Although Liang En and the others reached an agreement on the issue of inheriting the Du Lisi family in a short period of time, they decided to wait three to five days before notifying Mr. Du Lisi.

This is mainly because inheriting the title is a very important matter no matter what. If I inform the other party so quickly, I may give the other party the feeling that I am not serious enough about this matter.

Considering that they would come over in a few days, Liang En and the others did not plan to go home now, but planned to stay in Paris for a few days and take a look around the surrounding scenery.

Although the public security in Paris is often criticized, the overall situation of well-known tourist attractions is not that bad. After all, these places are not only the face of France, but also bring a lot of income to France, so the overall situation here is good.

A key travel destination is the world-famous Palace of Versailles. This palace is located in the town of Versailles, 18 kilometers southwest of Paris. It is one of the five largest palaces in the world.

Because it is the end of the year and there is no Christmas, it is considered a low season for tourism, so as soon as they arrived at the parking lot, they found that the parking lot was not very full of cars.

Of course, this dissatisfaction is not that there are not many people, but that compared to a tourist attraction of the nature of Versailles, the number of people is far from meeting expectations.

Fortunately, the ticket price for this kind of museum is not very high. It only costs 15 euros per person. After buying the ticket, you can pass through the golden iron fence and enter the Palace of Versailles.

The first impression of this palace is that of luxury. Whether it is the gate, the roof or the balcony railings, they are all a dazzling gold color. Combined with the blue roof and white marble carvings, it looks very luxurious.

After entering the palace, Joan of Arc looked at everything around her curiously. Because this palace was built around 230 years after her sacrifice, she had never heard of this palace, which can now be regarded as a representative building in France. .

"Actually, there is a story about the establishment of this palace -" As the two people walked through the small square at the intersection of the palace, Liang En began to introduce the story about the establishment of this palace.

The establishment of the Palace of Versailles is related to a trip by the King of France. In 1660, King Louis XIV of France visited the Chateau de Vaux-Vicomte of Finance Minister Fouquet and was impressed by the magnificence of its houses and gardens. At that time, there were no other royal palaces in the suburbs of Paris. Can be compared to it.

As a result, Louis XIV was angry that he had not fulfilled his duties, and threw Fouquet into the Bastille for corruption. He also ordered Le Nôtre, the designer of the Chateau de Vau, and the famous architect Le Vau to design a new palace for him.

At that time, Louis XIV had decided to move the royal court out of Paris, which was in chaos due to constant riots by citizens against the royal family. After investigation and weighing, he decided to build a new palace based on Louis XIII's hunting palace in Versailles, and acquired 6.7 square kilometers of land for this purpose.

In 1710, the construction of the entire Versailles palace and gardens was completed, and it immediately became the largest, most majestic, and most luxurious palace building in Europe and the center of aristocratic activities, art center, and the birthplace of culture and fashion in France and even Europe.

In its heyday, there were as many as 36,000 princes, grandsons, ladies, princes, nobles, bishops and their servants living in the palace. There are more than 1,300 rooms in total, making the entire palace look huge.

In order to house his many "official mistresses", Louis XIV also built the Grand Trianon and the Palais de Marly. During the periods of French kings Louis XV and Louis XVI, buildings such as the Petit Trianon and the Swiss Farm were built.

In 1762, the French royal family moved here from the Louvre Museum in Paris to settle here. Until October 6, 1789, Louis XVI was taken to Paris by the Parisian people during the French Revolution, and was later pushed to the guillotine and beheaded. This ended the history of Versailles as the French court.

"Obviously, this palace is not just for enjoyment. At least as the builder, the Sun King Louis X has accurate rules for this palace." After listening to Liang En's introduction, Joan of Arc said seriously.

"After all, if you build this palace and gather all the nobles to live in the palace, France can become a whole, instead of being divided like it was in my time."

As Joan of Arc who experienced the most desperate era of the Hundred Years' War between England and France, sometimes the apparent enemies like the British and Burgundy are not the worst. The real threat is the swaying aristocrats with real power. .

This group of people has their own territory and army, so their degree of freedom is exaggerated. He may jump repeatedly between several forces at any time for trivial interests.

Joan of Arc herself has encountered several inexplicable friendly forces turning into enemy forces, so in her opinion, it is definitely worth spending such a large sum of money to solve France's fragmented state, even if it does consume a lot of resources.

Building a palace like Versailles naturally requires a lot of resources, but it is obviously much better than fighting a counter-insurgency war in a state of fragmentation.

No matter from any angle, a war consumes far more manpower and material resources than building a palace. Sometimes what seems like a very extravagant expense may not be really a big expense.

Soon, Liang En and the others passed through the rather small square and arrived at the buildings at the rear. The palace buildings of Versailles were majestic and formed a symmetrical geometric pattern.

It is characterized by its free shape, pursuit of dynamic effects, preference for gorgeous decorations and carvings, and strong colors. It can be clearly seen that curved intersperses and oval spaces are commonly used in the construction of palaces to change the traditional hard straight lines.

For the French royal family, their definition of the Palace of Versailles is a place where nobles can gather and relax, and this kind of place is naturally not suitable for being built too seriously. Just like wearing a dress when attending formal occasions is a normal thing, but few normal people would choose to wear such a suit when fishing.

This is also true. It is precisely because of these design features of this palace that it was able to attract those nobles in that era and make them willing to live here safely.

Even though these nobles were forced to live in the Palace of Versailles due to formality, because this unification was not through forceful means such as war, even though they were brought together, they still had to treat each other with courtesy.

However, such a magnificent building also has a bad side. For example, the excessive pursuit of grandeur and luxury in appearance results in extremely inconvenient living functions.

For example, when Liang En and the others entered the famous queen's bedroom, they found that the ceiling, which was more than two stories high, was cold no matter how they looked at it.

"It feels like living here is no different from living in a tent in the wild." Jeanne looked at the high ceiling and shook her head. Any normal person could easily tell that living here would not be comfortable.

"It's actually not the worst." Liang En smiled and shrugged. "What's worse is that there are no toilets or washing facilities in the palace, and there are only a handful of wooden toilets. Even the crown prince has to relieve himself in the fireplace in his bedroom."

"But I think this may not be a big deal to Louis XIV, because he only took a bath once a year. But his grandson Louis XV hated the palace extremely, thinking that although it was spacious and luxurious, it was not warm. This is the Palace of Versailles The disadvantages of it.”

"It's really bad." Joan made a retching motion. "All the palaces we had back then were cleaner than this."

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