Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 518 Ending the autograph session

Fortunately, after signing for another two hours or so, the number of people around gradually became less and less, but even so. The editor Taylor was also a little nervous. After all, signing names for several hours was not an easy task.

This is equivalent to writing thousands of words by hand a day, which is not an easy task for most people, so as an editor, Taylor was indeed a little nervous at this time.

You must know that he is now Liang En's full-time editor, which means that his income has been directly linked to Liang En's situation for a long time, so he is naturally concerned about whether Liang En's body can bear this situation.

"How are you doing now?" After watching Liang En sign an autograph for a young man, Taylor ran to him from behind and then bent down and whispered in his ear.

"If you can't bear it anymore, you can just say it. After all, the work you have completed now is already a lot in the author's book signing. I think everyone should be able to understand."

"Don't worry, this workload won't overwhelm me." Liang En said as he took the book from a reader in front of him and started to sign it.

"Since you followed me to shoot a video at an archaeological site last time, you should know what my physical condition is like. Compared to a day's work of digging under the sun with a shovel, this job is actually very easy."

More importantly, as he continued to sign, Liang En gradually got better at signing. At least now he can complete his signature in less than a second with just one stroke.

Of course, the human body has its limits. If you keep doing it like this, even an iron man won't be able to bear it. Fortunately, this promotion time is not very long.

So when it was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Liang En finally signed the name of the last reader, and then sat in the chair and slouched a lot.

Although his strengthened body could not break his wrist while writing such a few words, the discomfort caused by a large amount of physical energy consumption was still unavoidable, so he quickly stood up and started moving.

"We sold a total of 1,877 novels this afternoon. It seems that this book is indeed very popular with everyone." Editor Taylor said after looking at the statistical data.

"Considering that our promotional work this time was actually very average and the promotion time was too short, I think the overall situation of this autograph session was very good."

"I think so too, because I feel everyone's enthusiasm." Liang En smiled and then immediately added. "Of course, it doesn't matter if you do this kind of activity once in a while, but don't do it more often, because I need a lot of time to do research."

"Don't worry, there won't be many such activities." Editor Taylor smiled and shook his head. "You know that things are rare and valuable, so there should never be too many of these signings, otherwise the importance of the signings will not be reflected."

"In addition, you are also a historian and archaeologist. From a public perspective, it is normal for you to conduct such commercial activities once or twice, but you must not conduct such activities all the time. .”

As Liang En's editor-in-chief, Taylor was definitely one of the few people who cared most about his commercial value. So at this time, he is more concerned about Liang En's long-term value rather than short-term value.

Compared with the devaluation of status caused by intensive participation in business activities in a short period of time, it is obviously more valuable to improve one's status by participating in fewer activities.

Especially now for the public, a historian should be busy and low-key, so even if the frequency of interaction between Liang En and readers is significantly lower than that of ordinary authors, it will not be a big problem, and he will not gain arrogance. evaluate.

Of course, this kind of appetizing behavior should be stopped in moderation. If he never goes out, he will easily be judged as being too arrogant and looking down on others.

"Everyone is indeed very enthusiastic this time." Liang En nodded while looking at the data just pushed on the computer. At least today his book sales have tripled compared to usual, which proves that his books are indeed very popular.

"Yeah, so if you have time, you'd better prepare some gifts for your fans." Taylor suggested. "This will help you gather your own fans. Of course, this is just a suggestion. If you don't have time, forget it."

"How many gifts should I prepare?" Liang En asked curiously. "If the amount of content you need to prepare is relatively large, then forget it, but if you only need to spend money or only need me to prepare a small part, then I will be willing to cooperate with your work."

"We have prepared two hundred books for lottery to be given to those who participated in the event that day." Taylor thought for a moment and said. "But we are still preparing for the ten special awards planned, because we haven't thought of any better gifts yet?"

"I don't know if anyone is willing to take my sketches," Liang En said, taking out his mobile phone, then opened the folder inside and started to display some photos.

"You know, traditional historians and archaeologists use sketches to restore the conditions of archaeological sites, but not every sketch is of sufficient value."

"Because I am not a professional archaeologist, I still retain the habit of a relatively primitive archaeologist, and there are some pictures in this that I think can be given as gifts to these fans."

"That would be great. I believe everyone will like these gifts." Taylor nodded excitedly. He had seen Liang En's sketch skills, so he naturally knew that those things as gifts would definitely attract those fans. attention.

And compared to the gifts prepared by others, this work that Liang En had drawn before was obviously more sincere and more valuable for collection.

In the next few days, the sales of the latest novel "Dracula" increased rapidly. At the same time, the sales of "Polar Evil" and "Grimm's Fairy Tales" written by Liang En also increased accordingly.

In short, during this period, all of Liang En's books led to a sales boom. At the same time, his reputation in literature also increased rapidly, and he even appeared in very formal news media as a writer.

"Ireland's famous Chinese writer, I think the content in this newspaper title is very good." A week after the book signing, Joan looked at the introduction and nodded. "You do deserve this."

"To be precise, this should be considered as the strength of those seniors." Regarding Joan of Arc, Liang En naturally said that there was no need to hide her secrets.

"But what you did was not just transportation." Joan of Arc had a different view. "In my opinion, the greatest benefit of what you have done is that it allows people in one world to appreciate the style of another world."

"Okay, don't praise me, otherwise I'll boil water on my face." After hearing what Jeanne said, Liang En smiled sheepishly. "I should be happy that people are still interested in these somewhat ancient stories."

"This is normal. After all, what you have prepared are some classics, and classics have charm that transcends time." Joan of Arc said with a smile. "So it should be a very reasonable thing for these works to achieve such achievements."

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