Mr. Adler was stunned at first when Liang En suddenly asked for a room to study quietly, but he quickly cleared a room for him to use.

After all, in their eyes, it is completely understandable for a well-known scholar like Liang En who has shown his talent in certain places to have his own little quirks.

Not to mention that what they want to study now is the birthday gift his daughter received, and as a father, he naturally does not want his daughter to receive anything that may be dangerous.

After all, there are too many toxic and harmful substances in the world, and even professionals may not be able to recognize them all. So after Liang En discovered that something was wrong, Mr. Adler could naturally hope to eliminate the hidden dangers.

To be honest, Liang En really didn't expect that such a little girl would see such strange things at her birthday party at the beginning, so she really didn't take it to heart before.

But now it seems that the situation is obviously different from what was imagined, because it is rare to see a book full of strange pictures anyway, let alone one with the word "Gate of Heaven" written on the cover.

"Did you find anything?" When Liang En was looking at the book repeatedly, he unexpectedly saw Joan's face becoming more and more serious as she stared at the book, so she asked.

"Human skin, the cover of this book is human skin." Joan of Arc touched the cover of the book with her hand and said with certainty, "I have seen a lot of human skin, so this must be a good look."

After hearing what Joan of Arc said, several people around her showed expressions of surprise, especially Mr. Adler's face, which was even more angry, because this thing was obviously not suitable as a gift for a 12-year-old girl. .

"Yes, it's a human skin book." After being reminded like this, Liang En looked at the book carefully and made a judgment, then raised his head and looked at Mr. Adler. “But don’t worry, this kind of thing is not made for evil purposes.

"The period when most human skin books were produced was mainly in the European Middle Ages. At that time, the overall cultural quality of Europeans was not high, their ethical concepts were weak, and their thoughts were relatively conservative and primitive.

In addition to human skin books, it was not uncommon at that time to use human remains to make various items. The large-scale ones include the famous Bone Church, and the smaller ones include the legendary Hand of Glory.

Yes, this thing is the one in the "Harry Potter" novels, a withered, salted hand of a hanged person, usually designated as the left hand, if the person was hanged for murder , then take the killing hand.

Ancient European beliefs held that a glorious hand and a candle - made from the fat of the corpse of a criminal who died on the gallows - had great power.

A candle made in this way, when lit and held as a candlestick in the hand of glory, will render all who face it motionless, or open any door it encounters.

Typically, thieves use it in complete darkness to see the outside world, open locked doors, and immobilize guards. In some black magic rituals, the Hand of Glory is celebrated as the source of illumination.

The Golden Dawn, as an occult research organization, has records in this regard, and one of its members even owns one. However, even if they reject this kind of black magic, they have never actually practiced it, but just looking at these records is enough to make people stand on end.

As for the production of human skin books, it is related to the European tradition of using the skin of murderers to bind criminal files. Therefore, many human skin books were produced in the Middle Ages. The "human skin book binding technology" still existed until the 18th and 19th centuries.

There are two main functions of human skin books, punishment and commemoration. There is also a rare kind that satisfies abnormal psychology. These things basically come from the following three sources:

Doctor: Human skin comes from amputated stumps of patients and unclaimed corpses. Collectors: Human skins come from executed prisoners and poor people, and are usually bought at a high price. The deceased's request: The will requested that the skin be cut from his body and made into a book cover.

But in any case, human skin books are a very rare existence, so such a book today will definitely not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

For this reason, Liang En began to flip through the book page by page in an attempt to find the secrets that might be hidden inside. As he was flipping through the book, he smelled a faint smell of rust.

"The smell of blood?" Although the smell was very slight, Liang En, whose body had been strengthened, still captured this extremely weak smell.

After using the skill of the card [Blood Detection (R)], he discovered that the borders that he thought were patterns before were not as simple as they seemed. Some of the black patterns were painted with blood. .

It's just that after a long time, the blood oxidized and the color became darker and darker, so it was completely integrated into the pictures around the book as it is now.

If Liang En's card skills weren't particularly obvious for blood, he might have ignored these points and lines like everyone else.

While Liang En and the others were studying this book, Mr. Adler also found out who had sent this book and asked a series of questions related to sending this book.

This book was given to her by a friend of Miss Adler, the host of today's birthday party. Her friend bought this book for $15 in a used bookstore more than two weeks ago.

Because at that time, his friend thought that Miss Adler would have a birthday soon, so he planned to give this old-looking thing to Miss Adler, who loved adventure and pursuing cultural relics, as a birthday gift.

However, this clue was completely lost, because it was impossible to find where the book came from in this second-hand bookstore. Fortunately, after careful inspection, Liang En discovered that the blood and the book were not from the same era.

In other words, this book is from the 17th century, but the blood is no more than 150 years old. It's just that the person who used blood to draw on the book cleverly used the original patterns on the book to write what he wanted to write on it with blood.

To be honest, this is a very strange thing. After all, human skin books are not a very common thing, and the person who is willing to send messages through this method is either a genius, a madman, or both.

After hiding the fact that the book cover was made of human skin, Liang En disclosed the news. Unsurprisingly, it was Miss Adler who was most interested in the news.

"That is to say, we are going on an adventure now, right?" Miss Adler looked at Liang En excitedly and asked, her whole face flushed.

For her, it was the first time that the adventures she had seen in movies, novels or games appeared in reality, so she seemed so excited.

"Yes, this can indeed be regarded as the beginning of an adventure." Liang En said with a smile, "It's just that we need to continue research to understand what is going on here."

The reason why I say this is because what Liang En has discovered now are dots and line segments, so it will take more time and energy to figure out what the patterns drawn by the blood are.

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