Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 654 Sutton Hoo estate

This manor called Sutton Hoo estate is not the kind of manor with only buildings left, but a complete manor with 526 acres of land.

At the same time, judging from the situation after entering the manor, this manor does not look like a neglected manor. Whether it is the cattle and sheep on the pasture or the patches of wheat fields, it shows that the overall management level of the owner here is good.

The main building of this manor is a two-story building that was first built in the 17th century. After entering the 19th century, it underwent a complete overhaul and transformation, so it now looks like a Victorian-style building.

The entire building is backed by a grove. It is a two-story building with an attic. The brown roof and white walls look very beautiful under the sunlight, just like those oil paintings depicting the British wilderness. Same.

Although compared with the top buildings of the same era, this building without any sculptures on the exterior wall seems a bit too simple, but it looks so harmonious in this manor.

They were greeted in front of the manor building by Butler Robuchon. Compared with before, Butler Robuchon's attitude was less businesslike and seemed much more approachable. The reason for this change is also very simple.

After all, the person who has been determined to be the next head of the family can be regarded as one of his own, and his attitude towards himself and his guests will definitely be different.

"This manor looks very good, why are you selling it?" When Butler Robuchon led Liang En and the others into the room, Joan couldn't restrain her curiosity and asked.

The reason why Joan of Arc said this is also very simple, because the location of this manor is really good, and the entire manor is also very well run, so no matter what angle you look at, the owner of this manor will not have to sell it. Produce.

"Yes, the overall management of this manor is very good, and the profit level is very high every year." Butler Robson said with a smile while leading the way.

"And because this place is across a river from the tourist city, the manor also opens up farm tours and holds activities such as harvesting, which is more profitable than a pure farm."

"Then why -" Joan frowned. She didn't understand why a noble would sell his precious property when he was not short of money.

In fact, if Mr. Dulis was not a British Duke now, and there was no aristocratic real estate representing aristocratic status in the UK, he would not have been able to buy this manor this time. Other nobles had already taken action.

It's just that considering that a British Duke does not have any suitable real estate in the UK, it is a very dishonorable thing, so others will give this opportunity to Mr. Dulis.

Of course, this opportunity is only available once. If Mr. Dulis or Joan of Arc want to purchase this type of land with special rights next time, they will inevitably face fierce competition.

When Joan of Arc asked why the family wanted to sell this property, which in her eyes was tantamount to a hen laying golden eggs, Housekeeper Robuchon gave her an answer that sounded a little unexpected, but after thinking about it carefully, it made her realize Reasonable reasons.

It turned out that although the previous owner of this manor had been married, he had no legitimate legitimate children, only an illegitimate son and an illegitimate daughter. In the West, it is impossible for illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters to inherit the title.

Therefore, the nobleman, who knew that his title would disappear in his own hands, chose to sell his property to his two children in order to create a bright future for them.

The reason why I chose to sell it to Mr. Dulis was not because he paid the most money. In fact, there were several wealthy people who paid more than Mr. Dulis. I chose to sell it to Mr. Dulis purely in the hope of preserving the tradition of the manor.

"This reason is quite reasonable." Joan of Arc nodded and said to Liang En, "Let's go in quickly. I think today will be a busy day."

The person who came to greet them was the owner of the manor, Baronet Mr. Piletti. He was a tall and thin man with meticulously combed hair. He looked like a somewhat serious person.

"Welcome, welcome to you future owners of Sutton Hoo estate." Mr. Piletti shook hands with Liang and others in turn, and then invited them into the room.

The interior decoration of this house is completely different from the architectural style that looks like a high-end farmhouse from the outside. Whether it is the beige wallpaper with gold patterns or the mahogany decorative panels on the wall, they can all reflect the effort that the owner has put into this place. .

Soon they came to the living room with a bay window. A servant brought them tea and snacks, and then Mr. Piletti began to talk about the manor.

Everyone has actually reached a common wish for this manor, and now Mr. Piletti just wants to chat with the future owner of the manor, and by the way, through this meeting, he can finally confirm who will hand the manor into the future.

I have to say that Joan's judgment was very accurate. They spent a lot of time chatting, afternoon tea and banquets that day, and discussed some topics that were purely for chatting.

There are many boring parts in these small talk that make people sleepy, but the problem is that this is part of basic etiquette, and even if you don't like this kind of content, you still have to live with it.

Of course, the main purpose of this kind of chat is not to make everyone familiar with each other. After all, we only have the simplest buyer-seller relationship, and it is unlikely that we will have too many interactions in the future.

As for the purpose of this kind of chat now, there is only one purpose, and that is to leave time for the people who are responsible for the specific handover to go through various handover procedures, so as to avoid everyone being embarrassed while waiting here.

After all, in such a large manor, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time to complete the inventory and handover of everything, so both the manor owner and Liang En need enough time to deal with this matter.

After everyone had finished dinner, all the handover work was completed. Mr. Piletti coolly signed his name on a piece of parchment under the supervision of Mr. Hood, who hurriedly came from London, and then began the final handover. Work.

Mr. Hood is the Queen's Protocol Officer and a member of the famous Hood family, which has produced many famous naval admirals, such as Alexander Hood and Samuel Hood.

In particular, Samuel Hood was once Rodney's adjutant and Nelson's teacher. He had almost won every battle in his life, and his only defeat was the Battle of Toulon during the French Revolution.

However, this failure was not due to any fault in Hood's command. It was because the French commander was the future emperor of France, Napoleon, who was still a brigadier general at the time.

However, for non-British people, the only people who can remember this family are Rear Admiral Hood, who died due to the explosion of a battleship in the Battle of Jutland in World War I, and the Hood, which was bombed by Bismarck in World War II.

The reason why Mr. Hood is here today is also very simple, because it involves the conversion of noble territory, so he must come here on behalf of the British royal family to help handle the handover and registration of the estate ownership.

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