Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 457 History and Nagasaki

"——Due to the strong suppression of Catholicism by Japanese officials during the entire 300 years of Tokugawa Shogunate rule, very few cultural relics of this type have been preserved in Japan."

After describing the changes in Japan's attitude toward Catholicism and even the entire outside world from the late Warring States Period to the Tokugawa Shogunate, Joan of Arc made a simple summary of these things.

"After all, under such high pressure that has lasted for hundreds of years, local believers have disappeared, and these icons often disappear earlier than believers due to greater goals."

"You are right. There may have been more of this kind of thing back then, but after so many years, it can be said that there are very few that can survive today."

Liang En also found the information he needed at this time, so he turned his phone over, and then showed the two people Joan of Arc and Fan Meng in the above information.

"Look, this is a Catholic icon that is about to be auctioned that meets the demand. The starting price is 100,000 euros, but everyone thinks it should be able to buy between 220,000 and 250,000 euros."

"It's no wonder that Mr. Kimura has never been able to find someone willing to do things for him." Fan Meng shook his head and said. "I feel like if I don't do this well, not only will I not be able to make any money, I'll also easily lose money."

"You are right, so we must make a good judgment on whether this matter is worth doing." Liang En said after thinking for a while.

Judging from the current situation, the reason why Mr. Kimura has not been able to find someone to help him is purely because the compensation provided to him is unattractive.

Because they just made inquiries in the law firm there, and found out that there were five or six people who came to inquire about this matter. The earliest one even inquired more than two months ago, but now one has reported No one.

"You are right. Unless we can obtain a holy statue at a lower cost, otherwise we will definitely lose money on this business." Joan looked at Liang En and summarized the current situation.

"But if we are looking for icons, I suggest it is best to look around Nagasaki. After all, that was the center of Japanese Catholic faith at that time. It should be easier to find what we are looking for in a place like this."

"Why don't you go to the city to look for it?" Fan Meng suddenly asked. "I remember that there should be many such religious places in ancient times, especially secret religious places, in the city. There should be a lot of things left there."

"Definitely not in the urban area. Don't forget the strategic bombing by the United States during World War II and the last nuclear bomb." Liang En smiled and shook his head, "So even if there is something in the urban area, it will be difficult for us to find it."

"As for those that were brought there after World War II, they often went there with their wealthy owners. If we want to buy them, we may pay more than at auction. It is completely uneconomical."

"On the contrary, the surrounding area has historically been an area where Catholic believers have been active. If you really want to find this type of religious items, it should be easier to find them in the surrounding countryside."

"You are right, so we are going to check the information today, and then go to Nagasaki tomorrow." Joan of Arc said at this time, taking a sip of the coffee on the table in front of her.

"As for the main points of the search, it is best to focus on the surrounding villages that used to be Catholic areas. Japan has not had much mobility in the past, so the things we are looking for are likely to stay in place."

That night, considering that they had to travel far the next day, everyone went to rest early. However, before resting, Liang En spent 16 legendary points to use the card [Prophecy (SR)] once.

Liang En made repeated attempts to find the target of divination, but found that any information that was too complex could not be divined, so in the end he could only simplify the problem to whether he could find what he needed during this trip to Nagasaki.

Although the content of the divination this time was only asking yes or no, which is the vaguest form of inquiry in divination, but because the question itself contained a lot of content, it took 16 legendary points to get this answer.

Of course, saying it can be found in this place means that with Liang En's current level, he has a chance to find this thing, but whether he can find it depends on how well he performs.

But in any case, this divination gave Liang En a special kind of inspiration, so he was in a very good mood when he went to Nagasaki the next day, and this mentality also made Joan of Arc and Fan Meng equally full of confidence. .

After arriving in Nagasaki, one of the oldest international trade ports in Japan, Liang En and the others did not search for it on their own. After all, this is a city with a population of more than 400,000, and the surrounding population exceeds 1.3 million. They alone can The three of them may not be able to find their goals for several months.

So they simply found some reliable local private detectives through their connections, and then used their methods to find what they wanted.

Liang En would definitely not have done this before, because the money required to find these items in such a large city was not small.

For example, this time they hired 12 private detectives at once because they hoped to find the target in a short time. Each detective required 500 to 700 euros to hire.

But the advantage is that these local snakes know the city and everything around the city far better than foreigners like Liang En, so after receiving the deposit, they promised to hand over the detailed investigation results to Liang En within five days.

Because of the help of these local snakes, Liang En and the others simply traveled in this city for nearly a week. As an ancient trading city, there were indeed many places worth visiting in the city.

Unfortunately, there are not many traces of Catholicism in the city. This is mainly because when the atomic bomb was dropped, the Urakami area, where Catholics were concentrated, was located at the core of the atomic bomb, resulting in 15,000 Catholics out of 20,000 being killed.

This also wiped out most of the local cultural relics traditionally related to Catholicism, so that most of the cultural relics related to Catholicism in the shops were imported from other places or even foreign countries.

After a week passed, they indeed obtained information about the whereabouts of the grimaces of Jesus in Japan from the end of the Warring States Period to the beginning of Edo, and there were more than one.

One of the portraits is located in an antique shop in the center of Nagasaki. It is a rare good thing in the shop. Therefore, although the other party is willing to sell the portrait, the price is 270,000 euros.

Liang En didn't intend to lose money to fulfill Mr. Kimura's request, so he tried to bargain with the other party, only to find that the other party was determined to kill the price and refused to lower the price even by one yuan.

This is actually consistent with the results of previous investigations by private detectives. According to these private detectives, the biggest feature of this store is that everything in it is authenticated by the store owner. At the same time, the owner has a thorough knowledge of all the products in the store. price.

After discovering that the price of this place couldn't be lowered, Liang En and the others could only give up on this place temporarily, then rented a car and drove towards the northeast.

According to the private detectives, there was a church in a small town near Tohoku Taira Town, and there was such a portrait in the church that met his requirements.

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