Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 713 Reaching the Destination

Because this is a tropical area, Liang En and the others have not seen any dead bodies of Japanese soldiers in this boat. This is good news from any angle.

Liang Endu retained some respect for most of the deceased people. For example, he would properly place most of the remains found during the excavation process.

But the corpse of the Japanese is another matter. For example, if he had not considered that the bones of the Japanese in the cave could show that the Japanese were so cruel that they would not even spare his own people, he would have thrown away those bones. Went into the woods.

However, in the video that was edited afterwards, Liang En made a close-up of those bones, and then took a moment to show his audience how cruel the Japanese invaders were back then.

And now thanks to the location of this location in the tropical sea all kinds of life are very active. Therefore, no human remains could be found at the ruins of this ship, which saved Liang En some trouble.

So in the following time, everyone began to count the situation in the cabin. At this time, Liang En avoided the eyes of others and came to the rear of the cabin, and then found an open space to release the previous golden Buddha.

Everything went very smoothly next. The golden Buddha was tightly wrapped and floated out of the water with an air bag and placed in the cabin. Then at Liang En's suggestion, they stopped the salvage work and headed south to Cambodia. The Sihanoukville port drove past.

This golden Buddha was reprocessed. Prior to this, Liang En had used two [Repair (N)] cards to restore the two jars containing the relics.

After using the card this time, the two jars of extraordinary power returned to their previous sealed state, and were even more sealed than before, ensuring that there would be no problems at the bottom of the sea.

However, this is just a layer of insurance that Liang En subconsciously made. After all, it is said in Buddhist scriptures that the relics are strong and immortal. This is why Liang En dared to open the stone jar without much protection before.

"Why do you think there's something wrong with the way those people on the boat look at me now?" As the boat headed northwest, Liang En asked Joan of Arc on the deck of the boat. "I feel like there's a special kind of respect in their eyes now."

"I think this is because you have a bottom line." Joan of Arc smiled and said, "After all, from a legal perspective, this golden Buddha belongs to you, but you are willing to return it to the owner of these things."

"Isn't this what it should be?" Liang En said with a smile. "After all, this thing represents the past of a nation. Even if it is legal to take these things and keep them for yourself, it is not a good idea."

"But don't forget that the gold statue weighs five or six tons." Joan of Arc smiled and said, "At least for most people, the price of pure gold is already an astronomical figure."

"But the problem is that I don't lack the money now." Liang En said with a smile. "If I had no money, I might struggle with this, but now the wealth I have allows me to say that I am the wealth, not that the wealth is my master."

Considering the importance of this matter, Liang En quickly contacted several Irish diplomats he knew by satellite phone, and then asked them to contact Cambodia.

Unexpectedly, the communication was very smooth, not like the style of Southeast Asian countries at all. Maybe because the national religion of this country is Buddhism, so Liang En learned from the Irish Embassy in Cambodia while the ship was still at sea. affirmative answer.

"Mr. Liang, I will pick you up at the pier of Sihanoukville Port after you dock. I will be accompanied by representatives from Cambodia and the religious community."

During the satellite phone call, the Irish Ambassador to Cambodia told Liang En about the upcoming arrangements. It could be heard that he was a little excited now. At least for him, this is probably the most important thing in his position as Cambodian Ambassador. .

But this is normal. Although according to international rules, all countries are equal regardless of their size, in fact, different countries have different priorities when dealing with international affairs.

For example, Ireland's diplomatic focus is on the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, so the country's core diplomacy also revolves around these countries. Naturally, it is impossible to pay much attention to non-key countries.

This is especially true for countries like Cambodia. For this country, which at least half of the Irish people may have never heard of, Ireland basically has no interests in this place, so the diplomats naturally have nothing to do.

Therefore, after receiving the call from Liang En and the others, the ambassador immediately went straight to the Prime Minister's Office to discuss the matter and resolved the matter with an efficiency that was completely un-Southeast Asian.

This is naturally a good thing for Liang En, because it means that as long as their ship sails to Sihanoukville Port and there are dockers behind it, it can save a lot of work and ensure safety.

Finally, after several days of traveling at sea, Liang En and his ship sailed quietly into Sihanoukville Port, and then docked at a pier under the command of the port management staff.

There were already many people waiting for them on the pier. These people included monks in red clothes, soldiers wearing helmets, dark green military uniforms with gold tassels, and many officials in suits.

"This is His Majesty the King's attendant. He is the person in charge of Cambodia today." When Liang Enshun's gangplank arrived at the pier, the Irish ambassador to Cambodia introduced the officer beside him to Liang Enshun.

"Nice to meet you. I'll leave the rest to you." Liang En shook hands with the middle-aged officer, and then took the lead and led the officer and several monks to the bottom of the ship.

"Here is what I found on the Japanese transport ship before." Liang En said looking at the national attendant and the monk behind him. "There is a mechanism on the chest of the Buddha statue. There is a stone jar with relics inside."

This news obviously shocked the two Cambodian officials. For a country that uses Buddhism as its state religion, religious relics of this level will inevitably trigger important repercussions.

So during the subsequent transportation work, Liang En found that those people looked much more nervous than before. At least judging from the current situation, those who came up to handle the transportation could clearly see the tension with the naked eye.

Fortunately, despite being nervous, the work on these people's hands was not too bad, so with the help of the equipment on the dock, they successfully transported the Buddha statue to a vehicle.

Then, with the military band playing, the vehicle carrying the Buddha statue drove towards the outside of the port. There were a group of monks and soldiers escorting him around.

"Your Excellency, His Majesty the King asked me to invite you to travel in Cambodia for a while." Just as the vehicle transporting the golden Buddha and relics was driving towards the outside of the port area, the attendant extended an invitation to Liang En .

I don't think there is anything strange about inviting Liang En. After all, the things he returned to Cambodia this time can be called Cambodia's national treasures, so the other party must make some kind of response.

But what the final response will be depends on what these Cambodians think in the end. All Liang En can do is wait quietly.

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