"Is there any danger in our car now?" Joan of Arc stepped forward and asked as she watched the two fake police officers getting out of the car. As a petite young woman, she is less likely to arouse other people's alarm than others.

"Everything is normal. Thank you for your cooperation." The older man in the lead nodded and said. "I think you can get in the car now -"

Just before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, because he saw the passengers in the previous car, including the driver, inexplicably moving away from the minibus.

But at this time, he and another person had already arrived at the door, and they couldn't retreat because there was another person behind them.

In this case, he immediately touched his waist and tried to alert the other person, but he didn't expect that when he just raised his hand, he was punched in the stomach by the girl in front of him who was originally intended to be taken as a hostage. department.

He felt as if he had been hit by an angry bull at this time. A sharp pain immediately made him lose all fighting power and fell to his knees.

At the same time, the young man behind him was also grabbed by Liang En and Fan Meng's arms and pressed firmly to his side, and then he was disarmed together with him.

These two people had obviously received corresponding training, but they were a little unsatisfied when facing Liang En and the others, let alone being attacked suddenly.

"What are you doing?" The older fake policeman was still planning to make a last-ditch effort, so he shouted loudly, "Assaulting a police officer is a felony, and even if you are celebrities, you cannot get away with it at this time. "

"How do you know we are celebrities?" Liang En raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then said, "We have met many police officers before, but no one has ever recognized our identities."

No matter how famous an archaeologist is, he is far from being called a celebrity. At least for most people, they may have heard the name of a famous archaeologist, but it definitely does not match the person's face.

In the past, the reason why their vehicles were exempted from inspection was not because they were celebrities in the archaeological field, but because there was a high-ranking police officer in the car to help explain, but now these two people who have never met at all should not Recognize them.

More importantly, during the subsequent search process, Liang En and the others took out a total of six ceramic plates from these two people, one of which recorded orichalcum, which is brass smelting technology.

"This shows that there is a mole among us." After seeing this pottery board, Professor Harry's expression was not good-looking. "When we go back, we must find a way to catch the mole, otherwise we will be in trouble."

This board is actually mixed with other boards. In theory, it should not be discovered so easily. More importantly, no one can understand the words on it.

So being able to pick out this piece can only mean that an insider sent the photo of this pottery plate out before, so that the two fake policemen could find these things so accurately.

After walking into the carriage and checking the box, they were even more certain of this, because there was no empty space in the box, and the positions of the removed pottery boards were occupied by new pottery boards.

These pottery boards are somewhat crudely made and are obviously something that was made on a temporary basis. However, if you just open the box and take a brief look, there is a high probability that you can deceive people.

Naturally, what happened next was not suitable for Liang En and the others to handle. They asked the driver to call the police quickly and handed over the two suspects and the images recorded by Liang En's editor. .

"It seems they are the ones who followed us a few days ago." Fan Meng looked relaxed and said to Liang En on the way back to the hotel. "I just don't know who they are yet."

"It should only be part of it. Don't forget that the guy named Speer hasn't been arrested yet. I suspect they are a group of people, and they are preparing a back-up plan." Liang En said seriously.

According to previous investigations, Speer's name and his career are actually all true, which means that this is likely to be a hidden stake prepared by an organization for some time.

Although many criminals like to use false identities, for some truly high-level illegal organizations, they will have some covert personnel with obvious identities.

These people are often sent to a place to stay for several months to several years. During this time, they will live a normal life like ordinary people until they receive the next order.

For other people, as long as they have not committed crimes, it is indeed difficult to find these people from a large group of people, which indeed greatly increases the concealment.

But from another perspective, those who can be sent to a place to lurk for a long time are often elites, so Liang En has no hope that the police will catch Speer through these two people.

The facts were consistent with his guess. The police only obtained information about Speer from the two men in the afternoon of the next day, but by that time he had already run back to Athens and disappeared into the crowd.

"I always thought that this kind of criminals only existed in novels and movies." The editor said to Liang En during dinner that day, "How can he be so vigilant?"

The reason why he sighed was because according to the police investigation, when the two criminals started to act, Speer had already sailed and was waiting outside the port.

According to the results of the interrogation, the two parties had previously agreed to contact each other every seven minutes. If there was no timely contact, it meant something had happened, and Speer would immediately sail to the Greek mainland.

And if they succeed, the two suspects will go directly to the port to meet Speer, and then run away with the things they obtained previously.

It must be admitted that Speer is indeed a cunning opponent. At least he has been prepared before today's action begins, and can respond accordingly no matter what situation he encounters.

As for the other party's mole, he was also caught. He was just a worker who was paid to do things. He took advantage of everyone's lunch and took pictures of the pottery boards.

As for the last few pieces chosen by the other party, they were chosen because Liang En and the others had studied and discussed these pottery boards quite a lot. It was not because they had mastered the translation of this ancient text.

"Criminals working in this field are very vigilant now, especially those established criminal organizations, otherwise they would have been arrested long ago." Liang En nodded to his editor and then asked.

"By the way, are you looking for me to sell autographs? I remember that I signed the novel a few nights ago. If you want it in advance, you can go to my room to get it together."

Usually when everyone eats, they are basically divided according to the work they have done recently. For example, this editor will eat with the photographer he brought with him, so there must be something going on when he came to talk to me today.

"It's related to this, but there may be more things that need to trouble you." The editor said a little embarrassed. "We didn't expect this live broadcast to be so effective, so we may need to prepare more signed novels."

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