Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 507 The Eternal Mystery

"It's actually Linear Script A. Now we're in trouble." When the clay tablets were delivered to the temporary studio on site, the leader of the Irish Museum glanced at the text and said subconsciously.

The reason why the other party said this is also very simple, that is because there are so few cultural relics with Linear A found that it is impossible for people to find enough comparative information and translate the above text.

As for Linear B, the situation is much better, because a large number of similar cultural relics have been discovered before, so these characters have now been deciphered.

Of course, the decipherer of linear characters in this world was also Liang En. Although the theory of that article at that time was very reasonable and was recognized by a series of experts in languages ​​and characters,

But in fact, he mastered the translation ability through cards. This ability was mastered when he was excavating the Minoan palace. At that time, in addition to the translation ability of Linear B, he also mastered the translation of Linear A.

However, because there were so few related cultural relics excavated, Liang En was worried that he would not be able to explain how he translated it, so he did not write a paper like translating Linear B.

This is why this Irish archaeologist seems so regretful. Even today, the entire ancient text translation community believes that unless more examples can be found, this type of text cannot be translated at all.

The only good thing is that some of the previous cultural relics allowed them to compare, so they could decipher a small part of Linear A.

"I remember there should be papyrus in that era." Just as the scholars began to examine these clay tablets, Joan of Arc came up and asked in a low voice. “Why are there still clay tablets here?

"It's very simple." Although papyrus already existed at that time, this kind of paper was very expensive, at least for ordinary people to afford, not to mention that the only way to obtain papyrus here was to import it, which would be even more expensive. . "Liang En quickly explained the situation inside to Jeanne.

Although papyrus has the word "paper", it is definitely not something that is made from a bunch of cheap raw materials and can be used by the public like real paper. This kind of thing is not cheap in terms of raw materials and production costs.

On the one hand, papyrus as a raw material was only available near the Nile River at that time, and its output was very limited. On the other hand, the production process of this kind of papyrus was extremely cumbersome.

The process requires cutting the main stem of the papyrus into 40-50 cm long segments, removing the bast, splitting the pith part into long strips as wide as possible, and spreading these strips on the hard board in two layers. (The first layer is laid horizontally and the second layer is laid vertically).

The maker then squeezes and beats the semi-finished product, using a small amount of water and the plant's own slurry to stick the two strips together. After drying, use stones or shells to smooth the surface, then trim the edges neatly and you're done.

From a certain perspective, the production of papyrus is not actually like real paper, but like making plywood. The cumbersome process and limited raw materials make this kind of paper that is not easy to use expensive.

However, compared to the parchment used by Europeans in the third century, this kind of paper is already considered to be of high quality and low price. After all, if Europeans in the Middle Ages wanted to copy a Bible, the parchment required would require hundreds of sheep. supply.

Because papyrus is not cheap overall, it is often only used by those in the upper class to record some important content. Even the top craftsmen are unlikely to use these papers in daily life.

But craftsmen are different from ordinary people. They need to use words to communicate and write some content. Therefore, they can only use clay tablets from West Asia as carriers to record these things.

Anyway, for these people who work in the metal smelting factory, there is enough in this place to use, so they only need to put the clay tablets on the fire to harden them after writing.

Theoretically speaking, it is unlikely that hard clay tablets have survived more than 3,000 years. However, after the volcano erupted, a large amount of hot volcanic ash turned these clay tablets into hard clay tablets, and the words on them were preserved. Here we are today.

"There is a word here that I recognize." After carefully examining the clay tablets found in the metal smelting plant, everyone quickly tried to fully examine these things. Soon, Professor Harry discovered that one of the words could be translated of.

"This word should come from all the clay tablets that have both Linear A and Linear B written on them." Harry pointed at the word and said with a sure face.

"If the previous translation of Linear b was correct, the meaning of this word is equivalent to the Greek ρεχαλκο, which should be written as oreikhalkos today."

"oreikhalkos?" As someone who also mastered ancient Greek, Liang En quickly realized what this word was, but he still asked out of caution. "Is this thing an orichalcos?"

"Yes." Professor Harry became excited, but soon showed a regretful expression. "It's a pity that we don't recognize the words above, otherwise we would know why this word appears here."

If this word is translated into Chinese, it means Oriha Gang, which is the legendary orichalcum. According to historical records, this is a mysterious metal from the legendary Atlantis.

The story of Atlantis was handed down by the famous ancient Greek philosopher Plato, more than a thousand years after the volcanic eruption of Santorini, that is, around 400 BC.

In his two works, "Timaeus" and "Clea", Plato talked about a glorious civilization and an island that suddenly sank in a day and night and was forever submerged under the waves.

However, Plato never mentioned the specific location of this island in the legend. He only vaguely said that this island is located in front of the Strait of Gibraltar, and its area is larger than Libya and all of Asia combined.

He wrote in his work that this story was told to the Greek statesman Solon by a visiting ancient Egyptian priest. This conversation took place around 590 BC.

In the following time, Solon told his son about this matter, and his son passed it on to his grandson, and then passed it to Plato's ears after several generations.

Although Plato’s detailed description of the island of Atlantis, for example, the island is a land and water ring, and the size of each city is also described in detail, the lack of specific locations makes it difficult for later readers to describe the island. People are very controversial about this.

To date, many people have claimed to have discovered Atlantis, spread out over a vast space stretching from the Bahamas to the coast of Cyprus.

Although the landforms in some places are indeed very similar to Atlantis mentioned by Plato, after research, it is found that they are either naturally formed, have nothing to do with ancient Greek civilization, or both.

Therefore, this legendary country is still a mystery, and the content described on the pile of pottery tablets Liang En and the others discovered before is the key to unlocking this mystery.

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