This canonization should be expected for Liang En. After all, the Cambodian items he donated are indeed from the royal family's cultural relics from the Khmer era and can be regarded as Cambodia's national treasures, so it is very reasonable to receive the title of Lord.

However, this time their speed was far beyond Liang En's expectation, because it only took a week from the beginning to now, and it would be too strange to be able to complete the process anyway.

Fortunately, the attendant told Liang En that his situation this time was a special one. After all, both the heaviest golden Buddha and the Buddha's relics have caused a huge sensation in Cambodia, so this aspect can be said to be unprecedented. Very fast.

The title of this title is only part of the reward. In addition to the commendation, the most important reward is the financial investment license given to Liang En. In other words, Liang En is now allowed to make financial investments in Cambodia.

Of course, there are restrictions on these investments. For example, although he is now allowed to open a bank in Cambodia, his business is restricted and he is only allowed to carry out business with individuals and small and micro enterprises.

In other words, he can only open half of the bank now. The most profitable business of large enterprises and issuing credit cards is not in his hands, so the profit margin will be lower than that of other banks.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing. After all, the bank in Liang En's hands is just a small bank. Directly facing those big banks or financial institutions to compete in these businesses is definitely a dead end.

Therefore, the current situation can be regarded as meeting Liang En's needs: first lay a solid foundation to determine his core business, and then develop for a period of time before considering the subsequent business expansion.

Anyway, according to Liang En's plan, even without these restrictions, his business in Cambodia will mainly focus on personal and small and micro enterprise loans. After all, this country is basically a blue ocean in this regard.

Because Cambodia has completely opened up to the outside world economically, and the country has developed rapidly in recent years, major global financial institutions have also established branches here.

However, with the development of the economy and the influx of a large amount of international hot money, most foreign institutions are concentrated in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville Port, and few people focus on agricultural areas and rural areas.

This gave Liang En and the others a very good opportunity, especially since his bank used to mainly provide loans to individuals and small and micro enterprises in agriculture, so now it can be said that the business is just right.

At the private banquet hosted by the royal family later, Liang En also discussed this situation with representatives of the royal family, and the other party expressed approval of Liang En's wish to invest in agriculture.

Although this country is developing some new industries, such as taking over the manufacturing industry currently flowing out of China and developing tourism, the actual foundation of this country is still agriculture.

Therefore, after Liang En said that the core of his bank planned to assist agricultural production, the representative of the royal family naturally agreed very much and said that if he encountered certain problems, he could respond directly to him.

During the banquet, the representative also asked Liang En whether he planned to do this in other aspects, such as agriculture or manufacturing, but Liang En declined.

After all, extending business into new businesses is a very complicated matter. If you are involved in business without adequate preparation, losing money is the only way out.

Therefore, in this relatively formal occasion, Liang En naturally did not dare to make empty promises, otherwise he would be ruined if he left a persona that was good at telling lies.

After the series of events in the palace ended, Liang En and the others quickly went to a newly rented hotel in Phnom Penh, and then met Elizabeth who came from the United States.

"My Lord, you really will add tasks to me." After listening to Liang En's explanation, Elizabeth raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said, "But you are right, this is indeed a good opportunity for us. "

Unlike Jeanne who chose to be by Liang En's side, Elizabeth, who likes to be on her own, adapted to modern times much faster than Jeanne after going out to act independently, so now she looks no different from an elite white-collar worker.

"Do you also think this is a good opportunity?" Liang En asked curiously. "I just felt that the situation in this place coincided with our business direction, so I made this decision."

"That means you are indeed lucky." Elizabeth Bathory nodded and said. "For us, U.S. financial markets are almost saturated."

"So in my previous long-term plan, if we limited our market to the United States, we would probably have a dead end. After all, American financial institutions have also entered a period of annexing each other, and we do not have an advantage."

"Therefore, outward development has become an inevitable direction, but the current financial integration has made the next step of target selection a bit troublesome."

"Fortunately, your recent practices in Southeast Asia have allowed us to finally find a good opportunity to open up the Southeast Asian market. After all, the reputation of financial industries like ours that faces grassroots personnel is very important, and now we have a good reputation in Southeast Asia."

For Liang En and his bank's future core personal and small and micro enterprise loan business in Southeast Asia, reputation is not important. Otherwise, if future customers don't know about it, it will be difficult to carry out the business.

In fact, at the beginning, after discussing with Liang En, Elizabeth and Liang En decided to establish a foothold in the Philippines first, and then expand the industry to surrounding countries with the Philippines as the center.

But now the situation has obviously changed significantly, and the market is obviously much larger than previously expected, so they must overturn the original plan and make a new plan.

Fortunately, Liang En had found hundreds of tons of silver before, and then showed his face well in the country of Cambodia, so it was not difficult to solve new problems.

The biggest problem lies in the personnel. After all, they don't have many people. Even after this period of fundraising and training, the existing manpower can only support the operation of three banks.

The only thing worth celebrating is that because we considered that it might be lagging behind, our previous training must have been focused on this aspect, so whether it is launched in the Philippines or Cambodia, it is not a big problem.

After a brief discussion, Liang En and the others decided to transfer two of the three banks originally located in the Philippines to Cambodia. After all, from the perspective of future development, Cambodia is obviously more valuable.

"But where do you plan to place the two banks in Cambodia?" After determining the general direction, Elizabeth asked the most critical question. "Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville?"

"No, of course not." Liang En shook his head and said, "These two places are the most prosperous places in the country, but they are not suitable for us."

"So I decided to choose these two places." Liang En said, taking out his mobile phone, then opening the electronic map and finding two locations in northern Cambodia. "Compared to Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh, this is where we start. It’s better.”

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