Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 685 Locking the position

"Judging from the time difference between seeing the fire and hearing the sound, the explosion point is about 20 kilometers away from us." Soon, Fan Meng told him about his investigation.

"And judging from the location of the explosion, it is very likely that the explosion occurred near the road we came here before. I suspect this may be related to the attacker."

Fan Meng's guess was quickly recognized by everyone, so everyone became nervous that night, and everyone put their weapons within easy reach.

The chaotic night passed quickly, and everyone's spirits didn't look very good the next morning. After all, the explosion made everyone except Liang En and Jeanne a little worried.

However, no one proposed to retreat. After all, they were fully prepared. Even if they were attacked, they didn't have to worry about any problems.

After a simple breakfast, everyone except the patrol officers returned to yesterday's excavation site to continue excavation work.

Because of the location of the things dug out yesterday, they quickly found the second totem pole, which was placed in the center of the settlement, as well as the location of the houses where the elders lived.

The room where the elder lived was the only brick structure here, and there were obvious signs of burning on it. Judging from the remains of bones and weapons in the room, these people should have hid in the room and tried to resist after being attacked, but the house was burned directly.

Most of the things in the room were destroyed or distorted by the fire, but they also found many intact things from some corners.

The most attractive ones are several exquisitely made aboriginal pipes and five or six natural gold nuggets as big as quail eggs and as small as soybeans in the mezzanine of the floor.

After taking out the gold from the interlayer, Joan of Arc took out a silver glasses case from inside. However, after opening the box, there were no glasses inside, but only a thin piece of animal leather, and you could vaguely see writing on it.

Because the box was better sealed before, the overall condition of the leather inside was now well preserved, so Liang En carefully opened the leather roll with the help of the simple tools he brought.

The writing on the leather scroll was very scrawled and the color was a strange brown. Liang En, who had rich experience, easily determined that the writing was written with blood.

"I think I know what this is all about." After checking the contents of this document, Liang En sighed and said, "As we guessed before, this tribe was indeed destroyed at the hands of the attackers. "

According to the statement on the leather scroll, this tribe called Big Tree has less than a hundred people and is one of dozens of tribes living in this wilderness. They usually make a living by fishing and hunting, and sell furs to the outside world to obtain various kinds of food. supplies.

But that transaction in 1923 turned into a nightmare. A group of white people came here in the name of trading and defrauded their trust. Then they attacked them while they were drunk after the party.

According to what the leader heard, these white people were a group of gold diggers, and the target of the attack was for the gold they had collected previously.

At the end, the leader wrote that he had made an appointment with another group of wise men among white people to receive their expedition in two or three days, hoping that those white wise men would see his message and avenge them when they arrived.

"That is to say, the Brown Expedition also arrived at this place, and was later killed by the previous criminal gang out of murder and silence." After reading the text on the leather, Joan showed a thoughtful expression.

"But there is also a question, that is, how were the remains of the scientific expedition team disposed of? At least I can confirm that they were not thrown into the lake."

The reason for this judgment is simple, because this lake and another lake next to it have rivers leading to the outside world, and there are many settlements on both sides of the river.

Obviously, this kind of lake is not suitable for dumping corpses, because once a corpse is thrown into the river, it is easy to be discovered by the settlements downstream and call the police. After all, it is not normal for every river to be filled with corpses like the Ganges.

Especially for Canada at that time, no one would pay attention even if an entire indigenous tribe was massacred or disappeared mysteriously, but an entire expedition group composed mainly of white people was another matter.

"Indeed, but no one would run around with more than a dozen corpses. So I prefer that those corpses be hidden under this landslide area." Liang En looked at the landslide area that stretched for several hundred meters in front of him. nodded.

"But the problem now is that the area of ​​​​the landslide area is really too large. Even if there are really more than a dozen corpses at the target location, it will not be easy to find them."

"Does that mean we need to search the entire landslide area? This workload is too much." Looking at the size of their team, and then looking at the huge landslide area, Jeanne showed a distressed expression.

"No, this range can be reduced." Liang En took out a local map with contour lines marked, and then pointed to the landslide area on the map.

"If this group of so-called gold diggers really killed the expedition members, then the other party definitely didn't want the bodies to wash into the lake or be exposed on the ground, so there are not many options."

"So after my analysis, those bodies should be hidden in a small swamp not far from the original lake, because this place is not far from the place where the bullets and telescopes were found on the shore of the lake, and it is also very simple to transport the items."

"How do you determine that this place is a swamp?" Jeanne asked curiously, looking at the ground that didn't look much different from the surrounding area.

"Smell, didn't you smell a rotten smell when you walked up there?" Liang En smiled as he revealed the mystery. "This smell often comes from rotting items in swamps in the wild."

"Other than that, terrain like the one near the lake is mostly flat, but there is an obvious depression in that area, which looks like settlement caused by unstable foundations."

Although this is just a guess and not a definite conclusion, it is much more convenient for Liang En and the others than digging out all the landslide areas of thousands of square meters, so everyone except the sentinels quickly started digging. middle.

"Yes, there is indeed something down here." After using the metal detector, they quickly discovered that there was an obvious metal reaction down there, so they started digging without saying anything.

"This feels the same as my first job cleaning garbage out of high school." Tyson muttered as he dug, his voice sounding loud because of the gas mask.

"This work environment smells like a trash can that hasn't been cleaned in a while, or a septic tank that's just been uncovered—"

"Okay, be quiet, don't talk about this at this time." Captain Louis said after shoveling a shovelful of black mud aside. "The smell here is really strong. If you keep nagging me, I won't be able to eat lunch."

"Okay, I'll shut up." Looking at everyone glaring at him, even Tyson, who was usually a bit slow, knew that it was really inappropriate to say this at this time.

"I hope we can find what we're looking for soon. I don't want to stay here any longer."

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