Early the next morning after the upgrade, Liang En and the others took a plane to Manila, the capital of the Philippines, and then boarded a rented salvage ship from the dock.

Because the depth of the salvage did not exceed 30m, they simply rented a modified ocean-going barge from Mr. Scord as the salvage ship this time, along with two underwater robots.

"I thought Mr. Scord would come this time." Liang En asked after greeting the captain. "I remember that he had always said that he wanted to go on an adventure with me, but it seems that he has been busy and couldn't spare the time."

"Ah, that's because our boss is in Florida." The captain said with a smile. "Since he discovered the treasure ship, he planned to go there to experience the fun of searching for treasures."

"Okay, I should have guessed it." Liang En smiled. For this fellow who is addicted to food, he felt that this approach was quite in line with Scold's own habits.

As for Liang En not knowing this information before, it is normal. After all, he once told Elizabeth, who is in charge of this matter, that all his excavation sites can be opened to Mr. Scold, so it is normal that he did not receive prior notification.

Because this ship is mainly used for salvage in the port area, all the equipment on it is very complete. After a brief visit to the ship, the prepared ship has already pulled anchor and left the dock.

This time the White Knight team was still led by Louis. Originally, Liang En wanted to call Fan Meng over, but because something suddenly happened in Guatemala and a reliable person was needed to take charge, he had no choice but to let Fan Meng go over and deal with it.

"Will those Guatemalan outlaws pose a danger?" As the ship was sailing toward the sea, Jeanne d'Arc, who understood the current situation, asked nervously.

"Don't worry, the local officials are on our side, and the local people are on our side because this group of lawless gangsters bullied them, so although we are outsiders, we have the home field advantage." Liang En said with a smile. "

Although our armed personnel are only half of theirs, the advantages in terms of elite level and equipment are huge, so we should be able to easily solve the current problem this time. "

Because Liang En's salvage work was completely legal, there was no need for any covert activities. It was enough to just drive the ship straight towards the target location.

Therefore, less than a day after setting off, they had arrived in the strait in the northern part of Luzon Island, Philippines, and then directly launched a search.

The U.S. military's logbook recording the submarine cruise back then was very clear, so it was around 7 p.m. that night. They successfully found the target sunken ship.

After all, this ship weighed more than 4,000 tons, and it only sank more than 70 years ago, so even if it sank in tropical waters, the overall condition was well preserved.

Of course, the good preservation here refers to the fact that it has not been severely corroded by sea water, rather than the overall condition of the hull. If you look at the condition of the entire ship purely from the condition of the hull, it can be said to be miserable:

The entire ship was broken into three parts. According to the situation captured by the underwater robot, this should be caused by the direct tearing of the hull after being hit by a torpedo.

"Even during World War II, this Japanese merchant ship felt a little too fragile." As a professional soldier, especially a professional who is proficient in underwater demolition, Louis quickly saw the problem with this ship.

"This is quite reasonable. After all, this ship belongs to a batch of ships urgently manufactured by the Japanese during World War II. Those ships were very poor in terms of materials and manufacturing."

After all, the Japanese put all their resources into the military at that time, so a merchant ship like this that was not taken seriously, with defective raw materials and low-level workers, resulted in a bunch of defective products.

Although these defective products do not look much different from those qualified ships, the difference between those high-quality ships and inferior goods can be clearly revealed after being attacked.

For example, some well-made ships can still survive a hail of bullets after withstanding many hits, but if it is a poorly made ship, it is likely that the ship will be directly broken from the keel.

"We can use a crane to lift these things from the seabed directly from the stern. After all, the water depth where the ship sank is only a little more than 21m." The captain said after a simple measurement.

At this time, several divers who were about to go out for salvage maneuvered two small boats to the surface, and then started the first round of underwater search in the small boats.

Because they had learned to dive in the United States before, Liang En and Jeanne also put on a complete set of diving equipment to prepare for diving. Of course, unlike other divers, two white knight security personnel would follow them.

The scenery under the water was completely different from that on the surface. Groups of fish that Liang En could not recognize swam past their eyes, making the ocean full of life.

As they continued to dive, the surrounding environment also became darker. However, because the environment of this sea area was excellent and the overall transparency was good, when they arrived at the bottom of the sea, they found that the brightness around them was far beyond their imagination.

Even without the need for additional lighting equipment, he could easily see what was more than ten meters away, which meant that their excavation work would progress much faster than imagined.

Soon, several people came to the damaged cabin. Because the entire ship was broken from it, they went directly to the cargo warehouse to start investigation.

The first thing that appeared in front of him were some wooden boxes. Some of these wooden boxes were still in the hull, but others were scattered around. However, there didn't seem to be many of them. They were probably from the holes during the explosion. Zhongfei is everywhere.

However, most of the remaining wooden boxes seemed to be relatively well preserved, but they had been damaged due to long-term immersion on the seabed. After opening the box, a bunch of black rectangular objects the size of soap fell out.

"What is this?" Looking at this strange solid piece, Liang En subconsciously reached out to fish it out. When his hand touched it, he found that although the shape of this thing remained its original shape, it was actually completely rotten like the box.

The same was true for several surrounding boxes. After each box was opened, it contained the same solid block, even the same size. In desperation, they could only search deeper into the cabin.

Thanks to the explosion when the ship sank, the bulkheads of many ships had been completely torn apart, so they could easily inspect those ship cabins one by one.

However, after entering the deeper cabins, they found that the situation had not changed. Those cabins were also filled with boxes of this type, but because of the warehouses inside, the number seemed to be far greater than the number in the damaged warehouse city. More.

"This should be natural rubber, but it will definitely be worthless after being soaked under the sea for decades." After they almost ran out of oxygen and I boarded the boat on the surface, a sailor looked at the things they had picked up and said arrive.

"These things don't have any salvage value. If these are the only things in this place, I think we should be able to go home soon."

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