Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 523 The mission begins

When Liang En counted to three, he and Jeanne lowered their heads at the same time and touched the surface of the light spot with the tip of their noses. Then they felt that the surrounding environment suddenly turned upside down, and then their bodies rushed forward and fell into the light. among.

In an instant, Liang En disappeared into the open space on the edge of the ruins with a set of equipment. In the entire open space, there was only one spot that only Liang En and Jeanne could see. The light spot glowed with a faint blue light and rippled in circles.

Like last time, Liang En didn't feel that he had crossed any special boundary. He felt like he was falling into a cold, dark material, as if he was being sucked into a black vortex.

Although he still felt sleepy this time, maybe because of the improvement of his extraordinary power, Liang En finally came to this historical projection with a clear mind.

Joan of Arc seemed to be in a similar situation to him. She looked sleepy now, giving the impression that she had just woken up, and her eyes were obviously hazy.

Miraculously, Liang En's three ravens also appeared beside him at this time. This was probably caused by the connection between the two parties.

This is obviously a good thing, because the raven's card effect allows Liang En to gain unique aerial reconnaissance and intelligence advantages in this period of historical projection, especially the ability to go to some important places without being noticed.

The most important thing is that compared with hawks or pigeons raised by humans, ravens are an order of magnitude less conspicuous, which makes them more difficult to detect when performing various covert tasks.

After scanning the surroundings, they found a castle not far away, and on the top of the castle was a flag that neither of them recognized.

This is very normal in Europe, because there are so many nobles in Europe that even experts who specialize in this field cannot understand all the contents.

"Where is the target?" Joan came to Liang En and asked, "Is it inside the castle or around the castle?" "Inside the castle, and it's still in the main tower."

Liang En had a helpless expression on his face. Thinking about it with his toes, he knew that the main tower of the castle was 100% the most heavily defended place. It would be extremely difficult to enter without the corresponding identity.

What's even worse is that this time it's impossible to confirm whether the person inside is being imprisoned like Joan of Arc last time or whether this is the other person's home, so it's definitely not a good idea to go in without knowing the situation clearly.

After all, the next step is to communicate with the other party to obtain information about the next step. If this is the other party's home, Liang En doesn't think that the other party will be willing to give him clues to the next task after he kills a bunch of the other party's guards.

"This is a bit troublesome - but the matter is not unsolvable." After taking out a telescope and carefully observing the castle opposite, Joan made a simple judgment.

"Fortunately, the castle is not in a state of war now, and the manpower deployed at each sentry post is insufficient, so the opponent's detection range obviously has many blind spots."

"When it gets dark, we can use the darkness to climb up from the wall near the hillside, then pass through half of the castle to the main building, and finally enter the room through the window from the blind spot on the side of the castle."

Just like what Joan of Arc said, the defense of this type of castle in non-war years is basically full of loopholes. Except for the castle gate and the derivatives, the rest of the places are undefended.

So after controlling the raven to conduct a comprehensive aerial reconnaissance, Liang En modified a small part of Joan of Arc's plan according to the actual situation, and then made a night action plan.

Because it was getting dark now, Liang En called his raven to conduct a large-scale reconnaissance, while taking out an astrolabe and starting positioning work.

Because of the time limit of this historical projection and the space provided by the card, which has fixed requirements for the items stored inside, the only positioning instrument Liang En can use now is this ancient astrolabe.

What's more interesting is that both the astrolabe and the telescope used by Joan of Arc look very luxurious. Not only are they decorated with a lot of gold, silver and gems, they are also engraved with a lot of patterns.

This is not because Liang En likes to show off like those nouveau riche, but the space formed by the [Atrus Treasure House (SR)] card does not allow ordinary items to be put into the space at all.

So after trying several times, Liang En could only spend money to ask the craftsmen of the jewelry company to plate the equipment with precious metals, inlay gems, and engrave it into the shape it is now before it can be placed in the space formed by the card. .

"Do you know where we are now?" Jeanne asked in a low voice after watching Liang En put away the astrolabe.

"It can be roughly judged that we have not moved too far in space." Liang En put away the observation equipment and said, "My raven just conducted reconnaissance. This castle should not be far away from the Eagle Beak Rock we visited before. Far."

“On the one hand, I made this judgment through those instruments and the surrounding vegetation. On the other hand, the raven just saw that the surrounding terrain was very similar to the situation previously detected above the Yingzui Rock. "

"In other words, we haven't changed much in space, but we have only changed in time." Joan of Arc said, raising her head and looking at the sky, "The sky has darkened, I think it's time for us to set off."

So the two people quickly took their belongings and set off. When they came to the foot of the city wall, a raven quickly flew over and grabbed the hook of the leather in the shop, and then gently connected it with the rope underneath. Put the city wall lightly.

Under the cover of darkness, they avoided the braziers, torches and oil lamps placed at several key points, and then quickly approached the main building of the castle that was their target this time.

"Wait a minute, the other party entered a room with a window. I asked Raven to go up and take a look." Just as they were about to climb up, Liang En suddenly saw something through Raven's field of vision, so he said immediately.

"What did you see?" Joan asked curiously in a lowered voice. She was also a little curious about what kind of person this future colleague would be.

"A woman who looks older." Liang En manipulated one of the three ravens to get closer to the window, "If I guess correctly, the identity of the other party should be a Hungarian nobleman under the rule of the Holy Roman Empire. "

Because he had previously acquired a castle from that era, Liang En had done a little research on the Holy Roman Empire, so he heard some information through the raven.

"——She speaks Hungarian, she should be a local, and I heard the attendant at the door call this old woman a countess. It seems that the other party should be a noble."

Liang En felt a little strange that an old lady appeared in front of him, and through raven's eyes, he also noticed that the old lady looked sick.

Although in this era only nobles often mastered various kinds of knowledge, and the value was greater from the perspective of historical followers, such an old lady who was like a candle in the wind naturally filled his heart with doubts.

However, since the card marked the old lady, Liang En decided to ask the other party as planned to find out what was going on.

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