"What is this?" Looking at the pile of yellowed documents in the box in Liang En's hand, Joan asked curiously, because he found that the language on it seemed to be unfamiliar to him.

. "This is a manuscript written in Latin letters." Liang En explained. "It is said that there is a treasure hidden in it. Unfortunately, no one has been able to decipher what is written on it before."

"But why do I think the history of this book cannot be more than 100 years old?" After carefully checking the paper, Joan of Arc asked with some confusion. "Is it a treasure buried in modern times?"

"No, of course not. This poem containing secrets has been circulating in a small area for at least three to four hundred years. What we see now is just one of the copies copied by the Russian clergy in the early 20th century."

Liang En was quite satisfied with this achievement, because although what appeared in front of him was a copy, it was indeed something that was copied bit by bit from the original, at least without any compromise in the information that needed to be conveyed.

According to the results of Liang En's divination using the skills on the cards, the things behind this thing do exist, but what they are is not clear.

This attack was just a small episode. Fortunately, Liang En gained a lot from this small episode, and it was considered a relatively perfect ending.

Diggers like Boris not only excavate World War II artifacts, but also dig mammoth tusks, and semi-precious stones such as crystals, so establishing friendship with him is always a valuable thing.

After all, even if they are all legal mammoth ivory, there is definitely a huge gap between direct sales from the place of origin and buying it several times in the process. Liang En will not give up the opportunity to buy it directly from the place of origin.

After completing all this work, Liang En and the others took a bus back to Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, and then came to the airport to prepare to fly back to Dublin.

While they were waiting for the plane in the VIP room, Liang En began to think about the overall gains and losses of the trip. To be honest, Liang En's reputation has really improved a lot this time. Unfortunately, not only did he not make a penny financially, he also had to pay for his travel expenses.

The only good thing is that Liang En has completely solved the mystery on the jade cup. In this case, as long as the content shot by several people is slightly trimmed as a whole, an overall good video should be produced.

"Actually, it would be better if you didn't hand over the gold coin to the local archaeological department." After listening to Liang En's muttering, Fan Meng said with some regret, "After all, that gold coin is worth hundreds of thousands of euros. .”

"You're right, but I think my reputation should be worth more than a hundred thousand euros now. It's not worthwhile to give up my reputation for this little money." Liang En said with a shrug.

After all, things like the Golden Kaiyuan Tongbao are really eye-catching. Unless Liang En keeps this thing hidden from outsiders in the future, otherwise it will easily lead to the complete collapse of other people's designs.

But to be honest, it would be a bit too bad if the cultural relics are only kept in a secret room to be enjoyed alone, and cannot be viewed by others or sold.

Because if this happens, the actual value of this precious cultural relic will be reduced by more than half. So from various perspectives, it is naturally a loss-making business.

So for Liang En, it is better to make this thing public directly through legal means. Because in this way, you can gain a high reputation, which is more meaningful in the long run than keeping it for yourself.

"I think your choice is right." Joan of Arc also had her own judgment on the whole matter. "Many times we are faced with choices, some of which are extremely tempting, but may not be the best."

"Although it may seem foolish to abide by morals, laws, and rules sometimes, fate will always compensate you elsewhere."

"On the contrary, if you are unwilling to abide by justice and rules, you may indeed gain some benefits in the short term, but in the long run, most of the time it is a loss that outweighs the gains."

"You are right, so I have no regrets about what I did." Liang En smiled at this. "And I believe that the economic benefits we will gain from the video we made will not be small, so we won't be left empty-handed."

Soon, it was time for the plane to take off, and Liang En and the others boarded the plane and started their journey. Not long after getting on the plane, he closed his eyes and began to check the new card power he had gained this time.

This time, I harvested a total of one SR card, two R cards and two N cards. From a purely harvest point of view, it is a bit inferior, and it even feels a bit unworthy of the value of this ruins.

But after briefly thinking about it, Liang En found that the quantity and quality of the cards he had obtained now accurately matched the historical reality.

Although the Battle of Talos is today considered a head-on collision between the East and the West, in fact it was at most a relatively large-scale military conflict back then.

Therefore, in this case, the amount of information that can be converted into cards is naturally not too much. If this war had not been repeatedly publicized and studied by historical scholars in modern times, there might not have been SR-level cards at all. The card appears.

Three of these cards are ordinary cards, two of which are [Detection (N)] and one is [Detection (R)], and the other two are a strengthening card and a skill card.

[Voice of Central Asia (R): The history of civilization in Central Asia is not short, and because it is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, it has acquired things from various countries and absorbed various civilizations.

However, due to local natural conditions and other reasons, Central Asia has basically not produced a strong political power. Instead, it has an obvious tendency to fragmentation.

This has also resulted in a variety of local cultures and languages ​​comparable to those in India. For many archaeologists, the various ancient languages ​​here are absolutely a nightmare.

But this does not mean that the complex local language situation has no merits. For example, many languages ​​popular in Central Asia actually have a large number of speakers in other regions.

In other words, if someone masters the languages ​​of Central Asia, he can also master a series of important languages ​​from South Asia to West Asia, and then to North Asia.

Enhanced card (one-time use), consuming this card allows the user to master a language that is spoken by more than 500,000 people in Central Asia at the same time.

These languages ​​include modern languages ​​such as Kazakh and Russian, as well as dead languages ​​such as Tocharian, Turkic, and Sogdian, as well as corresponding literacy skills. 】

Liang En is very satisfied with this card. Not to mention the importance of these ancient languages ​​to the study of Central Asia, just mastering Russian and several Central Asian languages ​​makes Liang En very satisfied.

After all, among his mastery of European languages, Eastern European languages, especially Russian, have always been a weakness, so it is indeed good news for him to be able to acquire Russian language skills now.

After all, Liang En is a historical scholar, and it is very meaningful for scholars like him to master more languages. In addition to being beneficial to future travel, these languages ​​​​can also open the door to more knowledge. key.

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