It took a lot of time to move the twelve Buddha statues out of the warehouse inside. Fortunately, Liang En and the others brought in a series of equipment such as industrial forklifts and electric winches in the past few days to move these things out smoothly.

"It seems that the harvest this time is really good." After the last Buddha statue was moved out, Jeanne stood next to Liang En with a relaxed look and asked. "Is there something else here that we haven't found?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Liang En smiled, then pointed to a line of Japanese on the side, "But what I can confirm is that some spaces in this house are hidden."

This line of Japanese was written with some kind of black paint. If Liang En hadn't searched carefully before, he wouldn't have been able to find this line of writing that was not obvious on the side wall.

"What is written here actually allows you to tell that there are other spaces here." Joan of Arc could only recognize that it was indeed written in Japanese, but she was not sure what it meant.

"Personnel entering the room must wear protective clothing and gas masks." Liang En looked at this line of text and said, "This should be the place where the Japanese used to place gas bombs and even biological and chemical weapons."

During World War II, Japan violated international law and carried out chemical warfare in a long-term, organized and large-scale manner. This is also a comprehensive reflection of the Japanese chemical warfare technology level after more than ten years of operation.

In April 1919, Japan formally established the Army Scientific Research Institute to engage in the research, development and manufacturing of chemical weapons. It collected several important chemical weapons samples, tested and improved them.

In 1925, the Japanese Army secretly established the "Japanese Army Tokyo Arsenal Tadami Factory" in Hiroshima as a factory specializing in the production of chemical poisons. The Japanese Navy also manufactured poison products at the "Sagami Arsenal" in Kanagawa.

From 1941 to 1945 alone, the Japanese army produced more than 7,400 tons of various chemical poisons. Sneeze poisons and blister poisons were used in large quantities on the Chinese battlefield after the outbreak of the war.

According to what is known now, the Japanese used poison gas 2,091 times on the Chinese battlefield alone. And unlike the normal military use of poison gas bombs on the battlefield, the Japanese used a large number of poison gas bombs to attack civilians.

It's just that the situation is another story on the Pacific battlefield. The Japanese army only used weapons similar to tear gas in a small amount.

This is not to say that the Japanese have suddenly become kind, but because compared with China, which was poor and weak at the time, the Americans have a complete chemical defense system and chemical weapons research and development production lines. Once they use it, they are likely to be attacked even more. Fierce revenge.

To give the simplest example, at that time, the United States planned to retaliate once the Japanese used chemical weapons on the battlefield, using strategic bombers loaded with poison gas bombs to bomb major cities in Japan.

Therefore, after using poison gas bombs several times and being warned, the Japanese immediately stopped using poison gas bombs on the Pacific battlefield, and then collected those gas bombs from the grassroots troops and transported them back to the mainland.

Of course, considering the transportation capacity and the secret resistance of some officers, only part of it was actually transported, while the other part has been secretly stored in various areas.

As for the warehouse Liang En and the others found now, it should be one of the gas bomb warehouses left by the troops stationed in the Philippines.

It's just that at the last moment, those gas bombs are likely to be thrown directly into the sea by the Japanese devils to make room for these looted things.

"Different from ordinary storage warehouses, there are some differences in the storage of gas bombs. The biggest feature is that most gas bomb warehouses are often underground structures." Liang En explained to Joan.

"This is mainly because poisonous gas is traditionally heavier than air, so as to ensure that the poisonous gas sticks to the ground to produce maximum lethality when used."

"Therefore, for safety reasons, many gas bomb warehouses, especially those temporarily built field gas bomb warehouses, will dig a hole in the ground, so that even if it leaks, it will not pose too much of a threat."

"That is to say, you suspect that there is something hidden under our feet?" After listening to Liang En's words, Joan knelt on the ground and checked, and soon discovered something was wrong. "There doesn't seem to be anything normal underneath the sandy soil layer."

They didn't think there was anything wrong when they discovered that there was a layer of sand here. After all, the twelve gilt-bronze antique Buddha statues that are extremely beautifully made and are over 800 years old can definitely be regarded as national treasures.

Therefore, a layer of sand and gravel on the floor is considered normal by everyone. After all, if you want to place a heavy metal product like a Buddha statue, some preparation on the ground can avoid damage after accidental collision.

But now after careful inspection, Joan discovered that the bottom was not the hard cement floor as everyone had guessed before, but densely laid wooden boards.

"No, if it were a wooden board in this environment, it would have collapsed by now." Jeanne stood up as she spoke, holding a piece of wood that had begun to rot in her dusty hands.

Unlike the previous erected door, these wooden boards buried in the ground not only have no ventilation. At the same time, the environment is also more humid. In this case, no matter how good the quality of the wood is, it should be almost rotten after seventy or eighty years.

And what Joan of Arc just dug out from the ground also proved this conjecture. After digging out the soil layer on the ground, she found that the layer of wooden boards underground was completely rotten. Not to mention the bronze statues, the soil alone should be It can crush this thing.

"So I guess there should be some special structures underneath. It's not just a layer of wooden boards at the bottom." Liang En nodded to Joan of Arc, whose hands were covered with dust.

"I even guess that all the things before were used to attract the attention of those who are digging later. There is a high probability that the real good things should be hidden at the bottom of this pit."

"Then what should we do next, dig directly?" Jeanne asked curiously. "If we dig directly, I'm worried that the security personnel may-"

This is not to say that those security personnel are criminals, but considering what they have found before, the price of the wealth hidden here may be far beyond normal people's imagination.

You must know that it is best not to test people, otherwise various problems will always arise. Therefore, in Joan's view, it is best for these non-core personnel not to let them know what may exist underneath.

"Okay, I think what you said is right." Liang En recognized Joan's ability in judging people, so since she could say such a thing, Liang En would naturally consider it seriously.

So at noon the next day, Liang En announced simply that the excavation work was over. As for the remaining finishing work, it was enough for him and Joan of Arc to stay for the final inspection. Others could leave early.

The security personnel did not find anything strange about this order. After all, in their eyes, scholars always have some special habits of their own. There is nothing surprising about a person doing research like this alone.

And for these security personnel, everyone has been in this tropical rainforest for five or six days. It is a good thing to be able to leave here in an upright manner.

So early the next morning, the security personnel took the gilt-bronze golden Buddha and treasures that Liang En and the others had dug out before and left here, leaving only Liang En and Jeanne behind.

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