This telescope was a very obvious sign. Soon Liang En and the others took out metal detectors to search the surrounding area, and soon they found more.

"Springfield 0.30-06 rifle cartridge has become the standard rifle cartridge of the U.S. Army since 1906, and is widely used among civilians." Looking at the deformed warhead he found, Liang En quickly judged Bullet model.

"There are some here too." Not long after Liang En found a bullet, others also found several bullets near that bullet, each of which was a bullet that had deformed after being fired.

What's interesting is that these bullets are not all the same type as the bullets Liang En found before. In addition to the rifle bullets he found before, there are also .45 pistol bullets and .30-30 Winchester rifle bullets.

"What happened here? Why are there so many bullets?" Looking at the total of no less than 20 bullets, Jeanne asked with some confusion. "And it's so densely distributed."

"I'm not sure, but I think it might be an attack." Liang En said after raising his head and looking at the surrounding terrain. "Think about it, if someone sets up camp by this lake and is suddenly attacked—"

"Mr. Liang, we found some strange things." Before Liang En finished speaking, Mr. Louis's voice sounded from the walkie-talkie he was carrying. "This might be what you want us to be looking for. It would be best to come over and take a look if it's convenient."

"Okay, I'll be right away." After hearing what Louis said, Liang En immediately motioned for Joan of Arc and Fan Meng to follow him, and then ran into the woods on the edge.

Three or four minutes later, Liang En and the others came to a depression behind a small hill, and found that Louis and the four of them had dug a shallow pit about 30cm in size about the size of a bathtub.

What attracted Liang En was the things at the bottom of the pit, although the pile of things looked like a pile of unspeakable garbage. But upon closer inspection it's easy to see that these are actually everyday items that are thoroughly rusted.

"Firearms, cooking utensils, tent pegs." After entering the bottom of the pit for inspection, Liang En found that these items were daily necessities from the early 20th century, and overall they were of good quality.

"This was probably the best outdoor survival equipment at the time." Liang En took out a rusty iron pot and pointed at the silver bottom.

"For example, this is a very light copper pot, and the inside of the pot is plated with silver. People at the time believed that such a pot could reduce infections that might be caused by dangerous microorganisms in the wild."

"Then what is this?" Jeanne looked curiously at a palm-sized gadget next to the pot. This thing looked like a bottle, but there were some strange metal pieces and connecting rods on the side.

"This is a rare thing." After taking a look at the thing that Jeanne was paying attention to, Liang En raised his eyebrows, then bent down again and carefully took out the thing.

"This is the Protector Palm Pistol, or palm self-defense revolver. It was first patented in France by Jacques Turbiaux in 1882 and was produced by a French company before the 1890s."

"The production rights were sold to an American company in 1892 under the name "Turbiaux Le Protector" or "Turbiaux Disc Pistol". In the United States the pistol was known as the Chicago Palm Revolver."

"What is the use of this gun?" Tyson asked with a puzzled look after gesturing with his hand, "If this thing is really used, it will feel very strange in the hand, and with this structure, the gun will be hot to the touch after two shots, making it impossible to hold it. .”

"What you said is correct. This is why the production of this gun does not exceed 20,000. Therefore, even in the era when this gun was produced, most of it was regarded by rich people as interesting collectibles rather than practical. arms."

"You mean the collections of rich people?" Joan of Arc said from the side as if she had thought of something. "In that case, then this gun might be——"

"This is most likely the relic of Mr. Brown at that time." Liang En said as he took the gun out of the pit, then took out the tools from his arms and sat on the ground to disassemble it.

"You know, ordinary people are unlikely to carry things that have nothing to do with outdoor operations in the wild. Only people with high status, such as team leaders, will carry some of these luxury goods with them, and these luxury goods often have some... The logo thing—as expected, my guess was right.”

Liang En's hands did not stop when he was explaining to everyone. After using the small tool he carried to pry open the rotten metal plate on the side, he saw the gun number on the large gear inside.

With the gun number, the next work was much easier. Liang En quickly dialed Mrs. Hannah's phone number and informed her of the news. In less than three minutes, Mrs. Hannah gave him a positive confirmation. reply.

"Yes, this gun belongs to my grandfather. He bought it when he was in New York. He even sent an email to inform my father about it. Have you found this gun now?

"Yes, we found the gun." Liang En said, taking a picture of the pit and sending it over via satellite phone. "In addition to this we found a range of everyday items."

Thanks to the progress of the times, the satellite phone system can now send pictures and files, so Mrs. Hannah, who is now in London, can see what Liang En and the others found in time.

"Yes, yes, these should be the things my grandfather used. For example, those pots are from Lagotini." After looking at the photos, Mrs. Hannah quickly recognized many of them that she could Something to confirm.

"Mr. Liang, you are indeed a very powerful explorer for being able to find things in such a short period of time." After a few minutes, the old woman regained her composure and said. "But did you find anything else besides that?"

"Only a German-made telescope and part of the warhead were found by the lake." Liang En pursed his lips and said. "However, we plan to expand our investigation scope and hope to find more clues."

After chatting for a few more words, Liang En hung up the phone, and then carefully studied the things in the pit, and found that the things in the pit were all daily necessities.

"These things are not very valuable." After a brief inspection, Joan of Arc found that these things had the same characteristics. "And these things were clearly not buried here by their owners."

As she spoke, Joan of Arc took out only one lunch box from the pile of junk, then pointed to a very regular hole on it and said, "Look, this should be the mark left by the bullet."

"You are right, so this is most likely the trace left by the criminal who killed and silenced him after a criminal case." Liang En said, looking at the tableware with holes punched through it.

"Let's dig out all these things first. If this is really hidden evidence, then I think it might be able to bring us some surprises."

"What is this?" After everyone cleaned up the things above, Fan Meng suddenly bent down, took up a palm-sized stone from the bottom of the pit and asked Liang En.

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