"I have some bad luck today. The value of that thing is too obvious." Pierce, who gave up on increasing the price and sat back in his seat, turned to Liang En and said.

"The most important thing is that there are several people here who seem to have taken it. I guess they will probably increase the price to more than £2,000, which is not profitable for us."

What happened next was exactly as Pierce imagined. After five or six minutes of fighting, a person finally bought the table for £2,350.

However, Pierce did not show any regrets, because this was a price that was purely a loss for him, and it would have no value even if he bought it.

As for the next items to be auctioned, Liang En and the others were able to get some, while others were not. After all the auctions ended in three hours, they quickly paid the organizer and got what they bought.

We first checked out the knick-knacks we bought at the beginning, such as some knick-knacks and decorations from the 19th and 20th centuries.

Although these decorations are exquisitely made, they are basically mass-produced goods, so under normal circumstances almost no one makes imitations. At least Liang En can basically confirm that these things are genuine after inspection.

But the real thing is the real thing, but the price is not very valuable. After all, the mass production of industrial products or even the quantity that has survived to this day after more than a hundred years is not small, so it is impossible to sell it at a high price anyway.

Of course, for Emerald Thrift Store, this type of more popular products is more valuable than those fine products, because although antique stores for the general public like them need some high-end products, the core products are still relatively common. s things.

According to several people's estimates, these things that cost them more than 2,000 pounds to buy would be worth more than 6,000 pounds if all were sold.

"Okay, let's see what you found this time." After checking the appetizers, Fan Meng looked at the six big boxes. “Hopefully these things will be as valuable as you think they are.”

Soon the box was opened with a crowbar and the metal parts inside were revealed. It was the same as what was marked on the label outside the box. The box was filled with metal parts that looked like they should have been removed from the same machine. of.

"This seems to be a large air compressor with an air pump." After all the boxes were opened, Pierce looked at the pile of metal parts in front of him with a thoughtful expression.

"What is this thing mainly used for?" Liang En asked, holding up an L-shaped pipe. "At least I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before. I guess it's not a common thing."

"It's indeed uncommon. As far as I know, this kind of portable air pump is more commonly used by grave robbers for people like us." Pierce patted a pipe with his hand and said.

"For those who are engaged in illegal work, they naturally cannot dig down the ruins slowly and layer by layer like us."

"In order to get valuable things as quickly as possible, they will dig a hole directly from the outside to the core area. Of course, if this is the case, this kind of air pump must be needed to provide oxygen to those in the hole."

"You're right. For them, concealment and speed are the most important, so they naturally need these special equipment." Liang En said after careful inspection. "If I guess correctly, this should be the equipment used by illegal organizations."

"How did you determine that this thing came from a tomb robbing group?" Joan of Arc asked with some confusion after stepping forward to inspect it. "I don't think it's any different than a normal device."

"Two reasons, one of which is that there are some unusual things here." Liang En said, taking out a beautifully made metal cylinder from a box.

"This is used on the air compressor inside. It is a powerful muffler, but normal people will never use this kind of muffler."

For ordinary users, the only purpose of the muffler on this type of machine is to reduce noise and avoid damaging the hearing of surrounding workers, so it is not a high-end product.

However, in order to prevent people around them from discovering their actions, those tomb robbers prefer to dismantle the original simple mufflers and replace them with these high-quality mufflers to improve the concealment of their actions.

"On the other hand, if this type of facility is used by industrial and mining enterprises, it will often have a nameplate to indicate the status of the machine. But this thing not only does not have a similar logo, but even the original logo has been erased."

"I understand." Joan of Arc nodded seriously. Obviously this is the same as the way criminals erase car bodies or gun bodies, obviously to cover up their criminal behavior.

Normal people who buy these items will never do this, because if these numbers are erased, the manufacturers will refuse to perform after-sales repairs.

After a preliminary inspection, they determined that the boxes contained two complete sets of air pump equipment. However, the strange thing was that when the two sets were compared together, Liang En found that there seemed to be some differences in the parts.

After realizing that there might be something important hidden inside, he immediately stopped further inspection and repacked the items. After packing the items, he said goodbye to Pierce and returned to Ireland.

"Okay, now can you tell me what you found in those machines?" It was already evening when we returned to Ireland. When the car drove into the yard of her ranch room, Joan couldn't help but asked with doubts in her heart. .

"There seem to be some compartments inside these two machines, which are obviously not part of the machines themselves." Liang En said, pointing to several large boxes in the pockets behind the broken pickup truck.

"Considering that the origin of this thing is rather suspicious, I suspect that these things may contain something valuable, so I came back in such a hurry."

Ten minutes later, the two people arrived at the underground warehouse with the suspicious equipment they picked out. Then he took out the tools and started to disassemble the suspicious parts.

When they used a small electric saw to cut open the shell of the machine, a weld appeared in front of them. This hidden weld was obviously left after hiding something, not during production. Down.

"There is something in here." Just as Liang En carefully removed a piece of metal that was only half the size of a mobile phone screen, Joan of Arc, who had been helping with the work, spotted the thing hidden in the mezzanine at the first glance.

What was found were several irregular metal blocks the size of a finger, with a dark outer layer on them. At first Liang En thought they were some kind of precious metal, but after weighing them with his hands, he found that the items were too light. , not as precious metal as imagined.

After careful observation with a special magnifying glass, Liang En discovered that these black things were probably just an oxide layer on the surface of the metal ingot, with some inconspicuous gray-white irregular dots on it.

"It seems there is a story behind these things." After making sure that he had completed the inspection, Liang En put down the metal and the magnifying glass and said, "I'm a little interested now."

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