tower also has the rectangular main tower on the north side, which is also the tallest building in the castle.

The defensive east tower was added to the east side in the 16th century, and the outer wall was decorated with stones, also known as the "stone tower"; the square gate tower built in the 17th century on the southeast side is now the main entrance to the castle; the tower is surrounded by walls The courtyard is called the "inner courtyard".

But everything Liang En and the others can see now was built in the early 20th century. At that time, King Ferdinand I of Romania bought Brown Castle as a birthday gift to his wife Mary.

The castle at that time had been abandoned for a long time and was dilapidated and depressed. Mary specially hired Czech architect Karel Liman to renovate the castle on a large scale, and purchased furniture and other decorations from Western European countries, making it the summer palace of the royal family.

In other words, although the entire castle still looks like a military fortress in the past, it has actually become a modern leisure castle suitable for human habitation.

It is a pity that because this place is now a museum, Liang En, as the owner of the castle, cannot find a place to live in the castle. If he wants to live, he can only live in a two-story building in the back mountain where the castle used to receive guests. inside.

After a quick tour of the rooms in the castle and the exhibits inside, the two people headed to a two-story building with a green roof located on the hill behind the castle.

Because according to the prior agreement, the work related to the handover of the castle was also carried out here. In addition to seeing the current situation of the castle, an important reason why they came here this time was to sign the final documents.

Arriving at the door of the small building, Liang En and the others met the lawyer who had arrived here beforehand, and entered the room to sign the last document. With the signing of the document, the castle officially belongs to Liang En.

Although according to the agreement, Liang En has the right to change the status of the castle, that is to say, he can even directly transfer the castle to private property and stop the operation of the museum.

But for him, owning a museum is obviously much more valuable than owning a large house that he only lives in a few times a year.

Not to mention that if the castle did not serve as a part-time museum, the annual taxes and maintenance fees would cost Liang En 56 million euros. Even if he now has a good income, thinking about this would still make him feel a little sick.

After signing the documents, the lawyer and the original owner of the castle left the room, leaving Liang En alone in the room.

Perhaps because this house is a real place for people to live, the room is very well kept and all kinds of daily necessities are also available. According to what they said before, 3,000 euros for water and electricity bills were even pre-deposited in the room.

It's just that there is only some mineral water in the refrigerator and no food. Obviously, it is not considered that some people may live in this place for a long time. Fortunately, there is Brown Town at the bottom of the mountain, so it is not difficult to buy these things.

So half an hour later, Liang En and the others returned to the city after buying a lot of food in the town at the foot of the mountain, and then returned to the room to start cooking.

After all, it is already noon. No matter what is going to happen next, it is more appropriate to finish lunch first. At the same time, Liang En also needs to take this opportunity to think about what is going on now.

According to his memory, this castle is called Dracula's castle in another world. 500,000 tourists come here every year. Overall, it is a very popular tourist destination.

But the situation here is completely different now. Judging from the scattered tourists on the mountain road, this castle in this world is obviously not as famous as its counterpart in another world.

So after eating, Liang En quickly started working. Thanks to this being a tourist attraction, the Internet speed was very good, so he could quickly find out the information he wanted.

Due to the differences between different worlds, although Bram Stoker in this world is a very famous novel writer and is even considered one of the most famous writers in Ireland, even Liang En also studied The travel notes he wrote.

But in this world, he did not write the famous novel "Dracula", so the vampire trend did not become popular, so vampires are not as famous as Liang En in his previous life.

And this is why this castle is not famous. Because in everyone's eyes, this castle and other castles have nothing particularly worth visiting.

Although it was once the king's palace, the number of Habsburgs was too large, so there were many similar palaces. Most people would not be willing to come to this remote place to see a palace that in their eyes was very ordinary. .

If they really want to visit this type of palace, there are a large number of palaces near Vienna, each of which is more luxurious and better preserved than the one here, so there is no need for them to travel all the way here to visit such a palace.

This is also consistent with the tourist situation that Liang En investigated before. Only a very small number of foreigners come here specifically to see the castle, and the vast majority of them are just traveling along the way.

This is naturally not good news for Liang En. Although he now has enough assets and stable income, having a negative asset there always makes people feel a little unhappy.

Fortunately, it is not something that people feel powerless to do to reverse this situation. After all, the reason why vampires became a popular symbol back then was related to a series of literary works.

In his previous life, Liang En had read many books because he was writing a Myriad Worlds online novel, including the famous Dracula and another more modern vampire novel "The Twilight Saga".

So he planned to live here for a while, and then find a way to restore the books in his mind and find people he knew in the publishing industry to publish them, and see if he could attract enough tourists to his castle.

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