"It's a pity that this horseshoe was so worn before, and it was left outside for so many years, so now it's impossible to tell where it was made by what manufacturer. It's a pity."

After inspecting the horseshoe, Liang En shook his head helplessly, because the preservation level of this horseshoe was so bad that no information could be found except for a rough estimate of its age.

This situation is also expected. After all, this thing has been worn before and has been exposed to the wind and sun for so many years. It still has a rough frame. It is just luck that it fell into a depression on the edge of the cliff.

In this way, the horseshoes will not completely disappear due to rust, but it is inevitable that they will oxidize over the years.

The discovery of the horseshoe made the entire expedition team excited. Although there was no evidence to prove that the horseshoe was related to the Brown expedition, everyone almost believed that it was left behind by that expedition.

After all, according to the records, their expedition prepared six mules, two horses and two donkeys, and before they disappeared, they purchased two additional horses after the last supply.

"There is a problem." Jeanne asked suddenly as if she thought of something. "How about taking these animals with them if they take a boat?"

"It's very simple. Their boats are used to transport items, and people or horses can pull the boats on the shore like trackers. This will make it easier for them to go farther." Liang En explained.

"You know, they are likely to need to leave inhabited places for several months, and at the same time, they are unlikely to be able to ask others to help us deliver supplies like us, so they need to carry a large amount of supplies at a time."

"In this case, it is obviously not suitable to simply carry these things by yourself or animals, so it would be obviously more convenient if you can tow a boat to help transport the supplies."

Because the horseshoe was discovered, Liang En and Fan Meng both took out their metal detectors and explored while walking forward, hoping to find something.

After all, this road looks rugged and the ground is full of gravel, so it is very reasonable to drop something on the ground when passing this kind of road.

Sure enough, as they continued to move forward, Liang En and Fan Meng found several items lost by humans in this narrow canyon, such as shoe spikes and horseshoe nails.

Like the horseshoe found earlier, these nails were clearly from the early 20th century, presumably from the same era as the horseshoe.

As they crossed the canyon, a very open valley appeared in front of several people. At this time, Liang En saw some obvious artificial traces in the distance.

"I think it should be around here." Liang En looked at a shadow under the stone wall in the distance and walked over. Seeing this, the entire team followed him and walked towards that place.

This place looked like just a shadow on a stone wall from a distance, but when they got closer, they found that it was actually a cave with a wide opening but not too deep.

The reason why it looks like a shadow is, on the one hand, because it is difficult for sunlight to shine into the cave, and on the other hand, it is because there are obvious traces of blackening due to smoke around the entire cave.

After scratching the stone wall with a plastic needle he carried, Liang En removed a black flake from the wall that was about the size of a pinky cap and emitted a metallic light. It looked as thin as the paint peeling off a can.

"This thing looks like oil smoke, which is the kind of thing that was formed in the kitchen due to long-term smoke and fire." After carefully observing the fragment, he crushed it and put it under his nose and smelled it. Liang En said with some uncertainty.

"Let me take a look." After hearing what Liang En said, Joan of Arc stepped forward to carefully observe the black things on the stone wall and nodded affirmatively.

"You are right. This thing is indeed what was formed after the burning of those old wood-burning stoves. If you guessed wrong, the stove should have been in this place back then."

As she spoke, Joan of Arc gently kicked away the layer of sand and gravel on the ground. As expected, after she used her foot to remove this layer of sand and gravel, a ground that had begun to turn into ceramic appeared on the ground.

"If I remember correctly, the Brown expedition only stayed in this place for about a month at most. Then why is the soot in this place so big?" Fan Meng asked with some doubts as he looked at the cave.

It is obviously not possible to create so much soot on such a stone wall in a short period of time. If this is really the Brown Expedition, there will be some mismatch in time.

"Because the other party didn't just light a fire, but used smoke to make some food." Liang En said after touching the stone wall in front of him again.

"I said before that they will never have as much supplies as we do. So it is very likely that they will hunt around to supplement the shortage of supplies. In this case, if you want to preserve food, smoking it is the easiest way."

"If you come up and inspect it carefully now, you will find that the soot here contains a lot of grease. This is produced after smoking something."

It would take a long time to accumulate such a thick layer of carbon ash if it was just a normal fire, but it is another matter to deliberately use smoke.

After careful inspection, everyone unanimously determined that the smoke was indeed smoked intentionally and was not a trace of long-term use.

"If the other party can stay in this place for such a long time, then the gold mine must be nearby." After confirming that this place is most likely related to the previous expedition team, Jeanne looked at the surrounding environment and said.

"Yes, normal people will definitely choose the place closest to their work place as their station." Liang En nodded, then took out the gold ore he found before and greeted everyone.

"Let's take a look at the appearance of some ores. If there are no accidents, we should be able to find these ores directly on the surface. You can bring all similar stones back to Mr. Joy to see."

"Understood." After Liang En's instructions, everyone nodded in agreement. Then, except for those who stayed on patrol, they all dispersed and started searching.

Liang En originally thought that it might take some time to find the target, but what he didn't expect was that just half an hour later, people came back one after another with stones.

"The whole valley is covered with this kind of stone." After placing the found ore next to Mr. Joy, Louis showed a shocked expression on his face. "I think we may have found an incredible gold mine this time."

"I also guessed this, because everyone has found gold ore from various places in this valley, and it just fell on the surface." Liang En nodded slightly. "There's no question that this is good news."

"It seems like the clues we looked for before, the scale of the gold mine in this place is not small." Liang En informed everyone of the news during dinner that night.

"The next thing we want to do is do a simple but comprehensive survey of this valley to have a simple but comprehensive survey of this gold mine and then we can go home."

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