"Is it really okay to sign and sell books online?" Liang En had a puzzled expression on his face after hearing the opinion raised by the editor from Bloomsbury Publishing House.

The reason why he was confused was also very simple. After all, in his impression, book signing meant a person sitting there and signing his name on the book for those who bought his own book, and this naturally had to be done face to face. .

Therefore, Liang En is naturally confused about this kind of online book signing. In his opinion, the practice of signing books and selling books without face-to-face contact gives people the feeling of cutting corners and may damage his own. reputation.

"It may not be possible for other people, but it should be no problem for you." The editor thought for a while and said, "After all, you are different from other authors. I believe your readers should also know and understand situation in this regard.”

"And I think the most important thing is that if you are willing to share a little bit about your daily work with your readers, not only will they not have any objections, but they will become more interested in you."

"——Your proposal is indeed very valuable." After the editor finished speaking, Liang En quickly fell into thinking, but he quickly reacted and expressed his agreement with the editor's idea. .

Because now is the Internet age, attention is paid to eyeball effect, and watching an author gradually dig out those lost civilizations bit by bit at an archaeological site is obviously a very eye-catching thing, and it can naturally bring enough benefits.

Of course, another important reason why he agrees with the other party's point of view is because this archaeological operation has been completely public from the beginning, so even if it is broadcast live, there will not be too many problems.

So Liang En quickly reached an agreement with the publishing house, agreeing to allow the other party to film his next adventure work accordingly, and he would cooperate with them as much as possible.

Of course, this kind of cooperation is based on the premise that the other party will not hinder the excavation work. After all, for Liang En, archeology and treasure hunting are the most important work, and other tasks are only auxiliary.

At the same time, for the live broadcast, Liang En also prepared some gifts at the suggestion of the editor: 200 hardcover copies of "Grimm's Fairy Tales", as well as 100 copies each of "Poltergeist" and the latest book "Dracula", and signed Prepare prize draws for the audience.

It is naturally a pleasant thing to be able to gain something in writing, but how to take the whole group to the destination has now become a big problem for Liang En.

Although Liang En basically judged where these things were fished out through the cards, it would be difficult to explain to others if he only said that he judged this place.

But what Liang En didn't expect was that just when he was racking his brains to find a reasonable excuse, the National Museum of Ireland helped find the best excuse for the next step.

Because the museum communicated with Greek officials through the information given by Liang En, and then obtained a series of information about the criminal gang during the communication.

What's interesting is that although this is a criminal gang, they still used their real names when they entered Greece. After all, for this group of criminals, if there are too many fake places, there will be more loopholes.

Therefore, through searches by Greek officials, the museum quickly learned that the most likely place where the criminal gang committed the crime was the Cyclades Islands in Greece.

Although it can only be confirmed that the group of people entered the archipelago area and cannot confirm where exactly the other party dug up these things, as professional historians, everyone can roughly guess the scope of the other party's activities.

This is mainly because the level of human navigation was very low in the era when copper ingots were produced and transported, so the routes were also very fixed. Therefore, as long as the approximate range is locked, the search area can be reduced to a small space.

"We will first fly to Athens, and then take a boat to the Cyclades Islands." A week later, Liang En sat on the plane in Athens and introduced the next action to Fan Meng and Joan of Arc.

"If there are no accidents, we will use Santorini as the base for this search and search the surrounding areas. So although we are out for excavation work this time, we can also take the opportunity to have a good rest."

Santorini is actually the name of a ring of islands located in the Aegean Sea, the largest of which is called Santorini. Among historians, people often call this island the ancient city of Thira.

The origin of this ancient name has become obscure. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus said that it came from a Spartan commander named Thiras who was on the island in the first millennium BC. Serve as commander of the last colony.

Before that, the island was named Callister, which means beautiful. According to Herodotus, this was the name given by the Phoenicians.

However, this may be just a guess by Herodotus, because the word is standard Greek, and it is unlikely that the Phoenicians named their territory in other people's languages.

However, there is also a legend that the earliest name of this island was called Strongili, which means round in Greek. This is more likely, because this island is a volcanic island, so it is indeed It's round.

Santorini is made up of 3 small islands, 2 of which are inhabited and the middle one is a sleepy volcanic island. Historically, there have been many volcanic eruptions here.

Among these volcanic eruptions, the one in the 16th or 17th century BC was the most serious. A large area of ​​the center of the island collapsed, and the originally round island took on the shape of a crescent today.

According to current research by scholars, this volcanic eruption was four to five times more powerful than the largest volcanic eruption currently - the eruption of the Kraktoa volcano in Indonesia.

From Crete to Egypt to Turkey, many archaeologists and geologists have found pumice left behind by this eruption at excavation sites or in certain accumulation layers.

Because this volcanic eruption coincided with the destruction of the famous Cretan civilization, and the volcano was only 110km away from Crete, many people speculated that the destruction of Crete civilization was related to the eruption of this volcano.

With the excavation of Minoan palaces, the number of scholars supporting this speculation is increasing. Because the traces found in the palace clearly show the damage to the Minoan palace after the volcanic eruption and the rapid decline of the entire civilization.

With the passage of history, the island once belonged to Venetian rule. At that time, it was renamed Santorini in 1207 to commemorate the saint Saint Ellen.

According to everyone's previous speculation, the copper nuggets that Liang En found before were likely to come from an ancient shipwreck in the surrounding waters, because this island is located at the intersection of the routes from ancient Greece to Egypt and Crete to the Middle East. .

On the one hand, there are indeed many shipwrecks in this place, and on the other hand, it is because those who want to carry out illegal activities often choose this place to ensure profits.

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